This is a new fanfiction that I have work and thought about and I thought this one will come good and yes, it will mostly be about Bunnymund. I have thought the plot through and it will have some parts from How to Train Your Dragon
So, here we are and here we go!
Rise of the Guardians: Knight of the Wind.
Ch.1 Meeting Wind
The calm cool breeze was refreshing as the winter was soon coming to an end. A young winter spirit flew around; doing the last of the frost and snow before leaving to the upper parts where Winter was needed.
It was Jack Frost.
It had been almost three years since he had become a Guardian and for the most part, he had just got along with everyone and yes, even Bunnymund. Sure, they bicker every now and then, but it's to show their friendship in some way.
And Jack makes sure to stay out of his way and Bunny does the same with Jack.
In fact, just a few days ago when he visit him in the Warren, he had learn things from Bunny that he never knew about. First of all, Bunny told him that he can create plant life and flowers since he represents spring.
Also, he had three names, but everyone stopped calling him 'Aster' and everyone kept calling them Bunnymund or Bunny. He didn't tell Jack what the 'E' stands for in his name, thinking that it wasn't the right time to tell him just yet.
His full name was E. Aster Bunnymund.
Here, he thought that Bunny was an over work-aholic rabbit because of Easter, but he underestimated Bunnymund.
Jack flew around the forest near California, spreading the last of his frost and snow until next winter-
A big white of blurred fluff passed by him at top speed.
"Whoa!" Jack looked over as the creature flew through the bushes away from him. He wondered; what was that? Well, standing here in mid-air isn't going to help.
Jack flew after the creature. It was no way that it could be one of Pitch's nightmares, since Pitch has never left the lair after the his own nightmares turned against him and dragged him to his lair.
Jack flew pass the trees; the wind giving him the boost so that he can catch up to the creature.
After a few minutes of non-stop of flying at top speed through the forest without resting, Jack comes to a gorge. It barely got touched from Winter at all, the trees and branches still having the healthy green and this place was warm, but cool at the same time; making it the right temperature for Jack to relax. There was also a small stream and lake.
There was a thing of vegetable pile, mostly carrots, lettuce and cabbages.
What lives here-
A white blur of fur flew above; right infront of him as it flew up. Jack jumped a few feet away as he saw the creature; flying around, but something was off.
This creature was a flying creature of some sort. It's fur was white as snow, but it had markings on it's arms, back and it's forehead that was familiar to him. It's pure crimson red eyes were calm and yet there was anger in them at the same time. It had long rabbit like ears and had a face of a rabbit, including the hind legs.
The top part of it's wings were covered in fur, but the bottom part is leather as it was silvery; sparkling in the sunlight. It roars as it lands on the ground. Jack saw a good chance to look at the markings. The way it was it was so familiar to him and yet...he can't remember.
The markings on it's arms were swirled as if it was like wind itself. On it's forehead; it had a 'V' shape with a black diamond marking on top of the 'V'.
The creature now was getting a drink of water from the lake as it lapse the water with it's tongue. Jack was amazed of the creature-
He suddenly touched a rock as it rolled down the rocky parts; getting the creature's attention. It looks up to see Jack. Red eyes meets blue eyes. Jack cocked his head; making the creature do the same thing.
Jack then thought of a different approach.
Jack floated down and was only a few feet away from the creature as it sat on his haunches; glancing at Jack with wide eyes. The creature then stood up and walked to him; hurring at him. Jack stood still as the creature started to sniff Jack, his sweater, hands and his hair and face; the sniffing pushing his hair back and forth from the sniffing.
The creature then sat on his haunches; staring at him with curious eyes. One of his ears was down while the other one was up. Jack smiled. "You're not from around here are you?" Jack asked.
The creature shook his head no, making Jack stare at it surprised. "You can understand English language?" He asked; making the creature nod. Jack was amazed.
"...who and what are you?" He asked to himself; glancing at the creature from top to bottom. The creature closed his eyes and sighed in concentration, then opened them again to reveal a pure white.
The surroundings around them suddenly started to change and they were somewhere else. Jack glances around as he saw a village that was filled with life.
Jack realized something. "...this is a memory?"
The creature nodded. Jack then saw something that shocked him.
It was Bunnymund, but he looked a little younger. He looks right around Jack's age, well, teenager age to be precise. And he was walking beside another Pooka. This Pooka was pure black and he had white markings on him. He also had bright green eyes as he had a staff and his sash on him. He was older than Bunny.
"Aster, I need to talk to you about something." The older Pooka said, making Bunny stare at him. "What is it, pa?" He asked. So the black Pooka is his father? least he knows where he got his Tai-Chi moves at.
"Wind has not let any o' us near him. He's tha fastest Pooka Dragon in our tribe, and tha most intelligent. But fer tha past few weeks, he hasn't let anyone come near him. I want you ta go an' check on Wind, see what is wrong with him." His father asked.
Bunny look at his father a little nervously. "Uhh...ya sure that's a good idea...?" He asked, but making his father smirk softly. "Yer the only one that can handle animals very well, includin' the other Pooka Dragons, so the council thinks you can handle Wind as well." He said; placing a paw on his shoulder. Bunny thought about it for a moment, before nodding.
The memory soon changed to Bunny going to a part of the planet to see a gorge that had a view of a lake. Jack then saw 'Wind', who was the dragon that Jack was with. Jack glance at the dragon, who was Wind, and he nodded.
Bunny saw Wind growling and was pacing back and forth on part of the ground; by a lake. He then noticed Bunny and sniffed him slightly, but then growled; his fur standing up from his back and baring his teeth.
Bunny realized that it was his boomerang on his belt. He puts it down and scoots it away from him, making Wind ceasing his growl. He walked up to Bunny carefully and cautiously.
"...I won't hurt you." Bunny whispered; placing his paw forward to him. Wind sniffed his hand cautiously.
Wind then place Bunny's hand on his head; purring softly and letting him pet him, making Bunny smile and stroke Wind's head. "..told ya I wouldn't." He said.
Wind then looks up into the sky, then glancing at Bunny. He then turned around, his back showing to Bunny. Bunny realized what he wants to get on his back. "..ya sure?" He asked.
Wind gestured him to get on, snorting somewhat. Bunny gulped. "Well...if ya sure...then I'll do it." He said.
He got on Wind's back; settling between his shoulder blades. Wind slowly spread his feathery bat-like wings. He gulped as he gripped onto Wind's fur. Wind slowly crouched down and took off into the sky, passing by the other Pooka dragons at top speed; making them roar as if they were saying 'What the hell was that!?'.
Wind glance at the Pooka that was on his back; which his face was buried into the back of his neck. He reduced his speed so that Bunny could relax. Bunny then had the courage to look around; amazed from the view. He glance at Wind, who was smirking his 'dragon' grin at him.
"...this is amazin'." Bunny said. They were soon heading for a mountain; known for all Pooka Dragons and other Pookas. Wind slowly landed as they were at a monument for all beginning Pooka Dragon Riders.
As Bunny got off Wind's back, Wind went over and started to dig up something. Bunny cocked his head to the side. What is he doing? Wind then place a harnest and saddle that was armor for the Pooka Dragon. Bunny glance at him. "You...want me ta put this on you?" He asked.
Wind nods as he spread his wings; making it easier for him. It was hard for Bunny and it took him an hour, but he managed to adjust and place the armor and saddle on the Pooka Dragon.
Wind then sat infront of Bunny. "What?" He asked.
Wind then glance at the monument of a carving; showing a Pooka with a Pooka Dragon and ancient writing that Jack can't seem to make out. Bunny glance at the writing, then back at Wind.
"You...want me ta bond with you?"
Wind nods, then starting to walking up to him with wide eyes. Bunny place his paw out to him. Wind closed his eyes and place his muzzle on his paw; letting him pet him.
They felt the bond forming through their souls. Wind pull away to glance at him with wide eyes as he hurred. Bunny smiled; stroking Wind. "...want ta go flyin'?" He asked, making Wind wag with anticipation and excitement; also making Bunny laugh.
The memory ended there.
Jack glance at Wind, who was staring at him with sad eyes. Jack pets Wind; which he started to purr. " miss him, huh?" He asked.
Wind nodded. Jack smiled.
"...I know where your rider is." He said.
Wind's eyes went wide as he wagged with excitement and anticipation. He hurred as he jumped around with excitement; making Jack laugh. Jack then realized something.
"...I thought Bunny didn't like heights." He whispered to himself; making Wind snort. Jack smiled as he took off, Wind taking off after him at great speed, which surprised Jack and tried to keep with the Pooka Dragon.
They soon arrived at the Pole. Wind looks around as he lands; searching for his rider. Just as he was about to run through there, Jack pulled him back with his armor harnest.
"Hey, easy!" He said, making Wind snort and glare at him.
"I know that you are eager to see him and reunite with him, but the yeti's won't take your presence...well...I hope you like being chase around." He said, making Wind snort.
Jack sighed. "Just...stay here...I'll tell you when to come out." Jack said; making Wind sigh and sat down. Jack then went looking for the others. He looks everywhere for them, but just can't seem to find them. So, he has one last place to check: The Guardian Meeting room.
Jack opens to the door and surprisingly, the Guardians were there, including the one he was looking for answers: Bunnymund, the Guardian of Hope.
"Hey, Bunny." Jack said, his usual smirk on his face. Bunny took noticed of him and sighed.
"What do ya want, Frost...?" He asked, not really in the mood for his games. Sure, Jack's a good Guardian, but his pranks are another thing and it seems that he gets the most of it out of all the Guardians. He remembered how Jack dyed his fur into various of colors when Jack froze a part and he fell into one of his dye rivers and it took him a WEEK just to clean his fur from it.
Jack held his hands up in defense.
"Hey, take it easy. I just want to ask a question!" He said, his smirk on his face.
"No, yer not makin' a Winter Wonderland of my Warren." Bunny answered. Jack pouted. "How do you even know I was going to ask that?" Jack said, leaning against his winter staff. Bunny just glared at him.
"Knowin' you, you always seem ta pull yer little pranks on me than tha other Guardians an' I'm tired of it." He said, making Jack chuckle. "Well, it sounds a good idea, but that's not what I was going to ask." He said.
Bunny sighed; waiting for Jack to ask his question and to be done with. He has Easter to prepare for the children and he still have two MILLION eggs to finish up.
"...was there any creatures where you came from?"
That took Bunny by surprise. But come to think of it, he did tell Jack some of his past of the Pooka planet and yet, he never told him about 'them' of what they use in battle in the times.
"Well...yeh, there were, but they are extinct." He said. Jack leaned against his staff; hearing the story. Wind was still waiting for Jack to return or give him the signal. He sighed, thinking that this was tiresome and he wanted to reunite with his rider.
"...Pooka Dragons."
The others stare at him confused. "A what?" North asked, Sandy having a sand question mark above his head. Bunny sighed.
"Pooka Dragons. We use them fer defense in my tribe. They're fast like us on land, but they fly just as fast as we run. Most warriors use them fer battle or for patrollin' around the planet ta see if there were any trouble. I had one as well." He said, smirking slightly.
"I thought you said you don't like heights." Jack countered, making Bunny sigh and point a thumb at North.
"I said that I don' like North drivin'...he drives like a maniac with that deathtrap of a sleigh." He said, making North roll his eyes. EVERYONE loves the sleigh and he says that it's a death trap.
Jack laugh slightly at that-
A yeti burst in, roaring. North glance at him. "I thought I told you to knock-"
The yeti kept gibbering in his language, and unfortunately, North is the only one who can understand them. His eyes went concern. "A creature?" He asked, making the yeti gibber again and point at Bunny.
"...and you said it looks like Bunny, but bigger?" He asked, glancing at the Pooka Guardian confused, which he had a confuse look on his face. "Me?" Bunny asked. The guardians rush over to see a creature that was backing away from the yetis, then saw the others, but he was actually staring at one of them.
Bunny's eyes were wide with shock. It couldn't be..
Wind hurred happily and ran up to him; his eyes wide as he sat on his haunches, his ears folded back. He was surprised when Bunny hugged him tightly around his neck; making him hurr at him, glancing a his rider with his red eyes.
Bunny pulled away to stare at him. "Where have ya been!? I haven't seen ya fer ages!" He said, stroking his head; making him purr. Wind hurred; kept nudging and nuzzling his master; happy to be reunited with him.
"Yeh, yeh...I miss ya too, bud." He said.
Jack smiled. "I found him at a gorge a little far from here. He was in a hurry." Jack said, making Bunny stare at him, including Wind. Wind hurred and nuzzled Jack gently; a purr escaping his throat.
"'re welcome." He said. The Pooka Dragon pulled away to stare at his rider. "So this is what a Pooka Dragon is?" North asked, glancing at him. Bunny smirk as he scratch Wind behind his ear.
"Yeh...I was tha only one crazy enough ta ride Wind. He's tha fastest Pooka Dragon in our' tha most intelligent one at that." He said, making Wind glance at him and snort.
Wind then closed his eyes, then open them again, doing the memory thing that Jack saw before. Everyone else tumbled. "It's fine, he's just showin' a memory of his own." Bunny chuckled.
"He can show memories!?" Tooth asked, glancing at Wind surprise. Bunny smirk. "I wasn't exaggeratin' when I said that he's intelligent." Bunny chuckled.
The memory showed Bunny, who look a little older as he was asleep-
A big thump and roar was heard, making Bunny falling out of bed. "AH!" He fell to the ground with a thump, then sitting up as he glance around. He heard the thumping again, as he glance up; hearing a faint roar. Bunny groaned.
"Alrigh', Alrigh'! I'm up! I'm up!" Bunny said, getting his sash. He walked out of his home to see Wind on the roof of his home, his eyes wide as it was very early in the morning.
"Mornin' ta you, too, Mr. Bossy." Bunny chuckled, making Wind chitter, as if he was laughing. Bunny chuckled while yawning. Wind hopped down from the roof. "Do ya always have ta wake me up so early ta go flyin'?" Bunny yawned, making Wind wag with anticipation and excitement.
Bunny rolled his eyes and laugh. "Okay, okay...let's get goin'." He said, getting on the saddle. Wind spread his wings slowly and then took off into the sky at a fast pace.
Bunny was crouched down on the saddle as they did nose spine while climbing in the sky, Wind's wings, tucked back, they climbed high above the clouds. Wind stopped in mid flight and roared happily as they dive down. Then flying straight again.
"Alright, Wind...want ta give this another go?" Bunny asked; patting Wind on the side. Wind's eyes went wide and then went with an annoying look on his face; as if he was saying 'again?' with him, making Bunny chuckle.
"Come on, Wind. It'll be fine." He said, unhooking the leather straps from the saddle. He then stood on Wind's back as they were high in the sky. "Ready?"
Wind nodded.
Bunny then jumped off of his back and dove down, Wind diving down beside him. Bunny glance at his dragon, which he had a goofy grin on his face, his eyes wide. Bunny chuckled.
"If I die, I'm goin' ta haunt you." He said, making Wind snort and chitter at the same time. The ground was coming fast to them. Wind flew down below Bunny so that he can grab the saddle and harnest himself on the saddle again. Wind pulled up, being an inch away from the ground. Wind smirked, making Bunny chuckle.
"We're doin' better." He said, making Wind chitter, pulling up into high in the sky.
The memory ended.
Wind glance at his rider, a soft hurr escaping his throat. Bunny chuckled as he stroked him on the head. "...I missed ya too, bud." He said. Wind looped his head around Bunny's, hugging him in his own way. He sighed, hugging his dragon in return.
" don't like North's sleigh and ride this...Pooka Dragon like no problem." Jack said, making Bunny sigh. "'s different, Snowflake." He said, stroking Wind.
Wind was wagging with anticipation and excitement, making Bunny know what he wants.
"I don't know,'s been years..." He said, but was cut off when he nuzzled his rider, a soft hurr escaping his throat as he nudged him with encouragement.
Bunny sighed, but then smiled.
"...who has a leather strap?"
That my friends, is the first chapter of Rise of the Guardians: Knight of the Wind.
I know that I'm making Bunnny a little different in this, but this idea was mostly stuck in my head for a very, VERY long time. I will work on 'Hope is All I need' as soon as I can! I know that you are all eager to finish that story, but I wanted to post this story up first.
In this story, new evil rises, allies are needed, a force of evil that will come back from Bunny's past and he will need all the help he needs to defeat the evil.
Until then,