"Listen, because you have to listen to me. This is important, very important. I know our relationship isn't built on daises and roses, I know the last couple of years have been hard for both us, hard but fun and I just want you to know that I think you owe me this a little, I think we have gone through so much together it would be unfair for you not to do this. So please just a bite, it's just fruit with a tiny bit of sugar I promise."
"Lucas is not overly fond of sweets."
"One day I'm going to smack you so hard your dad will wake up from his nap."
"Lucas is not overly fond of sw-"
"Stop saying that already. Lucas honey you have to feel the pie, smell the pie, see the pie, be one with the pie, eat the pie."
She had been looking forward to sharing a piece of pie with Lucas since her pregnancy, Lucas not liking anything sweets was starting to interfere with her fantasies of eating junk food with her kids.
Lucas was sitting in his high chair, fingers lazily going in and out of his mashed peas, spoon thrown on the floor.
Darcy was trying her best to convince Lucas to try a tiny piece of the apple pie, an apple pie she had baked. Baking wasn't her forte, she did ok with general cooking but cakes and cookies were beyond her, so it was with great happiness she finished a successful pie except no one in her household liked sweets.
Loki looked at it, gave her a pitying look and then sat down to eat one of the discarded apples.
She held out the piece of pie to Lucas again, making sounds under her breath but Lucas sniffed it and shook his head before going back to his mashed peas.
"I know it doesn't suck, Lucas please just a little piece? For mommy?" She put the piece of pie next to the bowl of peas and let him poke at it. She hope he at least would have the decency of poking at it.
"Give it to Barton, surely he will consume it all." Clint would eat it all, she thought it would be a problem to feed Thor but Clint was like an eating machine.
"I didn't make this for Clint, I made this for my sweet little baby." She pinched Lucas' cheek and he crinkled his nose.
"Does that feel funny?" She pinched it again and Lucas let out a giggle, waving his dirty hands around.
"Fine, you don't have to eat it." She took the piece of pie and settled it on the kitchen's table, where Loki was chewing on his apple.
"Let us make a deal Darcy love." Loki had his thinking face on, which was bad news for her.
"What's that?"
"I get Lucas to eat a piece of your pie and you will owe me a favor."
"A favor? No." Because he was her husband and she knew him and no favor owned to Loki was ever a good one.
"Half a favor." A smirking Loki wasn't a good Loki.
"Not even a third of a favor."
"A favor or no pie." Loki leaned back against his chair and let her think about it, smirk still firmly in place.
"Fine." She was going to regret it.
Loki moved smoothly in his chair, snatching the piece of pie in front of her. He turned to look at Lucas, who was still playing with his mashed peas uncaring of his parents discussion.
"Look Lucas the pie is excellent." Saying so Loki took a bite out of the pie and Darcy resisted the urge to let her mouth drop open.
Loki didn't even flinch, just kept chewing the pie until it was all gone and then smiled at Lucas.
Lucas gave his dad a suspicious look, turning his eyes to her before looking at the pie in Loki's hands.
Lucas extended his dirty hand and Loki dutifully put the pie in his hand, Darcy waited in anticipation as Lucas put a tiny piece of the crust in his mouth.
The screaming was unexpected and the piece of pie being thrown on the floor was only mildly distracting, the flying bowl of mashed peas hitting Loki on the stomach was satisfying.
"It's just not fair."
I (obviously) didn't finish the challenge, unfortunately life got real for me and no time was spent writing for which I'm extremely sorry. I'm freakishly sad about it, however I want to assure everyone that the Lucas 'verse will continue and I will not give up on this little guy and his soon to be sister.
Thank you guys so much for reading this!