'Thank You'  Part 2:


He's here.  And he's 10 minutes early.  Just as I had expected…very like him.  Akira brings him to me, confusion obvious in his eyes.

"Ijyuin, what is Kaichou doing?"

I smile at Suoh from next to the table I've set up.  "'Kaichou' is inviting his best friend and protector to dinner.  Is there anything wrong with that?"


"Iie.  We're alone, it's okay to call me Nokoru."  Akira is already gone; it's okay to be less formal.

"H-hai, Nokoru-sama."

He's so cute! I laugh, grabbing his hand, "Nokoru-sama janai yo!  Just Nokoru."  It's enough that I'm called '-sama' all day …with Suoh I just want to be Nokoru.  Not Kaichou of the junior high division, not the youngest Imonoyama boy… just Nokoru.

"Demo, doushite?"

I slip my arms around him in a quick hug.  I know he doesn't like to be touched… but sometimes I can't help it.  "I wanted to say 'thank you'."

Oh!  Look at him blush!  He's so sweet.  "Why are you thanking me?"

Why?  How could I not?  You've done so much for me, Suoh…I don't think I could even begin to describe all that you've done for me.  "Because you've been so completely loyal to me for the past 6 years.  You've protected me because I'm your 'One', but I think you would have protected me even if I hadn't been, wouldn't you?" he nods, and I go on in an attempt to tell him just how much I appreciate him.  "I know it's really special to have a Takamura of my own, especially one as wonderful as you.  So this is my way, although inadequate, of saying 'thank you'."

I pull his chair out and he mumbles an embarrassed-sounding 'Arigatou.' Such a sweet boy he is.

I sit, and we eat quietly, talking occasionally of random things. I'm so glad I decided to do this; I'm so brilliant.  Over the past 6 years I have grown quite fond of my Takamura.  And I've come to think of Suoh as just that; mine.  My friend, my protector…  Just as I know he would give his life for me, I would give mine for him.  If Suoh were ever to die… I think I would be soon after him.  Our bond is that strong.  "Ne, Suoh?" I scootch my chair a bit closer to his.

"Hai?" he looks up, setting his chopsticks on the wooden rests. "Nan desu?"

"Why is it that you don't like people touching you?" maybe it's a bit nosy, but the shortest route is always a straight line.

"Ah…boku wa…" Look at him blush again…I have to restrain myself from taking him into my arms and squeezing the life out of him, he's so cute.  "I…I don't mind it when you touch me, Nokoru…"

Good.  That's exactly what I had wanted to hear.  I touch him on the shoulder, squeezing lightly.  Just a gentle flowing touch, nothing more; I don't want to scare him.  There's plenty of time, I don't want him running off so quickly.  "Suoh… is there something wrong?"

"Iie…just…just a bit stressed."

Silly boy.  Doesn't he know I can tell when he's trying to make something up?  I stand and position myself behind him, ever smiling as I try to knead the 'stress' from his shoulders. There are small knots in his shoulders, but not those hard, impossible to get out ones from worry and stress. The tension that my Takamura carries is new, caused by…possibly nervousness.  "Is something making you nervous?  It's almost summer, you should be excited.  Besides that, we're up here with no worries or council duties…you should relax."

"Un…" I can see him visibly trying to relax himself and I can't help to laugh a bit.  "What's so funny?"

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and rest my chin on top of his head.  "Nothing. You're just funny sometimes.  It's too bad that we won't both be on the same council next year." I'll be in the high school division next year.  Suoh will still be a senior in junior high… we'll have to make time to see each other.

"Daijoubu yo.  We went through this the last time, remember?  You'll be elected Kaichou again, and the year after next, you can choose me as secretary. That is, if you still want me as secretary…"

I laugh softly, "Of course! I wouldn't have anyone else!"  I bend down slightly to kiss him on the cheek; the boldest move I've ever made on him.

But when I do so, he turns to look at me.  I slip, and my lips brush against his.  Oh! Not what I had planned!!  I step away quickly, a blush burning my cheeks.  "Go-gomen!"  I take my seat again, staring at the hands in my lap.  That wasn't what I planned on doing.  It was nice, albeit short…but I think I may have just made a grave mistake.


"Hai?"  I don't look up; my face must be the color of a rose right now.

"Why did you do that?"  I don't answer, and after a moment, he speaks again.  "…Will you do it again?"

I blink, looking at him unbelievingly.  "Suoh…?"  I touch his cheek gently, guiding him towards me.  Our lips met in a shy kiss; no more than a soft brushing of lips, really.  But the feeling…it's like tiny jolts of electricity running from his lips to mine.  If you had asked me 6 years ago if my first kiss would be with a boy I would have laughed.  But now…it makes sense, really.

I protect the women of the world…but I think Suoh is the only one I can love.  Hontou ni arigatou, Suoh…


The end. Yeah….that was disgustingly sappy. . I wrote this loooong long ago. Never again. ^^;