§It Started with an Argument§

By Muirnin Cocan

Disclaimer: I neither own nor claim any other rights in the characters and other concepts created for Glee. I make no money, nor do I seek any commercial advantage from this work. As such it constitutes "Fair Use" as defined in 17 U.S.C. §107. FAIR USE " Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

Author's Note: Yes LADY LUNA … here's another one … Why oh WHY couldn't I write this much when I as doing Harry and Hermione fics! Oh well … BE FORWARNED … This is a Hummelberry ROMANTIC story … anything Glee related belongs to Ryan Murphy & et al. and Fox … and remember … I am an addict when it comes to reviews … I beg of you … FEED MY ADDICTION … its better for the body then some of the vices out there …

Oh Dear … the characters have taken over the keyboard and this is starting to write itself … I think it may end up multi-chaptered … Oh what is a writer supposed to do …


It wasn't the first time that Rachel had done something that had upset Kurt to the point that they stopped talking … but it was the first time that even if they argued that she didn't come home … Kurt paced the floor wondering where she was and thinking about what she had said … what she had done.

She had spent money that they really didn't need to spend on a car … She said she was tired of taking the subway or bus to get to the theater and so she had decided to get a car. He hadn't even seen it yet and already didn't like it … All he knew was that it was paid in full and fully insured …

It wasn't that they had a whole lot of bills that were overdue since they were both getting paid well … at both the diner, with the band and then her at the theater and him with … he had already gone from Intern to paid personal assistant … of course he had heard the grumblings from some of the other interns … claiming that he had Isabelle wrapped around his little finger … but he knew the way it went …

He had actually come up with a number of great ideas for the website and also showed Isabelle some of his brand new designs … She was STILL trying to convince him to go to the Fashion Institute of Technology … even after he got his degree in Theater … she still thought he should get his degree in Fashion … and although Rachel had loved having him at NYADA with her … she had privately agreed with Isabelle that Kurt was very gifted with fashion … even though she herself had reverted back from Slutty Barbie to badly dressed toddler after Finn passed away …

No the entire argument had been the fact that Rachel had done something on her own and didn't even consult Kurt … and THAT is what really pissed him off. As it started to get dark he began worrying … and that is when he began to call … so far he had left 23 messages and sent 46 texts trying to find out where she was … Of course he knew she wouldn't respond to any of them after what had happened to Quinn a few years ago … but still …

He ran downstairs to their neighbor's apartment who said if he ever needed a vehicle that he had one that Kurt could use … well vehicle was subjective as what he had was a motorcycle … but Kurt looked at it as a challenge … having been around anything with tires his entire live thanks to his dad … He knew how to ride one safely and was also licenced. He also knew he looked good in leather …

He grabbed his utility bag with some tools and other survival gear such as duct tape and headed out. He tried to think where she would have gone … so he first headed to the theater but it was closed up … then thought about NYADA but it was after hours as well. He called Santana and she said that Rachel was heading home … but Rachel had always called New York City home since they had gone to see Grease at McKinley …

On a chance he called Hiram and asked him if he had heard from Rachel.

"Yeah she called about six hours ago … said that she was coming home for a while … Kurt what happened … she sounded upset." Hiram asked.

"She bought a car and didn't tell me about it first and then we got into an argument. I had only meant that it would be a good idea to get the car checked out first … before she bought it … anyway … I am heading towards Lima … I'll see if I can catch up to her … if she gets there let her know I am on my way and please let her know I have the blue tooth on and want to talk."

"I will … I would head your way but as you know I don't drive … and LeRoy is in Akron for a meeting. Be safe … and don't rush … Rachel will be fine." Hiram said confident sounding. Of course … he was a nervous wreck … his baby girl was alone on the road and not answering her phone … He immediately called LeRoy to let him know what was happening with their baby girl … even at 27 years old she would ALWAYS be their baby girl.

Kurt had gassed up and started heading on the normal route that they traveled when they had rented a car and drove to Lima … figuring that she would have followed that same path … but then he remembered there was that one time that she had taken a wrong turn and ended up in the middle of nowhere … He wondered if she had done the same exact thing this time.

Going on his instincts Kurt took the turn to no where … and soon found about half way to their destination a car sitting by the side of the road … with the driver trying to get a signal on her phone … smiling to himself he pulled up behind her and walked to the drivers side and knocked softly on the window. She looked up and even in the dark she could tell who it was … she rolled down the window.

"How did you know I had broken down?" Rachel asked.

"Seriously … you are asking ME that … I have know you for a lot of years Rachel and if anyone was going to have car trouble it would be you … and why you may ask … you have lived with someone who has spent their entire life around cars … but is not 'into' cars … come on now … why do you think I wanted to check the car out before you bought it … that was the only reason I was mad … now let's get you to pop the hood and let me take a look …

While she was popping the hood of the car Kurt had pulled out a pair of coveralls that he only wore for the really messy things and put them on over the leathers he wore.

He took the ball cap out of his bag and put it on backwards then went to work under the hood … periodically having Rachel turn the key so he could hear the sound that was going on.

He'd go to his bag and pull something out and crank on something else … finally he disconnected all of the plug wires, took out the spark plugs and readjusted the spacings … then tucked them all back together again. Still the car wouldn't start … Kurt then went to the back of the car and got down on his back and looked at the gas tank … there underneith was a small hole … small enough to lose enough gas so that she would be out sooner than they thought.

"Honey … when was the last time you bought gas?" Kurt hollared up front.

"Only about 40 miles ago … filled it up … why …" Rachel answered.

"Turn the key and tell me what the gas tank registers at …" Kurt asked her …

"This can't be right … its saying I am out of gas! I filled the tank up!" Rachel was on the verge of crying …

"Ok let's get you somewhere you can rest … I need to get a tow truck out here so we need to get to somewhere that there is a phone signal …" Kurt said jotting down the licence plate number and the mile marker in his notebook.

"You want me to ride that with you?" Rachel asked looking at the motorcycle with wariness.

"Well it's either that or I leave you here … we are still about 300 miles from Lima … so I am not driving you all the way to your Dads and coming back … I mean seriously if I was going to do that I would get the tow truck from Dad's shop and bring it back and take the car to his shop." Kurt commented

"Why don't we do that … I mean I know it's an additional 10 hours both ways but it would probably be best to get it into Burt's shop … I mean … that is sort of where I was heading before I broke down … I wanted Burt to check out the car for me …" Rachel said sheepishly.

"Dad taught me everything I know about cars Rach … I could have saved you the trip …" Kurt said mentally kicking himself for pulling a told you so without saying it …

"I didn't know you knew about cars … it's such a guy thing and you aren't much into guy stuff …" Rachel said "I'm sorry?"

"You are forgiven … that's all I really needed to hear … Come on … lets get you warmed up and get you fed … when he looked in the car he had seen a few empty bottle waters and some vegan snack food …

They pulled into a motel and Kurt got a room for them for the night. He called Rachel's dads and let them know where they were and what he had found out about the car. He figured if he could get the car into a shop that the gas tank could be repaired other than that the car seemed to be alright.

He called his dad's shop and Burt was in town and explained about the car and the gas tank needing work … his dad told him that he would be out in a few hours with the tow truck and bring it back to Lima … He then called their neighbor and told him what had happened when he found Rachel … his neighbor had laughed and told him if it's the guy I am thinking of then he knew what happened and that Rachel had bought the car from and she was not the first one that had been taken by him …

His neighbor told him that he was sorry that Rachel got used that way … to make up for it he was going to give Kurt the motorcycle in exchange for Kurt doing some work on some of the vehicles that they had … he also told Kurt that he was going to let the guy know about the car and see if he could get some of Rachel's money back … at least to help pay for the replacement of the gas tank.

Kurt agreed … didn't bother telling their neighbor that it wouldn't cost him anything … thanks to his Dad.

"Is everything alright?" Kurt asked when he walked back into the room and saw the sobbing girl on the bed staring at the phone in her hand.

"I'm so sorry Kurt … I am so sorry …" Rachel sobbed.

Kurt then realized that she MUST have listend to or read some of the messages … and he cringed as he realized that some of them were rather toxic.

"No I'm sorry Rach I shouldn't have taken my anger out on your voice mail …" He said as he came over and gathered her into his arms. She was worn out … it had been a long and eventful day and she just couldn't take much more. "I bought us a veggie pizza from Dominos … you need to eat something … then you are going to go in take a hot bath or shower or whatever they have here … and then you are going to go to bed."

Rachel nodded then kissed Kurt on the cheek. "Thanks for forgiving me Kurt …"

"There's nothing to forgive … Pizza first … then while we eat you can tell me all about your misadventures today." Kurt teased.

As they ate Rachel had calmly told him about the car and the fact that it was almost like the one she had back home … except this one was a few years older … she said that she had remembered the wrong turn that she had done before but honestly thought she had not taken it … but when the car broke down in the middle of no where Pennsylvania … she knew she had done something wrong especially when she saw a sign for Altoona straight ahead … she KNEW that was wrong. The next road marker was supposed to be for Debois …

"Lets just agree no more one person road trips … ever …" Kurt said.

"Agreed … but I do like the car … at least while its running." Which caused Kurt to burst out laughing.

"I'm sure you do honey … Ok, Dad's going to be here in the morning … with the tow truck … I will have him follow me on the bike … you can either ride pillon again or you can ride with him … that will be your choice …" Kurt said.

"Ride with you … that way I have a reason to put my arms around you for a long time …" Rachel said.

"Like you even need a reason you goof ball. Maybe I will teach you to ride the motorcycle and then I can ride pillon with you and have my arms around you the whole way …" he added.

"That sounds like fun … so we now have a car and a motorcycle … maybe we need a trailer as well … then we won't use so much gas to get back home …" Rachel responded.

"Actually we already have one back at the shop … Don't you remember that trailer that dad had used to bring all of our stuff out from Ohio … that's mine I bought it when I had sold my SUV … we just didn't have anywhere to park it in the city …" Kurt explained.

After Rachel had gone through and taken her shower as well as done as much of a moisturizing treatment that she could in these primative conditions … Kurt took his turn. There fact that there was only being one bed was not anything new to the roomates as they frequently shared a bed for sleeping … their relationship was monogomistic while they weren't married … they also neither one of them had dated anyone not since Finn died and Blaine had broken Kurt's heart again by moving to California to go to Medical School out there.

As Kurt laid in the bed with Rachel tucked firmly into his arms he realized that she was the only one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with … he kissed her on the temple and whispered goodnight … then slowly fell asleep as well.

When his phone rang several hours later it was his dad who had gone out to where the car was and towed it back to the motel and he was giving fair warning that he was coming to the motel room door. Kurt looked at how it would look to his dad that both he and Rachel were in the same bed then shook his head … after all these years he had to know that they had shared a bed before … possibly not dressed in so little …

The knocking on the door alerted him and he shook Rachel awake telling her that Dad was there. Rachel's eyes widened and dressed only in her underwear she scurried to the bathroom to change into what she wore the day before. Kurt grabbed his leather pants and threw them on as he answered the door.

"Hi Dad …" Kurt said giving his dad a hug.

"Hi son … Where's Rachel … Ah there she is" Burt asked and her coming out of the bathroom with a toothbrush going in her mouth was answer enough.

"Hi Burt … sorry we are just waking up …" Rachel responded giving the older man a big hug "I'll be ready in a minute. Kurt can you get me some coffee when you get yours?"

Burt just watched the interaction between the two … he had thought of Rachel as a daughter type since long before Finn had died … "Don't worry about that I am taking the pair of you to breakfast."

"Great … let me just get myself going Dad and then we can be off … We are already to check out since we didn't have anything with us … persay" Kurt responded.

"By the way Rachel … cute little car … sort of reminds me of that one you had back in high school …" Burt commented

"I know that's what I told Kurt … but he's also got a motorcycle now too … I think I am going to need to get it fitted with a tow bar though …" Rachel said.

"Why a tow bar … planning on a camping trip?" Burt asked while Kurt was in the bathroom.

"Well we will need to get both vehicles back home to Bushwick and since my dads' bought the building we live in we actually have access to the underground parking without charge … which is nice since parking in New York is a nightmare normally … but now we will be able to park the car, the motorcycle as well as the trailer …" Rachel reasoned "Best of the strange situation of course … How are you doing? How's Carole?"

"Carole is doing really well … she is still out in Washington DC … she's gotten involved with some of the other Congress spouses regarding education and health reform … I think it's a wonderful thing she is doing … By the way she said something about you and Kurt possibly singing at one of our fund raisers?" Burt mentioned.

"Just let us know the time and place … I'm sure that Pamela Lansbury will be wonderful for whatever event that you are having." Rachel said mentally putting into her schedule.

"Well actually from what Carole had said it would just be you and Kurt and not the entire band …" Burt clarified.

"Oh alright well we can do that … its been awhile since Kurt and I have performed by ourselves well other than what I've done with Funny Girl, Oklahoma and Evita … But sure … no worries" Rachel said.

"No worries about what?" Kurt asked as he came out of the bathroom all decked out in his leathers.

"Your dad was just telling me that you and I and not the band are going to be doing a benefit concert?" Rachel said. "It's been quite awhile since we sang a duet together … I mean not with that band that is."

"Oh so that's what Carole meant … Ok, well I am sure that Satan, Dani and Elliott won't mind … not sure what we will sing … we'll discuss it … I'm sure you have a bunch of ideas … But it will wait … well untill we get home …" Kurt said … "Now I NEED coffee … may we go now?"

"I'll meet you kids down at the diner on the other side of the office." Burt said as he quickly power walked towards the diner. Both Kurt and Rachel's eyes opened wide in surprise.

"What's up with that? He usually waits for us to walk with him" Rachel mentioned.

"He probably is giving us a chance to say good morning to each other privately" Kurt smiled "Here give me a hug then we can go get breakfast."

"I love your hugs …" Rachel said as she squeezed him back "It's the best part of my morning. I'm sorry again for …"

"Remember what I said … you are already forgiven … besides … now we know … any big investments we do as a team and not a sole purchase." Kurt said.

"Unless it's a present for the other one?" Rachel asked hopefully.

"Anything that costs that much … I've already got covered" He said as he kissed her on the nose. "Let's go before Dad starts ordering stuff that he shouldn't." Taking her hand they walked to the diner and found where Burt was already seated along with two additional cups of coffee.

"Oh Bless you Burt …" Rachel said as she took the hot cup of coffee and tested the taste. "Not as good as Kurt makes but its not bad."

"You kids amaze me … you have been living together for nearly 8 years and its like you are already married … I never could have done this with my best friend." Burt casually mentioned.

"Dad … you married your best friend … twice even … as in Mom … and then you repeated it a decade later when you married Carole …" Kurt said. "Rachel and I are very happy living together … except when we fight which isn't that often."

"Only when I do something extremely stupid or thoughtless" Rachel added.

"Which isn't as often as it was in High School …" Kurt continued.

"But we do enjoy living together … I don't think I could be this happy with anyone else … and I do include Finn with that remark … all these years later … I am glad that we didn't get married either time … As much as I had loved him … its not the same as what its been like with Kurt." Rachel said honestly. Kurt reached over and squeezed her hand.

"Same goes for Blaine … but I can't imagine what living with Blaine would have been like … but then I can't imagine what not living with Rachel would be like either …"

Burt listened to them as they talked about their living arrangements and just was amazed. He knew of people who would only get married just for the tax write offs … and here were these two who weren't getting married only because his son was gay … if you could call being in love with a woman as gay … there was only one relationship in his son's life and she was his life partner and was sitting right next to him …

"You know kids … with as long as you both have lived together … you know in some states … you could be considered common law spouses … like Alabama, Colorado, Kansas, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Iowa, Montana, Utah or Texas … of course you don't live in any of those states where it's legal … so if this was any other couple I was talking to … I would probably tell you to just get married … make it legal …" Burt said casually hoping they would take the bait "But I know you both have your own way of doing things … but remember … if you do decide to give me some grandkids … make it legal …"

"DAD! … we have never done … that …" Kurt said completely shocked where this conversation went. "I know you want grandkids … someday … and I know you and Carole thought it would be Finn and Rachel that gave them to you … but really?"

"Burt that is a wonderful thought but … ummm … after Finn died … I decided to just not get involved with anyone anymore … don't want to get hurt again." Rachel said still feeling the comfort of Kurt's hand tucked into hers.

"Fine … I won't say anymore …" Burt agreed … But internally he knew that was where these two were headed … it was just a matter of time …

The rest of breakfast went without any other uncomfortable discussions … which pleased Kurt and Rachel to know end. Kurt had thought about what his dad had been saying to them about making things legal between them … but he also was unsure of himself since he didn't even know if he would ever be able to consummate a relationship with her.

He did love her though … he had since high school … to what extreme did he love her that he was completely unsure of. Never the less … one day they would have an honest conversation about their relationship … he never thought of her as a hag as many would call a woman who spent all her time with a guy that was gay … to him she was his significant other … his partner … ah hell … she was his wife … in all but sex and name.

By the time they finished breakfast Burt walked them outside "Is there anything you need from your car Rachel before I take off with it? The weather between here and Lima is not bad …"

"Just my coat … that should do me for the ride … Oh I need a helmet …" Rachel said as she was grabbing her long wool coat from the back seat of the car.

"We will pick one up before we leave town …" Kurt assured her … while he had let her wear his helmet last night he was not comfortable with driving 5 more hours without one … anything could happen.

"Ok, you got plenty of money on you Kurt?" Burt asked for the 5th time.

"Yes Dad … I also have my credit cards and Rachel has hers as well … don't worry …" Kurt said with a smile … he always loved how concerned his dad would get … even when he was 28 years old …

Giving hugs all the way around they watched as Burt took the tow truck and headed back to Lima …

"You know he still makes me feel like I am that 8 year old boy who lost his mother …" Kurt said as he wrapped an arm around Rachel as they walked towards the nearest store.

"My dads' always treat me the same way … I mean they bought our building just because I didn't want them paying my rent anymore … I will always be their little girl … and believe it or not … Shelby does the same thing … trying to protect me and guide me and all that MOM stuff she didn't get to do when I was little." Rachel said then added "Kurt when did we get so old?"

"You aren't old honey … we are just two people who have lived very detailed lives … I'm sure there is not a thing about you that I don't know … and same goes for you about me … Its just the way that we have always been." Kurt said.

"Have you thought about what your dad was talking about at breakfast?" Rachel broached the subject.

"About getting married … honestly … yes I have … I mean … I was engaged to marry Blaine years ago … but sweetie I know I am gay … but at this point in time there is no person other than you that I want to spend the rest of my life with … but to be totally honest with you … a marriage also needs a physical aspect to it that I am not sure I can give …" Kurt said quietly "But I do love you very much … anyway … lets find you a helmet … maybe a nice bright pink one that screams diva." He laughed.

They found the local motorcycle shop in the main mall and went to look at all the helmets. They found a Vega helmet that had a bluetooth built into it and had swirls of pink, black and white … it was a bit pricey but it was well worth it …

After making their purchases and getting back on the bike they headed to the nearest gas station to fill up the bike. Kurt had also purchased saddle bags for the bike so they had somewhere to stow their purchases and belongings.

"You ready to go Rachel?" Kurt asked as he had climbed onto the bike.

"Yeah … almost … I just want to try one thing …" Rachel said and moved as close to Kurt as she possibly could and then kissed him on the mouth for the very first time … with as much love and passion as she possessed. Kurt was surprised by this but found he quite enjoyed it … and returned the kiss with the same furvor as it was given.

When they finally broke the kiss she looked at him and smiled "I'm ready when you are …"

"And you expect me to drive now? After you did that? You are so evil Rachel Berry …" Kurt smiled at the memory of the kiss "alright you proved your point …"

Rachel wrapped her arms around him and one hand went downwards and felt what she wanted to find … "Yes I do see that I did indeed make my point … of this demonstration …" she leaned up and whispered into his ear "As I said I am ready any time you are …"

"I'm sure you are … but let's not do this out on the road … I would much rather wait until tonight … when we have a bed and can … er … discuss this like adults." Kurt kissed her again then put his helmet on … and she secured hers … Her coat a long woolen duster style coat and it was blowing back behind her as she had her arms wrapped around Kurt as they took off.

They drove for about 2 hours and then they stopped at one of the rest stops along the way. Kurt had put Rachel up front and began showing her how the motorcycle worked … and started giving her instructions on how to ride it …

Rachel being a quick learner had gotten the hang of it quite well so they decided that they would see how she did for a little while. Kurt was careful not to distract her by teasing her the way she had teased him … he knew that was an accident waiting to happen.

About an hour outside of Lima they changed positions again but before they put their helmets back on Kurt kissed her deeply and told her that they would need to figure out which house they would sleep at …

At Rachel's it would be show tunes with her Dads until the wee hours of the morning and they possibly would let them share a bed … but nothing more.

At Kurt's there would be no sharing of beds … well at least he didn't think so … given the conversation that very morning … that might have changed. They would have to see when they got to the house.

Rachel sat behind Kurt again wrapping her arms around his waist and lay her head on his back. She felt as the cycle was revved up and they started to move.

It was about 15 minutes later that the sky went from sunny with clear blue skys to pitch black as night and pouring down rain.

Kurt turned the cycle off the side of the road and hid under the canopy of trees. It felt strange when they got off the bike they suddenly saw a flash like lightening and then the pouring rain continued … however the motorcycle, their helmets and everything including the clothes that they wore had changed.

Kurt stared at Rachel and the expression on his face told her everything … that he had no clue as to what happened.