Fiddling with the white dress that she wore, the teal haired girl watched the Pink haired woman who was busy reading from behind the shelves. She had attempted to try to make friends but every time that she had thought about trying to talk to the Pinkette the teal would lose confidence and leave without letting the Pink haired woman see her.

'Not today though' Querquedulae told herself tightening her hand into a fist. 'Today, I'm not going to run away. I'm going to go up to her and talk to her '

Feeling confident the Teal girl took a step forward. With realising the Teal girl already began to feel nervous about talking to the Pinkhaired woman. 'What if I say the wrong thing? What if I accidently offend her and she begins to hate me?' without knowing the twin tailed girl began to imagine all the worst possible things that she could say to her. Finally the girl moved around the shelves at the Pink haired girl who was too busy reading at the time to notice the nervous girl standing a few metres away

Feeling extremely scared by the woman the girl turned to run but turned too fast hitting the stone bookshelf.

"Oww "She moaned rubbing her bruised forehead 'Not again! I hope that she didn't see me do that!'

"Excuse me?" The woman spoke causing the Teal girl jump and to simply stand still "Are you ok?"

"I'm ok" Querquedulae turned back realising that there was no running this time. If she did it would have seemed quite suspicious "It's just a bruise"

"Let me check" The woman asked "It's not wise to ignore these things "

"Ermm..Ok" The twin tailed girl accepted the Pink haired woman's offer.

Placing her hand upon the tealette's forehead and moving her hair out of the way the Twin tailed girl felt her checks turning red and moved her eyes away attempting to avoid looking at the woman in front of her.

"It appears to have swollen slightly but it there isn't any cut." The Pinkette informed the girl

"Thank you" The Tealette bowed

"You don't need to thank me, it's not a problem" The Pink haired woman explained

The Twin tailed girl nodded sighing. This wasn't exactly how she planned on talking to the woman but she hadn't seemed to remember her.

"You were that girl from the other day weren't you?" The Woman smiled "You're quite a clumsy girl aren't you?"

Looking up at the woman she could help but feel uplifted by the woman's beautiful smile.

"He.. yeah" Querquedulae laughed nervously rubbing the back of her head

"You should make sure to a little more careful, ok?" The Pinkhaired woman advised

"O..ok" The Querquedulae nodded finding it hard to speak to the Pinkette

"Is something the matter?" The woman placed her finger under her chin noticing the girl was troubled.

"Truth is…" The twin tailed girl spoke looking towards the ground once again "I've wanted to talk to you for a long time because you're so beautiful and cool but every time I try, I keep getting scared and running away. I thought that since you're always on your own and you seem so lonely we could be friends. But I know that someone as amazing as you would never want to be friends with m- "

The Pinkette placed her hand and the tealette's shoulder "I'd love to be friends with you"

"Really?!" The twin tailed girl exclaimed

"Of course" The Woman reassured

"T..Thank you!" The Tealette exclaimed holding the Pinkette's hand "Oh, I'm Querquedulae by the way" Realizing that she had forgotten to introduce herself "

"I'm pleased to meet you, Querquedulae" The Pinkette smiled

"I don't actually know what your name is" The teal girl admitted

"Well...I never really had a proper name" The Pinkhaired woman explained

"Isn't there any name you have?" The twin tailed girl questioned

"Not really. I've never known anyone long enough to ever need a name, I'm just simply the Lady of Pink because of my hair" The Woman told

"What should I call you?" Querquedulae Asked

"You may me call me whatever you want to" The Pinkette told

"What..what about Luka?" The teal girl asked

"Luka?" The Woman raised her eyebrow

"Yeah. It's such a name beautiful for someone like you don't you think?" The twin tailed girl smiled

"Very well then" Luka returned the Smile "I am Luka"

Present Day

Waking up Miku looked at the clock. Miku sighed hoping she would be able to get some more sleep. Attempting to get out of the bed Miku tried to get up but for some reason she was being held down by something. Looking downwards towards the thing that was holding her down she noticed that it was the pink haired woman who had wrapped her arms around the girl. Struggling Miku attempted to get out from the woman's grasp, but as much as she tried though she couldn't free herself.

Miku was lucky that her mother had gone out when she brought Luka back. Luckly she had managed to convince Luka to stay in her room so that her mom would not see her when she returned. Miku still didn't understand.

Trying to free herself, the tealette eventually gave up excepting her fate. Miku did admit, it kind of felt good at have Luka hugging her and the Pinkette does look kind of cute when she was sleeping 'No, I can't think like this' Miku thought. It was hard to believe that this woman who Miku had just met yesterday was already sleeping in the same bed as her and cuddling with and resting her eyes the twin tailed girl decided to just try to wait for the Pinkhaired woman to wake up.

Opening her eyes once again Miku looked at her clock

"Oh no, I fell asleep!" Miku cried out realizing that she had overslept staring at the clock.

"Hmm?" Luka raised her head rubbing her eyes.

Jumping out of bed the Tealette immediately began changing

Noticing Miky trying to change into her school uniform the Pinkhaired woman moved behind the Teal girl grasping her hands

"Morning" Luka told moving her face towards Miku's attempting to kiss the girl.

"L...Luka what are you doing?!" Miku moved her face away from Luka's at the last second narrowly avoiding the older girl from kissing her.

"Oh?" Luka tilted her head "Do you not want me to do that?"

Blushing Miku just stood still unable to find the exact response for this woman.


So I've finally managed to get more of this done. This chapter is more about Miku's past life with Luka

I probably will put in Some Ruko x Teto since I know you guys want me to and I do like them as a couple. I also plan to put some other couples (Most of them Yuri) but for now that's all.