Christmas Prompt: December 1st
Prompt: Private Jet
Pairing/s: Gruvion
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail.

I'm driving home for Christmas
Oh, I can't wait to see those faces
I'm driving home for Christmas, yeah
Well, I'm moving down that line

And it's been so long
But I will be there
I sing this song
To pass the time away
Driving in my car
(Driving home for Christmas ~ Chris Rae)

Finally, after such a long time she was driving home for Christmas. Well technically she was not driving but rather flying. So basically she was sitting in a private jet (not hers) and flying all the way home to Magnolia. She had not been home since she left for university seven years ago. After finishing Fairy Tail university she had stayed in Hargeon to become an elementary school teacher. She was still in training and worked in a small cafe to pay her bills.

That was where she had met Lyon Vastia and Gray Fullbuster. The two co-owners of Ice enterprise had come to the cafe one day. Juvia had fallen in love with the younger, Gray, on first sight. She stuttered in his presence, blushing scarlet up to the roots of her hair. The problem had been that Gray had been in a relationship back then, and showed no interest in the bluenette. His 'older pupil' Lyon, however had declared his love for her the moment he had set his eyes on her.

Many time had gone since then. The three had become closer, friends even. None of the three cared if Juvia's crush on Gray had grown into love, that Lyon had fallen for Juvia, that Gray did not want anything to do with their love triangle. The dynamic of their relationship changed when Gray broke up with his girlfriend. Well actually she broke up with him, after 6 years of relationship, upsetting the Fullbuster. When Lyon and Juvia had received the news they hurried to his apartment immediately. Despite being sent away by Gray, they went in and tried to comfort their friend.

Lyon was the one who took his anger, the two men brawled (not before sending the young woman out of the room) – Juvia was the one who handled his sadness (he would never admit that one tiny tear that slid down his cheek) and together the two filled the hole than began to form inside the black haired male. He never had shown the most emotions, but he only got colder. Not to Lyon or Juvia but to the rest of his surroundings.

All of this had been two years ago. Many things had changed since then. The three were clearly not 'just best friends' anymore, but the term lovers could not really describe them either. Juvia had moved in together with the two, in a huge penthouse apartment. Many things happened that should not have happened, like Lyon's 30th birthday, where Gray could not be there. Too much alcohol and a 'birthday kiss' had turned into a hot sweaty night in Lyon's room. Like last year's new year party where Gray and Juvia had disappeared into Gray's bedroom for far too long, almost missing the New Year. Many occasions like that happened. They were not talked about between the three, but Juvia found she could not say no to any of those two.

This Christmas it was time to return to Magnolia and celebrate the holidays with her childhood friend Gajeel and his fiancee Levy. Lyon would meet his friends from university, whereas Gray would reunite with 'Flame brain' and 'Titania' (neither Juvia nor Lyon knew who he was talking about). But first they would have to get back to Magnolia. Juvia was excited once Gray told her they would take a private jet. She had never been on an aircraft before, let alone a private one.

The second she was allowed to take her seat belt off, it was off and she was crouched on her seat, face plastered against the window, watching the dark night sky. It was a cloudy night, but the clouds were under them, so Juvia could see the moon and the stars. On her other side sat Gray, who had his legs crossed, his elbow placed on his knee and his hand was supporting his face. He was half looking out, looking passive, half looking at Juvia. Lyon was sitting next to Gray and was observing Juvia over the top of his newspaper. He was hiding his grin behind it whenever her eyes lit up.

After a while Juvia averted her gaze from the window and looked at the other two, aware of their eyes on her. She lit up and practically jumped over, lifting up the arm rest between the men and sat down between them, giddy like a small child. She beamed at them.

"Gray-sama, Lyon-sama, Juvia wants to say thank you. For everything, for the past four years. Juvia knows she isn't always easy to be around, but she is glad that you took up with her. She is glad to have met you two. It's sad that we don't get to spend this year's Christmas together, but Juvia knows that you both will be with her nonetheless. You're always with me, right here.", she pointed to the place in her chest where her heart was. Gray snickered at this antic and Lyon grinned. "We know, darling. We know."

Little did they know that they would all celebrate Christmas together. Juvia's childhood friend and his fiance were close friends with 'Flame brain'(whose name actually was Natsu) and his girlfriend, Lucy. Those two brought along 'Titania', who really was Erza Fernandez, the wife of Magnolia's mayor Jellal Fernandez. They invited many friends of theirs, Juvia could not keep track of all the names (those she remembered were Mirajane, Lisanna, Elfman, Cana, Jet, Droy, Wendy, Romeo, Macao, Wakaba, Makarov, Laxus, Evergreen, Bixlow, Freed...) and suddenly Lyon and his university friends were there, too. Needless to say it was not that easy to explain their state of relationship/s to the others.

It's December everyone! My birthday will be soon, then there will be Christmas. I can't wait! The Christmas market is directly in front of my university. Christmas music all the time, mulled wine, the smell of baked things, children laughter from the merry-go-round, my favorite time of yeeeear! So as my gift to you I'll write a Fairy Tail one shot every day (much like the drabbles last year), which unfortunately means that my other storied won't get much of my attention. I apologize in advance for that.
Anyways MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!