Well this is the first chapter of my story I'm so excited for this it's been highly anticipated. This chapter will be short only because it's the first and I just wanted to get everyone introduced but every other chapter will be long.



Chapter 1: Face Off

Our story takes place in Hikarizaka town. The name Hikarizaka means 'hills of light'. The city used to be small, but time passed and it started increasing in size, making use of all the greenery around it to construct new buildings. In this story we follow our four main protagonist first is Tomoya Okazaki, Ryouta Kazuki, Keiji Fukohei and Kazuyoshi Hiraga. Four boys who's known to be trouble but soon find that their lives are about to change.

Ryouta awoke from his sleep looking at his clock knowing he had to get to school fast but was in no rush to get there. He slowly got out of bed and did his daily routine which was washing his face, brushing his teeth and showering. Ryouta was a 17 year old boy with a dark blue hair color the same as Tomoyas. His hair hung down to his neck and bangs hung down the middle of his face above his nose. He had blue eyes and had the same skin color as Tomoya. Ryouta was 5'8 and weighed 134 lbs.

His room was very boyish his walls were painted blue and his ceiling was right. His bed was on the left side of the room and his Computer desk was on the right. When he finished washing his face and showering he entered the room with a white towel on reveling his muscular chest and stomach. He looked out the window near the right side of his bed. "I wonder what today is going to be like" he said to himself. He then turned his sights to some posters of Trey Songz on his wall. Trey Songz was Ryoutas favorite singer he respected the man a lot and had hopped to meet him one day.

Ryouta put on his school uniform which was a a white stripped shirt with a red tie and a tan blazer over it. He also wore blue pants with brown shoes. He sighed not really wanting to go to school but knew that he had too.

"Ryouta hurry or your going to be late!"

Ryouta heard the voice coming from downstairs and sighed "I'm coming mother!" he replied. He then grabbed his backpack and walked down the stairs to see his mother waiting for him she had long brown hair with brown eyes. Her hair hung down the middle of her back. She was wearing a white T-shirt with blue pants. She raised her eyebrow as she looked at him "You need to hurry and get to school I told you not to sleep in" She scolded.

"Come on Chiyuri he's a big boy he knows what he's doing!"

Chiyuri and Ryouta turned to see Ryouta's father. He had spiky dark blue hair the same color as his son and he had blue eyes. He was wearing a black shirt with Grey pants, Chiyuri put her hands on her hips and gave the man a small glare "Katsu that doesn't make it right he doesn't need to be late for school he is not going to be a delinquent!" She stated.

Katsu looked at her and smiled "He's far from being a delinquent babe" He said. Ryouta just sighed as he knew where this was heading they were having their usual couples quarrel. Ryouta shook his head and headed for the door "You guys have fun with that I'm heading out" He said. Chiyuri looked at him and sighed knowing he meant well "Have a good day okay?" She said. Ryouta nodded and headed out the door. He looked at the blue sky before heading through the gate and down the street. 'I wonder if Tomoya is already there' He thought to himself.

7 minutes later he could hear a sound of a vehicle coming his way. He turned to see a certain Purple hair girl coming towards him on a motorcycle. He quickly stepped to the side so she wouldn't run him down. She stopped and looked at him "Your mother told me you'd be here" She said. He raised an eyebrow and looked at her "Well of course I just left a few minutes ago" He replied.

"Why didn't you just call me to come pick you up?" She asked. Ryouta sighed and looked at her "Because your the class representative you don't need to force yourself to make sure I get to school on time" He informed.

Kyou was not having it she was not going to take that answer and leave it alone "Get on" she demanded. Ryouta shook his head "Don't worry about me you get to school I'll be there in a few" He replied. Kyou raised her her eyebrow and reached into her shoulder bag which made him flinch "Okay, Okay I'll go just don't throw a book at me!" He exclaimed.

Kyou smirked and took her hand out of her bag. "Good boy" She replied. Ryouta sighed and smiled. Ryouta and Kyou had been best friends since kindergarten. They care about each other a lot and will look out for each other no matter what the situation is.

Kyou doesn't like it when Ryouta is late for school and as his best friend she wants him to be on time. "You know riding a bike to school is against the rules" Ryouta said bluntly. Kyou rolled her eyes at her friend "I'll park it down the street and lock it up don't worry about it" she replied. The wind blew through their hair as the raced down the street he kept his hands on her stomach to balance himself.

Once they made it they got off the bike and headed to the school after she locked it up. When they got their they would walk inside the building and see Nagisa and Tomoya standing in the hallway with Ryou and Youhei. "Good morning Kyou and Ryouta" Nagisa greeted. Kyou smiled and waved as Ryouta yawned and scratched his head.

"You look tired Kazuki did you stay up all night?" Youhei asked. Ryouta shook his head as he yawned once more "No but I did stay up pretty late I was up until 3am working on some stuff" Ryouta informed. Tomoya came and shook his friends hand "Well then you have no one to blame but yourself" Tomoya said which earned him an annoyed look from Ryouta "Don't you think I know that captain obvious" He responded.

Tomoya smiled and looked at Youhei "How about the three of us hang out at Sunohara's place after school" He suggested. Youhei glared at him "Why does it always have to be at my place?" He asked. Ryouta smiled "Because it's lively over there especially when Misae uses wrestling moves to make you cry" He said.

"You really think that's funny don't you?" He asked. Ryouta nodded "Hell yeah!" He replied. Tomoya nodded his head "He's right when it comes to Misae you just don't stand a chance" he added. Kyou looked at Ryou who was gazing at Tomoya and leaned towards her "What are you doing? Start a conversation with him" Kyou said.

Ryou blushed and looked at him before turning back to her "Not right now sister" She said. Kyou rolled her eyes "If you don't make a move Nagisa is going to fly right past you you need figure out what your going to do and do it" Kyou said. Ryou nodded her head and sighed "I will okay?" she asked in a quiet tone so only Kyou would hear. Kyou nodded and smiled at her little sister.

Later that day everyone had went into their class and began learning. Youhei, Tomoya and Ryouta was in the same class and wasn't really paying attention to the teacher. Ryouta was about to fall asleep until a image of a pissed off Kyou appeared in his mind which snapped him out of daze and made him continue taking notes.

Lunch time had finally come and Tomoya and Ryouta was sitting in the cafeteria eating their food. "Where is Nagisa?" Ryouta asked. Tomoya shook her head "I don't know she said she would meet us here after class. Sunohara said he would be here too" Tomoya explained. "Do you think he's trying to get with her you know he has the hots for her" Ryouta stated.

Tomoya took a bite out of his sandwich and looked at Ryouta "Who doesn't Sunohara like" He stated. Ryouta stayed silent for a minute before saying " You have a point." The two continued eating and having a simple conversation.


Ryouta and Tomoya turned to see Youhei and Nagisa running towards them. Ryouta smiled and looked at Tomoya "I told you he was trying something" He stated. Tomoya just shook his head. "Ryouta you need to get outside right now!" Youhei exclaimed.

Ryouta raised an eyebrow "I'm eating why do I need to go outside?" he asked. Tomoya looked at Nagisa "What's wrong?" He also asked. Nagisa gave him a worried look he could tell something was wrong "It's Kyou! There's a gang outside in the school yard and she's trying to force them to leave! They don't look like their messing around" Youhei stated. Ryouta growled at him "So you just left her there alone you idiot!" Ryouta shouted.

Youhei put his hands up in defense "I tried to help man she told me not to get involved I know that you two are close so I thought you could help" He explained. Nagisa nodded her head in agreement "He's telling the truth" She added.

Ryouta got up from his seat and ran out of the lunch room trying to make it outside. Tomoya looked at Nagisa and Youhei and nodded "Lets go help him" He said as he followed after Ryouta. They ran down a couple stairs and then headed for the back door.

When Ryouta got outside he seen a group of people standing 10 steps away from Kyou. A man with black hair that was spiky in the back and flat in the front which caused him to have a bang that covered his left eye. He was 6 feet tall and had green eyes with a slim but muscular body. "We're here for someone stay out of our way. We're just here to collect our money and then we'll be on our way" The guy said.

Kyou put her hands on her hips while Ryou stood behind her "It doesn't matter who your here for! If you do not attend this school then you shouldn't be here" Kyou stated. The man took a step forward "Look here girl! We're here on business once that business is done we'll be on our way. We know he's in that school hiding and we're not leaving until he comes out and either pays up or takes his beating" He explained. Kyou shook her head as she was not having it "Like I said if you are not in this school you don't belong here and that's final" She retorted. This had seemed to upset the man as he showed an annoyed expression "If you listen to reason then there's nothing left to say we're going in there regardless if you like it or not" He stated.

He started to walk forward but she stood in front of him "This is your last warning If you don't leave then I'll have to force you" She said. The man smirked and looked at her "Is that so" He said. Before Kyou could do anything the man quickly grabbed her wrist and began to twist them slowly giving her excruciating pain.

Kyou fell to her knees and screamed in pain which scared Ryou "Please let her go!" Ryou exclaimed but the mans smirk grew wider "She disrespected me now she'll have to pay the price maybe a broken wrist will teach her a lesson" He said. "NO!" Ryou shouted.

Before the man could hurt Kyou any further he felt a fist hit his face which mad him stumble back away from Kyou and Ryou. When Kyou looked up she saw Ryouta standing in front of her. Ryouta looked furious and was not in a joking mood "You just sealed your fate" Ryouta growled.

"Is that so and just who might you be?" He asked. Ryouta glared at him and gritted his teeth "Ryouta Kazuki and who the hell are you?" He asked. The man smirked and put his hands in his pocket "My name is Keiji Fukohei I am the leader of the Skull Knight Gang" He said with a cocky tone. Ryouta looked behind him and looked at Kyou. Tomoya and Youhei soon came to Ryouta side "We're not about to let you take this guy and his gang on by yourself" Tomoya said. Youhei nodded in agreement ready to back up his friend.

"Everyone Stay back!"

Everyone turned around to see Tomoyo standing behind them. Tomoyo walked passed them and kept her eyes on Keiji. "Looks like you caused quite a ruckus here" She stated. Keiji looked at her and smirked as he put his hands in his pockets "I know you! Your that girl that takes out gangs and delinquents" He said. Keiji laughed a little before smirking again "You're known for being very dangerous when it comes to fighting but I'm not like the others" He added.

Tomoyo didn't say a word she just kept her eyes focused on him. Keiji closed his eyes and tilted his head down "If you think you're going to get in my way..." He paused as he opened his eyes and dashed at her. "Your sadly mistaken!" He exclaimed as he charged at her.

Tomoyo was ready as he came close and sent 2 jabs coming her way but she easily dodged it by moving her head left and right. He threw a harder jab which she dodged by falling on her back and using her legs to touch his stomach and flip him over causing him to fall on his back.

He growled and got quickly got up in frustration charging at her once more. Once he was a foot away Tomoyo lifted up her right foot and quickly began to kick Keiji repeatedly. Everyone watched in amazement as she kicked him 109 times before letting him hit the ground.

Keijis crew didn't take that lightly, Ryouta and Tomoya could see that they were on the verge of attacking and they wasn't about to let that happen. As they took a step forward Ryouta and Tomoya took a step as well "I wouldn't do that if I was you. If you even think of making a move on her it's gonna be the last thing you guys ever do trust me" Ryouta said with a smirk on his face. Tomoya smiled and clenched his fist "But if you think you can take us on feel free to try us" He said as he prepared himself.

"No! That's enough back down"

Everyone turned to see Keiji getting back to his feet slowly. Once he was up he looked at Tomoyo as he held his stomach in pain. Everyone could tell he was hurt which was a big shocker to his crew. Keiji kept his sights on Tomoyo, he was breathing heavy like he had ran a marathon. Keiji could hear his peers talking behind him.

"Keiji lost!"

"That's unbelievable"

"He's the best he never loses!"

"This can't be true!"

Keiji sighed and turned around to walk towards his crew "We're leaving!" He said. He had lost and there was no way getting around it. He wanted to erase that from the history books but knew he couldn't all he could do was live with it. As he crew began to leave he stopped and turned his head to look at Tomoyo. "What's your name?" He asked.

She kept her calm expression and looked at him "It's Tomoyo Sakagami" She replied. Keiji and Tomoyo gazed into each others eyes for a moment. Keiji then nodded his head and then began to walk away "Tomoyo Sakagami...We'll meet again" He said.

As he and his group left Ryouta looked at Kyou and gave her a small glare "What the hell was you thinking going up against someone like that. Your kicks and books might work on Sunohara but that was a gang leader" he scolded.

She stood up and gave him a glare back "I'm class representative someone had to stand up to him" She responded in anger. The two glared at one another before he Ryouta let out a small sigh "Next time just come get me if it's a guy okay? If something happened to you I don't know what I would do" Kyou looked at him and nodded at his statement.

"Is everyone alright?"

Everyone turned to see Kotomi running towards them. She had a boy along with her. He had middle length black hair which hung down to his back. He had honey brown eyes and had a light tan skin color. The boy had a slim body and stood at 5'7. His name was Kazuyoshi Hiraga and he was a good friend of Kotomi it was the only friend she made without Tomoya's help. She had gone to him on her own free will and ever since the two had been good friends. It's been about 2 months since they started their friendship. "Yeah we're fine some jerks came to the school causing trouble but we handled it" Kyou said which made Tomoya and Ryouta look at her. "We? I think you mean Ryouta, Tomoya and Tomoyo!" Tomoya said. Ryouta nodded "Yeah all you did was be the damsel in distress" Ryouta added.

Kyou glared at them "I'm going to punch you if you keep talking" She stated. "I'm sorry" Ryouta and Tomoya stated frankly. "Well your all alright and that's all that matters" Kazuyoshi said. Youhei snickered "No thanks to a certain purple haired-" He started until a book hit him in the face knocking him to the ground.

Ryouta looked down at Youhei and shook his head "You had that coming man" He said. Tomoyo looked at him with a calm expression like nothing had happened "He should have kept his mouth shut" She added.

"I wonder who that came here for I mean he did say someone owed him money" Ryouta said. Ryou looked at him "Whoever it was had no intentions on coming outside" She said. Kazuyoshi put his finger to his lip and spoke "If I had a gang coming after me for money that I owed them I wouldn't come anywhere near them either. Especially if I can't protect myself" He explained.

"Well it's over now so we should all get ready for our next class" Tomoyo said as she began to walk away. Nagisa nodded "She's right class is about to start soon" She informed.

They all had went back to class and continued their day. Time seemed to go slow for the boys but fast for the girls seeing as they wanted to learn. When the day ended Ryouta Youhei, Tomoya and Kazuyoshi were standing outside talking.

"We should just head to Sunohara's spot and hang out for a little bit" Ryouta suggested. Youhei sighed and looked at him "Why does it have to be my place all the time?" He whined. Kazuyoshi smiled "because it's fun at your place it's like a sanctuary" he laughed but Youhei didn't seem amused.


They turned to see Kyou running towards them "Yes?" Tomoya replied. Kyou finally reached them and stood next to Ryouta "I need to Ryouta to go somewhere with me for a bit and Nagisa had something to do at home so can you walk Ryou home for me please...Thanks a bunch" She said as she then grabbed Ryouta's arm and dragged him away not giving Tomoya anytime to decline.

"What just happened?" Youhei asked. Kazuyoshi laughed "Seems like you just got stuck baby sitting" He teased. Tomoya sighed and began to walk to the front doors of the school to meet up with Ryou.


Kazuyoshi turned his head to see Katomi walking his way "I wanted to know if you wanted to come over I got this new book that I wanted you to see" She said. Kazuyoshi smiled at her and nodded "Sure I'll come and check it out...Sunohara I'll see you later."

Before Youhei knew it he was left alone in a matter of moments "Really! What just happened!" He said to himself. He then sighed and turned to head home with a smile on his face "Well I got the day to myself might as well find something to do" He said.

Meanwhile Ryouta sat on the back of Kyou's bike as she was driving "Mind telling me where you need me to go?" He asked. Kyou stopped at a stop light and smiled "No where in particular I only did it so they could be alone. He's always alone with Nagisa and Ryou's not going to make a move so I did it for her" She explained.

Ryouta shook his head "They don't mix at all Nagisa is a better match" He said. Kyou growled at him "Shall I throw you off this bike?" She asked. Ryouta gave her a nervous smile "Hey, hey relax I could be wrong you know" He said nervously.

Kyou smiled and continued to drive "Good answer" she stated. Ryouta just smiled and sighed 'Geez if she doesn't hear what she want's to hear she threatens you...Oh well at least she's happy' He thought to himself as they two headed down the road. They were both heading home and getting ready to prepare for the next day. Little did they know that they're lives were soon about to change.

WELL! There's chapter one short but I'll make up for it in the others hope you guys like it.