I decided to do like a collection of drabbles for every day in December (I think I saw it done a few years ago, I dunno). But it's turned out that some are longer than just drabbles. Oops. Haha. They're not really plot-related, but some are. Idk. I just wanted to write a story. Begin!

December 1:

The previously asleep detective twitched as he heard the window next to his bed open, feeling the cold air wafting toward him and attempting to wrap its frigid tendrils around him. He scooted further away from the window, wrapping his comforter tighter around him.

It sounds windy out there, he thought. Maybe a blizzard. Suddenly, that sound was cut off with a clack as the window was shut. Rustling of cloth and a small cough. The sound of pants and shirts dropping. The clatter of a monocle and hat being strewn across the floor as the wearer dragged himself to the bed.

Kaito wrapped his arms around himself, shivering as he got into bed beside Shinichi. He pulled the comforter over himself as well, shifting as close as possible to his detective.

"Cold and snow," Kaito whispered. "Ugh."

"How was the heist?" Shinichi mumbled through his half-asleep haze.

"Fine," Kaito replied in careful neutrality. After a pause, he knew Shinichi was mulling over his unenthusiastic behavior.

Shinichi stirred, turning over to face Kaito and opening his eyes slightly. "Wasn't Pandora?" he whispered, looking into Kaito's eyes. The thief smiled sadly and shook his head.

"It went fine," he reassured. "It just…wasn't the right one. Maybe next time."

Shinichi nodded slowly. "Hopefully next time," he agreed. Then, kissing Kaito chastely on the forehead, he wrapped an arm around the dejected teen and snuggled in for the night.

Thanks for reading :) Please review! Yay!