Maki: Hey Readers~! Yeah… I know, long update…. I can't give an excuse but I can say this one little thing ….IrelaxedFORaBITandALMOSTforgotABOUTthisSTORYofMINE…. but thank God for my friend who reminded me of my precious story… or else I would've remembered this in the late future~ Well enough of the blabbin' ON WITH DA STOWIE~

Previously On the Last Chappie~

Lil' Rose went out to have a nice relaxing walk in a Mall not so far away from her and through her adventure a sudden desire for Noir books was what she needed. Suddenly Out of the blue she met a nice-looking gentleman who introduced himself as Asakawa Hikaru, a novelist of Noir books, who is in reality called as Asahina Hikaru one of Ema's brothers. Because of his 'kindness' he not only helped Rose in picking up better books but also in bringing those books to the bookstore's counter where they were complimented to be a charming pair by an old woman but Hikaru quickly denied of the woman's belief while Rose just gawked at the unbelievable opinion….


'Ugh… How did I end up in this situation?...' Rose was slumped on a coffee table waiting for her new 'friend' to finish showering in HIS bathroom. she sighed at how the events leaded to this weird and uncomfortable situation (A/N: Ohhhh! WHAT HAPPENED? I WONDER… MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AFTER A LONG WRITER'S BLOCK THIS IDEA CAME INTO TO MIND … I hope you guys will be fine with what my tired brain came up with~ Sorry for the long wait)

~~~~~~~~~FLASHBACK TO MAYBE AN HOUR AGO~~~~~~~~~~~

After paying for the bought products the two of them walked out the Bookstore with the comment still lingering in their minds keeping them silent that is until Mr. Asakawa Hikaru broke the ice

"Are you a high school student Ms. Rose?" He asked as they stroll shifting his gaze to hers even if he already knew that she was a high school student he still had to ask given that he's still just an acquaintance of the girl in his original gender

"Uh… yeah…" She answered, confused at why he would want to know something like that

"I see…" He mumbled while thinking of a plan to continue the conversation with her. Rose felt that the air around them was getting awkward so instead of waiting for his response she opened her mouth to bring an end to the strange atmosphere

"Well then Mr. Asakawa, I'll be good dealing on my own for now-" Before she was even able to finish those parting words she was quickly stopped

"Would you mind if I interview you?" He interjected with a question stopping them from their walk 'That was a bit too close~ you can't get away from me yet Rose~ I still have unfinished business with you~' He gave an evil chuckle on the inside having planned to get some information from Rose as well as collecting more data about her, bearing in mind the support given by the old woman that they 'will be' an item (A/N: Yes… the perfect 'DEADLY item' xD lol just wanted to type that)

"Eh….. Inter…view… INTERVIEW?!" She exclaimed almost dropping her bag filled with a quarter of the books she bought leaving the rest for Hikaru to carry

"It's only a small interview… nothing big" He smiled making the girl's face grow hot from embarrassment

"Um, But… why me?" She pointed at herself completely taken by surprise from that question

"I'm actually in need of assistance from a student like you…. Since it's unknown to me on what female high school students like these days" He answered the simple question

"Uh….but…" She continued to resist 'Wait….. you can just go up to high school girls and ask them things, so why still pick me? …' Rose looked at him with questioning eyes and Hikaru was able to pick up what her brain was telling her

"I know what you're thinking… but I can't just go up to girls and question them… they'll all feel scared wondering why a stranger would suddenly walk up to them just to gather general information…. They'll think I'm a stalker or something, don't you agree?" He fixed his gaze at her waiting for a reaction.

….They were met with Silence…

Unexpectedly Rose giggled at his point of view earning a quizzical look from Hikaru, clearly he wasn't expecting her to laugh because he stated something in a decent manner. Rose stopped giggling once she took in the stare she was receiving from the man who was waiting for an explanation to her surprising reaction

"Well… you see… it was just funny when you said that 'they'll think I'm a stalker or something' so I just kind of….laughed" She pinched her hand embarrassed for being awkward once again. Silence once again filled the air until Rose heard a chuckle from Hikaru

'That doesn't really sound hilarious….' he sweat dropped in his mind while doing the opposite in his actions

"Was it really that funny? I see that you find these matters amusing" He gave her a big smile unable to try and ruffle her hair because of the load he was carrying with both hands. Rose just looked up at him now flustered by his tease

"Well that's fine… so shall we go now to for your interview?" He smiled continuing his walk leaving Rose behind

"Uh... wait!" She almost tripped catching up to him matching his pace

"You know…" Hikaru muttered and she looked in his eyes. "You have a nice laugh" He softly whispered barely audible but Rose was still able to hear making her quickly stop in her tracks as her cheeks grew hot 'Was that…. A compliment?...' She now assumed that Hikaru Asakawa is definitely a puzzling case

JUST A MINUTE LATER (time skip brought to you by "Anime 404" in youtube)

Hikaru lead her to a Victorian Café that was half filled with customers giving them enough space for the books to be placed on the floor (A/N: Or so they THOUGHT…. *evil grin*) Once seated down Hikaru ordered for a slice of cake and a cup of chamomile tea while Rose ordered for a chicken sandwich with orange juice, with the waiter leaving them Hikaru started his mission of getting to know her better while acting all nice and perfect as possible

"So let's start off with these simple questions, shall we?" He pulled out a small book and pen getting him ready for answers essential to something concerning his work "What kind of clothing do High School girls like?" He started off with a basic question

"Uhmm… well I'm not quite familiar with what the girls like but…" She became silent as she focused on regaining her memory of what Sachi likes, her friend-classmate in school who formerly had a crush on Yusuke but has now gotten over him and changed horses to a drummer in a band (A/N: Just making some of you guys remember….since I almost forgot her name as well xD)

"Ah! Well my friend says that the most fashionable clothing is always shown in 'G-magazine' every Saturday~" She gave a closed eye smile feeling proud of herself for giving a good answer. Hikaru just inner face palmed at how simple minded she is for giving him information on what Sachi liked leaving out the what rest of the girls like 'I see that you act so brainless when faced with a friend… unlike your attentive side when faced with danger or when your gut is telling you something' He concluded

"Well that's really… helpful" He gave a warm smile in return pretending to be grateful for the given information "Moving on to the next question, what's trending for students these days?"

"Uh.. let's see.." Again the girl focused on remembering the things Sachi used to tell her and again Hikaru face palmed 'This is going to be the longest 'short' interview I've done…. I'm sure of it' feeling regret this continued on even when they were finished with their meal that is until they reached the last question of this interview

"Would you like to do this again sometime in the future?" Hikaru smiled happy to be able to reach the finale of his interview

"Absolutely~ I'll be happy to be interviewed by you again~" She beamed with delight since not only was Hikaru a nice and gentle man but also the one to pay the bill which made Rose clearly happy for being able to save the money for future use, as Rose continued being in her happy imagination she unconsciously kicked the plastic bag containing some of the books that fell onto the floor without any of them noticing the mess… until a waitress, who was carefully balancing a tray filled with cold beverages for a couple sitting near Rose's table, accidentally tripped over the damn-tiny-piece-of-book-on-the-damn-floor letting the drinks splatter on Hikaru and her leaving them soaking wet

"Oh My! I'm so sorry!" The worried waitress apologized quickly drying Rose with a tissue

"Um, it's ok… no harm done" She tried to calm the waitress who was shivering from fear of losing her job

"Miss it's alright, we'll be fine" Hikaru stood up and gently placed a hand on the employee's shoulder reassuring her that everything would be fine and that he'll talk to the manager about this incident

"Y-yes sir! I'll just go get something to clean this area!" She hurriedly ran to get some cleaning materials leaving the two alone in the center of attention

"Are you alright, Rose?" He asked the girl who was still caught in her own thoughts on how it all happened, tapping her again he asked "Rose…. You okay?" this time pulling her from her train of thoughts

"Ah.. y-yes, everything's fine! Not to worry~" She gave a wry smile shivering as she waved both hands in front of her signaling him that nothing dangerous happened. "Oh no, the books!" Rose quickly crunched down to pick up the scattered books making sure that they didn't get soaked from the incident

'I see…. So that's why the waitress tripped… *sigh* Oh Rose…you're too prone to accidents' Hikaru thought as he helped the girl in placing back the books in their proper place knowing that he'll have to explain to the manager about his "friend's" lack of concentration leading to a disaster. A little while later the manager arrived bringing along the waitress who was blamed for the accident but thanks to Hikaru she was let off easy and everything returned back to the way it was in the Café and as for both him and Rose….

"I'll just get a ride back home" She insisted on paying for a cab home since she felt bad knowing that it was actually really her fault on why they were both soaked in drinks

"Please just let me give you a ride back home" Hikaru resisted feeling a bit guilty of leaving his sister's friend all wet and alone carrying three heavy bags of books to her house

"I told you that I can perfectly handle it on my own Mr. Asakawa" She continued 'Geez… I've already become a pain in the butt, you don't have to be so nice…'

"But I insist, I can't let you go home all soaking wet and unable to carry these loads" He pointed out as a matter of fact making her shrink from having lost the battle of the brains with Hikaru again really she can't win against this man while trying to be polite. In the end she choose or more likely she was forced to have a ride back home in his car and in silence Hikaru drove

"I'm sorry for getting you wet…" She mumbled looking out of the window of the front passenger seat feeling guilty for delaying her apology

"It's not entirely your fault… I mean… Not only was I the one who picked a large number of books but also the one who invited you out to have a drink in the Café…." Hikaru pretended to be apologetic and at fault but on the inside he was suppressing a chuckle at how everything turned out even if he didn't get sufficient information from the girl he at least got a high-quality experience with her 'Well isn't that cute… A sulking Rose in my car' He mischievously grinned at the girl who still looked gloomy as she stared out of the window. At that comment Rose felt guiltier than before "Well…" She turned her head to the sound of his voice

"At least you smell like delectable strawberries" Hikaru laughed once Rose grew flustered. 'DELECTABLE?!' just with that word her face grew hot and unconsciously she got back at him "Well you smell like mangoes!"

"Why thank you~ I do like the smell as well~" Unlike how Rose expected him to get angry he was actually enjoying her taunt and just seeing him laugh made her laugh as well realizing that they were now classified as human fruits but in the midst of their laughing she sneezed catching both their attentions

"Bless you…" He said becoming silent as he turned off the Air conditioning unit of the car thinking that it might have been too cold for Rose to handle adding to the fact that they were soaked with iced drinks just moments ago

"Thanks…" She replied observing at how thoughtful his actions were that he even considered her health and just with that thought she grew… happy

It had been 30 minutes since Hikaru's car had been stuck in traffic to the path leading to Rose's place and it's becoming a big problem for him observing that Rose has been sneezing from time to time and that she's even tried to stop it by pinching her nose

"Is it alright if we just go to my place first?" He asked her in a caring manner which Rose just responded to a nod without even trying to resist his plan B of changing destinations and after 5 more minutes of traffic he made a U-turn and drove off to his place which was actually just 10 minutes away, Hikaru lived in a big apartment that wasn't actually too grand for a son of a rich family, once he parked his car in the basement of the apartment he lead Rose to the elevator this time leaving the books in his car for them not to cause them both any trouble for the day. A few passengers in the elevator would take a quick glance at them trying to guess what they both went through for the day but both Hikaru and Rose stayed silent until they reached their floor leaving the transport before hearing the words "Kids these days" in a stern manner from one of the passengers making Rose's anger rise "Adults these days…" She muttered while glaring on the floor as she followed Hikaru who smiled at her childish behavior

"Here we are… Sorry, it's a bit of a mess" He opened the door for her and once entering the apartment unit she was taken by surprise at how messy it really was just by looking at the living room where it was seen that he hadn't have time to return his mugs back to the cupboard or place his worn clothes in a clothing basket

"Woah… you really had time to go shopping rather than cleaning your place?" She blurted out but quickly shut her mouth for saying something rude

"I see that you've noticed this fact" He grinned at how truthful she was 'Of course I'm a busy man and I have no time to stress myself with cleaning…' He thought of what he wanted to say but instead used a better and nicer reply

"I also see that you really have time to befriend a stranger and make a scene in a Café" He added making Rose blush and glare at him slightly "Well isn't that cute~" He patted her head making her more flustered that she fixed her gaze away from him to his mug 'Why am I even here?' She questioned herself as she observed his next movements where he pushed a lot of things off his couch so that she would be able to sit and wait as he gets clothes from his room. He soon returned holding pieces of clothing that she would be able to wear

"Here… It's best if you clean yourself just so that you won't get sick" He handed her the clothes which were actually female clothes unlike what she expected in every drama where the guy would always give the girl his clothing so in confusion she looked at him wondering if he either A) has a wife who doesn't care about cleaning B) he has a sister who's just out or C) he's magically also into women's clothing. Hikaru understood what she was thinking and he had the urge to tease her so he did

"Don't tell me that you want to wear my clothes instead?" He gave a devilish grin as he observed her cute reactions

"O-of course not! I'll be washing myself" She quickly stood up walking to an unknown direction guessing where the bathroom was

"You're going the wrong way" He informed her making Rose grow embarrassed

"The bathroom is located in my room" He smiled at her but in his mind he couldn't stop himself from thinking how splendid it was watching his enemy feel uncomfortable in his quarters. The girl gave a silent 'Thank You' as she left going to her destination and once Hikaru was alone he chuckled at the idea of how unusual it was to have this happening… it was like an idiotic author was writing down bizarre events to please his readers… (A/N: Hey! I ain't no idiot! You Dang Perv! You think it's so easy to write your character! GO DIE IN A HOLE! *Maki goes to a corner and draws a circle on the ground with the use of a stick*)

Rose really felt weird taking a shower in a guys place, of course she would take a shower once Rogue was finished but that is completely different from showering in a non-relative-male's place. Once finished she wore the clothes and they perfectly fit her well except for the upper part of the clothing since it was really loose on the chest part making her think that maybe he really has a wife or a sister with a chest *ahem* moving on she quickly left his room and found Hikaru busy with placing a cup of coffee on the table

"I see that you're done… here's a cup of coffee while you wait" He smiled warmly when she gave a thank you and with that he left to have his shower

She slumped on the coffee table looking back at how it all happened, how this day started and how it leaded up to this cliché situation 'Ugh… How did I end up in this situation?...'

CONTINUATION… ( Yes, I know such a long Flashback)

Rose sighed as she looked around noticing that there were actually female clothes on the floor as well and that kind of made her wonder 'Maybe his wife or sister is also too busy? But this is a huge mess…. I mean if that woman has time for shopping then I guess she would have time to clean up even a bit, right?' Rose slowly stood up and walked to a room where she thinks is the kitchen and bingo she was right, it was the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and to her surprise it had nothing but a lonely cup noodles 'Ok… so no woman goes shopping? THIS IS ANIMAL ABUSE! WHO WOULD LIVE WITH JUST CUP NOODLES!?' Rose could feel her jaw dropping down and hitting the floor, just kidding, she was just too surprised from seeing Hikaru's situation (A/N: Ok! So in the game it's true that Hikaru doesn't really eat anything else cuz he can't cook and he heavily depends on cup noodles and his room really is messy because he has no time to clean, shop, and relax because he needs to finish his story update before deadline)

"Wow…. This…. Is… Insane" She just stared at the lone cup noodles unable to think of anything nice to say about his life "I kind of feel bad for Mr. Asakawa….. but this is still….. Confusing and weird" 'What kind of human would live like this…. Unfortunately …. Maybe I should buy him some groceries in the future…. Poor guy… living like this…' She stood still not moving and thinking of what to do next until she heard Hikaru calling her name, quickly she closed the refrigerator door and ran back to the living room, sat back on the couch and drank her coffee like nothing happened and luckily for her Hikaru just opened the door and checked to see if she was there "Rose?"

"U-uh, Y-yes?" She slowed her breathing and smiled at him seeing him wearing a purple turtle neck shirt and brown pants as he dried his hair with a towel

"You weren't replying when I was calling your name a while ago" He explained the reason for checking on her 'That's unusual? My door to the kitchen is open…. I see…. What a naughty little girl you are' He internally smirked at how Rose acted and there goes a saying curiosity killed the rat I-I mean the cat. As much as Hikaru wanted to tease her he had to suppress himself so instead of letting her know that she was found out he just kept quiet and smiled at her "I guess we should head back to your place seeing that it's almost evening" He informed Rose who just nodded at this. Once Hikaru finished drying his hair and Rose finished her coffee they both left the unit and got on the elevator

"Uh… thanks for the clothes, I'll give it back next time" She said while looking at him with a wry smile

"No need, you can keep it" He smiled at her

"E-eh? B-but you're wife may need it?" She asked making Hikaru chuckle

"Do I really look that old to you? I don't have a wife" He smiled at her on the outside but on the inside he felt like hitting her on the head as he pointed out that he wasn't even wearing a ring on his hand

"E-Ehh! Then maybe your sister then" She quickly counter attacked

Seeing that he couldn't let Rose find out that he was an Asahina and adding to the fact that he does have a sister, he went with saying "She won't need it~ it's too small for her now" He warmly smiled at her 'Yup, It's too small for me now that's why I'm giving it to you to have more space in my closet' he thought

"I see…."With that she was silenced. They both walked out of the elevator when they reached the basement, Hikaru started the car and Rose got in. it was a silent trip back to Rose's place with him using the brakes and opening the door for her like a gentleman

"Thanks for everything Mr. Asakawa" She bowed giving respect to the man

"I just noticed that you call me Mr. Asakawa…. You can just call me Hikaru" He smiled at her

"Is it really okay?" She asked and he nodded

"Thank you, Hikaru-nii~" With that she giggled while grinning and Hikaru who was surprised that she pulled a trick on him but accepted it since it won't destroy his image anyway so he just ruffled her hair before getting her bag of books out of his car and leaving them in front of her doorstep

"Um, you can come in for dinner if you like" She informed him

"No thank you, I still have to work but I appreciate the offer" He gave a smile and took off for the evening seeing that his time was killed by a hyper girl today and he really needs to finish off his paperwork since his deadline is only until next week but he was grateful to get information from Rose even if it was ….. Useless information


A/N: Hey guys~ Yah …wow… 6 months…. JUST WOW MAKI, UGH SO SORRY GUYS…. My life has been going downhill for a while… it's just that a huge Family problem just came up and adding to that is….. my problem with my brother… he deleted all of my files… even my Childhood Conflict files… and that made me cry and I couldn't use the computer cuz… it was hard to move on with the idea of losing all of the work you've made for months with just a click on the 'format' so it's hard to be bubbly everyday because of the problem especially when I still had school adding up to my pile of work but not to worry~ I'm still alive~ I missed you guys~ A lot~ especially when some of you would Always talk to me here~ So I hope this was Ok?

Shiraha: Daw~ Why thank you~ I miss you TTwTT and everyone~ Yeah, I always try to make sure that I am able to write them without being OOC but I think that everyone has their own opinion on how one character would act xD so sometimes the character doesn't click with everyone but it's ok~

Onetwisteduser: Ahahahah XD lol~ If you've read the upper part of the "A/N:" then you guessed right XD that I was having a problem but I'm managing by it somehow… even if it's hard. Well It's actually fine with me if you give a critic like review since you're just telling me my mistakes and that's super OK! Since I need to fix myself and stop being a lazy ass anyways~ It's ok~ I get problems too and the way to feel relieved is by reading DEATH NOTE X READER FANFICS! XD hahahah, I'm actually from the Philippines and currently it's burning in this country, like it's too hawt XD

Yumi326: I love you too X3~! Salamat, trying hard lang nag awing maayos ung story hahahaha lol!

InsanityPushedMeOffTheEdge:Hey Gurl~ Hmmm I think Rose will be angry when she finds out ahahhaha since it's her character like when she attacked Natsume when she found out that he kissed her ahhahaha … so we can't escape that

Onetwisteduser: I'm so sorry to hear about your loss…. TTwTT… It's ok, I bet he's watching over you and comforting you even if you can't see it…. I know the feeling well it's kind of mutual but I'm actually a person who is really loyal to friends and crushes and that kind of happened to me as well… uh he wasn't a boyfriend but it's about the computer and the files being deleted… and I couldn't really move on… cuz it was my only happiness and no one in my family stood up for my files …like all of my DS games were there and my family photos and everything …. And nobody stood up for me….. It's ok gurl…. I know it's hard to move on…. And it's still in my brain…. But it's ok~ *hug* everyone is here for you… and the Bleach fic is really interesting and I guess I could help you but… I'm not sure if I'll be really able to help seeing that my hands are quite full at the moment. Yes, just curse everyone with words since they're being mean, they're all buttholes… except for all of my Readers~ you ain't a piece of shit~ you are my fwiend~ like BlahBlahBlah~

ZoomZoom: Here is the next Chappie~~ Sorry for the Wait~ please bear with me X3

Onetwisteduser: XD lol! Hi again… ehehhe Yeah I know I referred the twins as twins because it was just the two of them at the scene and I know they're triplets but Natsume is more of a rebel, like he doesn't want to be part of the triplets since he's always away just like in the anime. So I kind of thought of sticking to twins since Tsubaki and Azusa are always together even with the same job as seiyuu's~! Eh~! Really is it elder brothers? Eh… I just searched online and it said that using 'older' or 'elder' near brother is correct since it has the meaning it's just that elder is more formal and most of the time elder is used to refer to the oldest in the group… is that the explanation you were waiting for? Or did I not understand your question? You can check online~ OwO)/ Lol that curse in the end of the review xD ahahahahha. Actually I do make it repetitive since sometimes I think that some of the readers would forget? But…. Idk…. I guess I just really have to reread; Uhm yah~ I said that Ema and Yuusuke were siblings since they're really legal siblings and not siblings by blood so I guess it was alright to say that since the anime is called 'Brothers Conflict' you know~ so I think it's ok to call them siblings…. Right?

Scarlettazur: Hello~! Ohhh~ You're German, Nice to meet you~ Thank you for liking my story~ You're English is Okay~~~~! OwO)/ actually I also planned to make Rose and Rogue live in Sunshine Residence~ but I think I still have to confirm that with everyone if they want that to happen as well~~~ You think somehow like me~ Nice to meet you again~ welcome to Childhood Conflict hhahahaha

Onetwisteduser: Lol all of that cussin' xD but yeah Lukuo will come out in the future~ and I can't wait as well… cuz it's like seeing the guy that broke your heart when you're finally free ahahha, yes yes. Hikaru vs. Rose lol, who will winnnnn

JoanieAudrey: OMG! YAS XD LOL I just remembered that 'Oni' is different from 'Onii'… HAHAHAHAHAH Rose calls Rogue a demon LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL, I THINK I LIKE IT HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH LOL I CAN'T STOP LOL HAHAHAH IT'S TOO MUCH ahhahahaha *phew* I'll try to fix that … in the future XD thanks for reminding me~

Shiraha-chan: Hello AGAIN~ YAY~ YOU HAVE AN ACCOUNT~ YAY~ Daw now I can finally stalk one of my favorite reviewers XD ahahahah lol just kidding….. ahahahhaha X3

Nightwette23: I has updated xD (I like using has instead of have… it sounds nice sometimes… for me)

BlahBlahBlah: I miss you~ Oh yas~ you noticed that hahaha lol…. She didn't notice Iori…. She was too fixed on the flashback… yes… thanks for giving me a reason hahahahaha xD lol or maybe that was my plan before? It was just that no one noticed… idk well it's ok no one else notices XD ahahahah shhhh! Our secret ahhahaha. Yes, I still love the Ukyo and Fuuto moment :D … whatever that is XD JOKE XD ahahahah yah iori is really cray cray… since he's like that in the game because he loves his late girlfriend… IORI TTwTT It's ok~ BlahBlahBlah and I are here xD lol! LOL I KEEP ON LAUGHING AT UR REVIEWS XD AHAHHA yes Fuuto can wink without getting hurt, he's a gay idol, you know gay idol's these days XD lol so mean. Really!? Hikaru knew her name without being informed? EHHHH?! NANI?! Do you think he might have overheard it? …. EH?! Well that's another of our secret ahahahha I plan on reading everything again once I get the time. Yep~ Kaname has no advancement~ hehehehe EVIL MAKI~ I actually have a plan for Kaname actually… I wonder what it was , lol I forgot hahahah but he's gonna have one in the future…. It's just that I like him for comedy since his story in the game was.. kind of maybe 'physical' much but… I think I could work it out. Oh my BlahBlahBlah that's a nice idea… Iori clashing with Lukuo in Rose's brain… HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE *ahem* Yap Rose that's what happens when you enter the life of the Asahina guys who had no personal and fluffy contact with other women except their mother… just like Ema in the game ahhahaha. Poor ema… xD. LOL LOL LOL THAT IDEA OF NATSUME , ROSE AND HIKARU MEETING HAHAHAHAH A AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH LOL JUUST TOOO MUCH… *ahem* but yeah you're right~ Natsume has been gone for a really long while…. I noticed before as well but mostly I'm concerned for Juli… the squirrel… I actually planned a comedy part in my story wherein in the end Rose ends up with Juli hahahah the comedy ending… I like Juli since I feel bad for him for not being noticed and to think that he's one cute Butler~ Kyah~~~ JULI~ I have a thing for long haired anime guys…. Idk why but I find them all attractive with their long hair and all~ but I like it best when it's long hair and nice personality KYAH NOSEBLEED~! *ahem* Mhmmmm that's a good idea… Rogue interacting with the brothers… HEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEH I shall add that to my tiny notebook of idea kekekekKEKEKEKKEKEKEK *ahem* well here's the new chappie~ hope you like it~ just tell me if there's anything wrong

Purple99: LOL! I'm happy to see you're happy~ goodluck it's just 100,000 words long XD hahahah THAT IS if you include reading the Author's Note…

Guest: I love Rose's personality too X3


To all guests please don't forget to add a name xD ahahhahahaha

Yah I know… long Author's note… gomene… I just missed everyone Hope I had not mistakes cuz I reread it… but maybe I do have a problem with my eyesight… *sigh*