Childhood Conflict?!

I'm not good in writing so to all of the people who are interested in reading this story I accept your flames… yes, I absolutely accept all flames since I should know better that "flames" would be the ones that would help me achieve my dream of writing properly… so NYA~ ON WITH DA STOWY~


The Story consists of two characters who are the childhood friends of Ema Hinata and these two are siblings, their names are Rose (girl) and Rogue (boy) Valekier. Rose and Ema have the same age while Rogue is a year older than the two girls. Rose and Rogue have the same hair color as blue and eye color of red.

Chapter 1: Childhood Days (3 years ago)

It was a sunny day for the 2 siblings as they were transferred to a school called "Hiddo High" and that was where they met Ema Hinata, a cute and caring girl who was always quiet in class. Rose was placed in Ema's class and being a new student the teacher chose Ema to be Rose's seatmate for the whole semester and that started their sisterly bond for each other. In weeks time Ema was able to meet Rogue whom she found quite charming and quite the opposite of Rose for Rose was an Extrovert and he was an Introvert no less. It took a long time before Ema could warm up to Rogue since he was quite the shy type.

Few Months Later

"Onii-chan! Onii-chan!, When can we visit Chi-chan~? I wanna see Juli~" Rose asked her big brother. (Their parents died a year ago, which made Rogue the "single-parent")

"We can visit them later after you finish your breakfast, okay?" Rogue confirmed to her as he placed his special home-made Omelet on the small round table.

"Yes~" She nodded

"Good girl~"

Every Saturday the siblings would visit Ema and Juli, It soon became a habit of theirs to spend that special day with Ema seeing that she only had Juli for company and as time would pass by Ema and Rogue would get closer by each visit until Rogue gained the courage and confessed his love to Ema.

"Ema-chan... I… like… you... I really like you… a lot…" Rogue was blushing furiously while he was facing the girl he loved

"Um….. " Ema was so flustered that she couldn't even say a single word

"I'm sorry…" Rogue lost all his courage after that confession and he was getting very nervous because he thought that Ema, a kind and sweet girl, was having a hard time to explain that she did not feel the same way

And in silence they stood unmoving

"….. I like you too…." Ema played with the hem of her skirt as she whispered loud enough for Rogue to hear and in an instant she was embraced by the crying boy and Ema stood there surprised and flustered at the sudden touch

Little did they both know that Rose and Juli were listening to the conversation

"Juli, what do they mean that they like each other?" Rose asked the pet-guardian of Ema

"It means that they care for each other and that they want to be together forever~" Juli said as he smiled at the scene before them

"hmmmm…OH! Juli!" Rose suddenly picked Juli off the floor

"Yes Rose?"

"I like you~! You like me too, right~? Does this mean we can be together forever~?" Rose suddenly hugged Juli so tight that his eyeballs were about to pop out from his skull

"I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT! LET GO OF ME!" Juli was trying to escape from the Innocent girl that was unconsciously strangling him to death

"Rose! Look a flying pig!" Juli quickly outsmarted the child

"Where?" She looked around in search for the flying animal and with that Juli was able to flee from the hands of death and he ran as fast as he could away from the monster

"Oiiii~ Come back here Juliiiii~" Rose chased Juli around the house as she giggled while Juli ran for his life


Rose and Rogue had to leave Ema since Rogue got a scholarship from a school that was far away from Ema and he couldn't leave Rose since she was still a child (in the brain) and he had full responsibility on her. He promised to Ema that he will come back for her and he requested her to never love a man until he returns

"Ema, I-I'm sorry that I-I have to leave Y-You and Juli because of a scholarship" Rogue said through tears

"It's Fine, Rogue…. I can understand since this is something that you've earned through hard work" Ema said as she hugged Rogue for the last time. He knew that she was crying on the inside and that she was trying so hard to not burst into tears

"I promise that I-I'll come back for y-you so don't you fall in lo-love with someone while I-I'm gone, o-okay?" He clung to her tighter since he knew that it would be the last hug that he'll treasure once he's gone

Meanwhile in the corner of the room

"Ju-Juliiii! Wahhhhh! I don't wanna leave you" Rose said through large sobs as she squeezed the furry creature tight

"Wah-!" He yelped "Jeez, we'll see each other as soon as your brother finishes his scholarship" Juli said to Rose, still struggling from the form hold of the little girl

"Weally?.. *sob*… *sob*" Her cheeks began turning to the shade of red and her eyes were filled with so much tears adding to that was her runny nose which didn't stop her from sniffing

'SO CUTE, I COULD JUST CRY' Juli thought

And for the first time the little creature cried

"Oh! I'm gonna miss you too, you little brat!" Juli said as he hugged Rose

As the day ended Rose and Rogue were able to say their goodbyes to both Ema and Juli and start their school year anew in a new environment, new house and new friends

So Yeah that's about it of the introduction-chapter

Hope you guys were satisfied, Imma make some chapters now~

Review if you want~