A.N.- Hey there minna! How are you all doing? :D

Sorry for yet another delayed update, but chapter 7 is up now!

As of this very chappy, I now have the precious help of a wonderful Beta-Reader! No more bad grammar and stuff xDD Although, you're still stuck with my poorly creative mind :D CLARAOWL, you're the BESTEST! :3

Have you seen the "trailer" announcing Fairy Tail's comeback? MY MAVIS! It is so awesome :D And the difference in animation design is crystal clear, though it seems that Natsu as lost some of his softer features :s

Disclaimer: Sadly, I am not the one in control of what goes on within Fairy Tail. If I was than FT would've already been transformed into a somewhat weird and lame series, with lovestruck couples everywhere xDDD Good thing Hiro Mashima is the one and only mastering behind it all!


7th Chapter

The first shy rays of the rising sun pass through the glass of the window and the thin fabric of the partially opened curtains, determinedly penetrating - despite the low intensity - the small, quiet room, gently bathing its two occupants with its soothing light, in this autumn morning.

The two silhouettes are so intimately entwined, giving out the impression that only one lonesome being can be found under the covers. Sometime during the night, the two "Fairies" had - subconsciously - changed the positions in which they slept and adjusted their frames to fit together. The inexistent space between their bodies demonstrates the affinity, confidence and comfort that the two mages nourish and share.

Both are lying on their sides facing each other, sleeping peacefully and locked in a loving embrace. The Salamander's head reposes gently on the celestial mage's; his right arm is wrapped, protectively, around her back - over her right arm - and his left hand is on the blonde's head, his fingers softly buried in her silky, golden hair. Lucy's arms encircle Natsu's chest securely; her head rests on her partner's left shoulder - using it as a cushion - while her face is snuggled and hidden in the curvature of the Dragon Slayer's neck.

Their legs are a mess of tangled limbs. Natsu's left leg is stretched over the mattress, leaning against Lucy's right leg; their feet are curled up together. His right leg is semi-flexed between her legs, and his right calf rests on her right inner thigh. The celestial mage, in turn, has her slender left leg bent over the Salamander's hip, and her foot is wrapped around the back of his right knee.

When the intrusive sun's rays shone upon Natsu's sleeping face, its clarity sipping through his closed eye lids, the Dragon Slayer slowly began to stir from his deep slumber. Soft pink lashes started to flutter, ever-so-lightly, while drowsy and unfocused onyx orbs slowly return to life. His mind is still in a haze of sleep, and the Salamander has not yet been able to process and absorb his surroundings.

Taking some time to adjust his eyes to the diffuse light of the division he was in, Natsu cannot bring himself to remember anything, except the last five seconds of his blurry existence. He feels extraordinarily well rested – fully replenished, actually… not only physically, but also mentally. It felt like a huge weight has been lifted off of his shoulders; however, he can't move. Not that he doesn't want to, or even attempted to already - he does feel a little stiff - but for some strange reason, something is constricting his movements, restraining him. And his yet slightly dormant instincts advise him not to fight his way out of this weird pressure.

Progressively, the Salamander begins to discern his whereabouts. Willing himself to stay still, he uses his peripheral vision to survey the yet-unknown area. He can make out a window on his right side; to his front there's a wooden wardrobe; and to his left, he can see a desk that is partially obstructed from view by some yellow thing that tickles is cheek. Also, he's lying in a very comfortable bed. This is definitely not his own room, but it is extremely familiar.

Closing his eyes momentarily, he tried to collect his bearings and calm his racing thoughts. Natsu's heightened dragon senses instantly kicked in as a waft of vanilla and cocoa scent – one that he knows by heart - penetrated his nostrils and a soothing, rhythmic, and precious heartbeat, echoed in his eardrums. No wonder he feels so incredibly good and comfy; this is Luce's room. Her house always has this soothing and calming effect on him. Surprisingly, since the celestial mage settled in Magnolia, Natsu had gradually began to consider this place as his true home.

More at ease, now that he's no longer "lost," Natsu finally decides that it is alright to move. Lifting his right hand to his face in order to rub the remaining sleep off of his eyes, the Salamander brushes against something soft and warm. Instantly said "thing" moves, and the constricting feeling from before intensifies, as he is now being squashed. Glancing down at his body, he takes in the sight of his body pressed against Lucy's, pretzel-style.

This is hardly a new situation, for either of them; it has been a growing habit ever since they returned from Crocus, though never to this extent. And though Luce is more "willing" to let him crash for the night and share the same bed - with the proper boundaries - she still Lucy Kicks him out every time she catches him clinging onto her a bit too much. Thankfully, Natsu usually wakes up before the blond, which always gives him the time needed to - unwillingly - untangle himself from her, but also gave him the opportunity to hold her closer and watch her sleep a little longer.

Grunting silently inside of his mind and rolling his eyes, the Salamander realizes that due to his slow rise from dreamland, it wouldn't be long before Luce woke up as well, meaning that he had lost his momentum this morning. And just as if life itself is mocking and tempting him, his favorite girl is so damned close this time, that it will be extra hard - if possible at all - for him to let go of her. What Natsu wouldn't give to be able to stay like this forever, to stay with her… forever. Right then and there, the last cloud of sleep dissipated from his brain and all the images and memories from last night events rushed through his mind, crashing over him like a tidal wave.

Natsu is stunned as reality settles within him. With eyes wide open - as wide as they can possibly be – and breathing heavily as his heart pounds frantically inside his chest, a cute vermilion blush slowly creeps up the Salamander's cheeks and a silly and dreamy smile is plastered on his boyish features. Things are different today - the blond may still Lucy Kick him, due to the ways in which she was raised, or out of habit - but there's no longer any reason for him to let go of her, no need to restrain himself around Luce anymore. The Dragon Slayer can now hold her as closely and as tightly as he damned pleases and he can indulge in watching her, from up close, for as long as he wants to, because now, she's his and he's hers.

In order to better look at Lucy, Natsu slightly shifts himself on the bed, carefully so as not to disturb the blissful rest of his sleeping beauty. The sun shines higher now, bathing the Celestial and Fire mages with its light. Her golden hair and her ivory skin glow softly and, for the Salamander, Luce resembles an ethereal being, a true fairy. Entranced by the sight before him, Natsu's eyes are glued on the blonde's face while he attentively studies her serene features. The need to touch her is overwhelming - as it has always been - but this time the Dragon Slayer does not hesitate to reach out his hand.

Gently brushing aside some stray strands of hair from the blonde's forehead and tucking them behind her left ear, Natsu allows his fingers to linger there for some time, with the exception of his thumb, which is occupied caressing Luce's cheekbone. With the back of his fingers, the Dragon Slayer began to - softly and slowly - draw invisible paths from there along the blonde's chiseled face. His cunning eyes drink her every detail, as the Salamander watches her sleeping soundly in his arms - he can't help but marvel at Lucy's dazzling beauty. His curious fingers roam over all the lines and contours of her beautiful features, feeling every inch of her incredibly soft and flawless skin, halting when they reached her rosy, enticing lips, outlining them ever-so-lightly.

"Didn't Ingneel teach you, " Lucy spoke sleepily against his fingers, letting the pink haired know that she had awakened, "that it's impolite to stare and touch people," she continued, her voice barely above a whisper, "particularly if they're asleep?" the blonde inquired, flickering her caramel eyes open. " It's extremely creepy, you know? " she finished, lost within Natsu's intense onyx orbs.

"Igneel taught me many awesome things!" the young man replied, beaming at the fond memories of his father. "Mainly to fight, protect and treasure," he went on, never stopping his ministrations, "everything that is precious to me," he stated, gliding a finger over Lucy's cute nose. "And, I'm not just creepily staring at you Luce!" the Dragon Slayer promptly informed her, tracing the blonde's jawline with his knuckles. "I'm memorizing you, by sight and touch!" the Fire mage declared, flashing his toothy grin.

"M-Memorizing me!" the Celestial mage squeaked, avoiding Natsu's gaze, embarrassed but also giddy, "D-Don't go saying th-things like that," she stuttered, hiding her face in the crook of the Salamander's neck, "first thing i-in the morning!" Lucy completed, her voice muffled against his bare skin. "And I must look hideous right now!" the blonde murmured, feeling awfully self-conscious of her morning appearance.

"Aye! You look like a wyvern," Natsu deadpanned, receiving an incredulous glare from the young mage. "I'm used to it, so," he watched her pout and cutely puff her cheeks, "don't worry about it, Luce!" He chuckled wholeheartedly, no longer able to hold it in, "I'm just messing with you, weirdo!" the Dragon Slayer assured, amused by her grumpy face, leaning his forehead against hers.

"I-Idiot!" Lucy exclaimed, distraught, shutting her eyes and relishing of his warmth and strong embrace. "That wasn't funny, nor was it very nice, Natsu!" she reprimanded breathlessly, her skin tingling at his touch.

"Luce?" Natsu barely managed to say, in a low and rough tone. "Can I kiss you good morning?" the Salamander asked hesitantly, holding his breath as he felt her tense up in his arms. "Luce?" he repeated the Celestial mage's name while exhaling, afraid he had crossed the blonde's self-imposed boundaries.

"You're my boy…boyfriend now, right?" Lucy both stated and asked shyly. "You don't have to ask for my permission, Natsu," the blonde noted, nervously fidgeting in the Slayer's arms, "but don't think you can go around," she began sternly, still not daring to open her eyes, "ki-kissing me whenever you feel like it, Dragneel! " Lucy warned him, blushing furiously to the tip of her ears.

"Ghee. I can't promise you that Luce!" A wide, sly smile spread on his goofily happy face. "Dragons are driven by their instincts, you know?" Natsu explained while burying his fingers in her golden hair. "It will be painfully hard to restrain myself!" he announced mischievously, leaning in and pressing his lips to hers. "Good morning, girlfriend!" he said sweetly as he broke apart their kiss.

"Good morning!" the Celestial mage greeted smiling contentedly, cuddling closer - if possible - to the Slayer's warm body "How are you feeling, Natsu?" Lucy asked caringly after a short, comfortable silence. "Do you still feel... funny?" she giggles softly, questioning him further, quoting what he had said last night.

"I feel a whole different kind of funny!" the Salamander smirked, wrapping his arms tightly around her shoulders. "I'm still a bit stiff and," he confessed, as he felt her shift in place, most likely to counter his comment, "there's this fuzzy sensation on the back of my head. Other than that, I've never been better!" Natsu added for reassurance.

"Are you sure? " the young mage inquired, concern evident in her voice.

Natsu hummed in response.

"I'm glad, but not relieved," Lucy declared, untangling herself from her pink-haired boyfriend and straightening up to a sitting position. "That was no normal fever, Natsu!" she stated, deep in thought. "How can someone look so sick," she began, sharing her musings, "one minute and be just fine in the next?" the blonde interrogated aloud.

"That's because I'm the mighty Salamander!" the young man gloated smugly, also sitting up on the mattress. "I'm way too awesome to get sick for long." Natsu argued with a lopsided grin. "What? It's the truth, Luce!" he continued, noticing the blonde staring at him with her 'you gotta be kidding me' expression, "And I had the best nurse!" the Slayer proclaimed, scratching the back of his head.

"Anyway, I'm going to take a shower," the Celestial mage spoke, ignoring what just happened. "I want Porlyusica-san to check you up!" Lucy informed in a resolute tone that advised Natsu not to complain. "I'll make us breakfast once I'm ready, okay?" she said, while standing and stretching. "Don't you dare go near my kitchen," the blonde snarled, going through her wardrobe and dresser, "nor the bathroom!" she warned, exiting the bedroom.

"Aye, sir!" the Salamander responded scornfully, pouting at the window and hating the idea of visiting that old bat. "Whatever you say, Luce," he spoke, disheartened, to the empty room, falling back on the mattress. "I should've gotten sick a long time ago!" Natsu mused, staring at the white ceiling with a bright smile and even brighter eyes. "I can't wait to see the look on that ice princess's face when I tell him!" The bright smile turned to a devious smirk as the Dragon Slayer listened to the melodious voice of his beautiful girlfriend singing in the shower.


Nearly two hours later, after a long and perfected routine of morning beautification by the blonde and a tedious and endless waiting by the grumpy Dragon Slayer, and with their bellies full - in Natsu's case, a bulging stomach - after a magnificent breakfast prepared by the Celestial mage, both " Fairies" are ready to leave.

With a resigned sigh, but with the immense satisfaction to see him well again, Lucy ensures that the window of the living room - that her boyfriend just jumped from - is securely latched. Picking up her belt, on which hung her Celestial Keys and her whip - Fleuve d'Etoilles - and fastening it over her hips, the young mage proudly leaves her apartment through the front door.

Opening the main door of the building and stepping outside, Lucy spots the well-built and lean figure of her hot-headed partner leaning on the wall underneath her window, like so many times before. A blue fur ball on the Salamander's pink hair is the only thing missing in this picture.

Lifting his head to her, with that big trademark grin of his plastered on his handsome features and those fearless onyx eyes shimmering with glee, Natsu offers his strong hand to Lucy, like on that fateful day so long ago in Hargeon. With an equally big smile, the blonde entwines her fingers with his, and so they begin their walk, crossing Strawberry Street, hand in hand.

A.N.- A big difference right? :D

I highly recommend that you find yourselves a Beta-Reader if your not confident enough with your English skills! xDD

Hope you guys liked this chapter!

This fic will have one/two more chappies, and then I'll wrap it up!

Ja na!

murasakiana n.n