Woah! I'm alive! If any of you are still here welcome back! My excuse is my first semester of college. (Nuff said)

One month passed, and then two, the days blurred together in a repetitive cycle. Each day I woke up and did the same thing, the only thing I clearly remember changing was the weather. I felt as if I woke up to a colder morning than the last. When I wasn't sewing for the Jotuns I was sewing for myself. I was desperately trying to make blankets and warm underthings just so I didn't feel so cold. One of the seamstresses was kind enough to give me the pattern for children's clothing, I couldn't fit the adult sizes.

I still woke up every night curled up to Loki's side in a tight ball. He didn't mind the cold at all, nor did any of the Jotuns for that matter, it was just normal weather for them.

On this particular day I was in the sewing room, as I always was. I was making some kind of apron, unfortunately my hands were so numb that I'd pricked my fingers several times already. Thankfully the tiny wounds didn't bleed so I didn't have to worry about staining the cloth. Over the last two months I still hadn't come to know the Jotun sewers at all really. They rarely spoke even to each other. The only time I heard them speak was when they would whisper when I left the room. I knew what they were talking about. They were all speculating. People no longer stared at my face or noted my height, instead gazes went directly to my stomach now. It would be funny except for the fact that I wasn't pregnant. It wasn't something Loki and I really talked about, it was an extremely touchy subject for me. I feared I wouldn't be able to conceive and that we would be trapped here for forever. Whenever I told Loki of my fears he would just shake his head and smile. I knew he was beginning to doubt himself too though. I sighed quietly under my breath.

I was functioning with life here, but I really didn't want to live here indefinitely. Just the thought of being here for forever made me sad, I wondered if I could convince Loki to break free one day. He said we would be followed and brought back, but I was sure Loki was cunning enough to stay hidden. It brought me endless frustration that the Jotuns disliked me and didn't want Loki around, yet they would force us to stay here and create an heir that they didn't even want. The whole situation was deeply unfair.

I was snapped out of my reverie as Alba, the head seamstress, started speaking to me.

"Go fetch the linens outside, they should be frozen by now." She ordered looking at me. I got up slowly and headed for the door. We always took turns collecting clothes from the clothes line, which made zero sense to me since they didn't mind the cold. It wasn't worth arguing though, the clothes line was literally around the corner and I could make quick work of it. If Loki ever found out that I stepped a foot outside the sewing without him he would probably go ballistic. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him though, and I had a job to do.

I pulled my cloak tightly around myself before opening the door that lead outside. It was dark and windy, nearly knocking me off my feet. The cold never failed to shock me, it hurt just to breath it. A thick gust of snow, ice, and wind coated my hair with the white stuff. I quickly went to the line and yanked the clothes down and threw it in the basket. My fingers were already stiff from the cold. By the time I got to the end of the clothesline my breath was coming out in short bursts. I had finally thrown the last article in the basket when I suddenly realized that I was not alone. I whirled around to see who it was.

I was surprised to see an unfamiliar Jotun, one of the men. This immediately sent red flags in my mind. I never saw Jotun men, I had seen Laufey maybe four times since I got here. Jotun men just didn't come near me. This was partially due to Loki who didn't let them around me and Laufey who told them to stay away. The Jotun before me didn't really look very friendly, in fact to gauge his face he was sizing me up too. Not good.

I grabbed the handle of the basket and turned toward the door. Better not to engage I thought. I didn't get far though. With a flick of his wrist ice encased my boots and immobilized me. I cursed mentally. I shot a glare at the Jotun. Fleeing hadn't worked, I would have to find another way out.

"You smell of him." The Jotun growled out. I clenched my jaw. He meant Loki, Jotuns had keen smell and could tell when you've been with someone. I don't know why he felt the need to point this out since I was married to Loki.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked. I wiggled my legs slightly and tried to break free of the ice. My feet didn't budge. The Jotun was glaring at me now.

"You are not worthy of Jotunheim. You weak little Midgardian, how dare you taint this ancient race." He was saying angrily in that whispery voice that all Jotuns had. I was so screwed. "You will not live to bear a bastard son I will not allow it." Before I could even react or say something he flicked his wrist again and the ice grew up my legs. In under a few seconds it was at my chin. I didn't have time to call out or even be alarmed, I had the presence of mind to take a deep breath before it covered my mouth and nose. Let me tell you being covered in ice is not fun: for one its so cold it painful and two you can't breath, you can't even move. I tried to move my arms and break free but there was no mobility in them. I was probably in the ice for thirty seconds, but those seconds seemed endless to me.

The ice disappeared around me quite suddenly, my body fell into the snow with a muffled thud. I choked and gasped for air as I regained my senses. I looked up wildly to see Loki standing over me. He was facing the Jotun while standing protectively in front of my useless form. I could barely make out the Jotun's face, but he looked furious. My limbs shuffled numbly as I tried get up. I felt weak all over and my skin burned uncomfortably. Through my muffled hearing I realized that the two were arguing. My mind was so fuzzy I couldn't understand what they were saying, but it was definitely heated.

All of a sudden, without any warning the Jotun lunged at Loki. He had a large dagger in his hand and he brought it heavily down towards Loki's chest. I choked out a quiet scream to warn him, but he didn't need it. He had summoned his own weapon with equal speed of the Jotun and blocked the dagger from plunging into his chest. I scrambled onto my feet to get out of the way, I stumbled and slid, but I managed to get a few feet away from the pair. I noticed that a few other Jotuns had come to watch, including Laufey, while no one interceded I was thankful that they didn't jump in to gang up on Loki.

I watched nervously as the two continued to duel. Loki seemed to have the upper hand barely batting an eye when their weapons clashed together. I thought of all the times on Earth when he had been several steps ahead of anyone. I was reassured by this thought, he always had a plan.

I gasped as the Frost Giant smashed through Loki's defense and slashed a long gash on his upper arm. Warm red blood splattered into the snow. I became alarmed quite suddenly. The Jotun threw his weapon down again which Loki barely had time to block. They stood locked like that for a few moments, Loki pushing the dagger away and the Jotun trying push it down. I watched horrified as the Jotun slammed his body into Loki's chest, the force managed to disarm Loki. The sword fell into the snow. The crowd, Loki, myself, and the Jotun were all surprised that this had happened. I had never seen Loki disarmed before.

The Jotun grinned menacingly, and drew his dagger back getting ready to strike into Loki's chest. Without thinking I darted in between the two. Thankfully I wasn't stupid enough to just be stabbed, instead I grabbed hold of the Jotun's wrist and pulled down with my entire weight. I had learned once in self defense class that the arm is weakest when it is completely straight. As soon as the Jotun's arm was in this position I grappled the dagger from his hand. As soon as I had it I pulled away and went to Loki's side. I panted heavily the huge amount of adrenaline I'd just summoned coursed through my veins. I'm not sure if my sudden rush of energy is what gave me the upper hand or if it was the Jotun's complete shock at my actions. Either way I had his weapon.

For a few moments everyone stood still. I exchanged a look with Loki who had a number of emotions flickering across his face. I noticed that he had regained his weapon which he held clenched in his hand. His eyes traced over my face and his eyes harden before piercing me with a questioning gaze. I knew what he was asking and I nodded my head. With one fluid motion Loki stabbed his sword hilt deep into the Jotun's chest. The Frost Giant fell to his knees looking for all the world surprised. He had come to kill me while I was alone and had somehow managed to leave with a fatal wound himself. Loki withdrew his sword which shimmered out of site a moment later. The small crowd that had gathered began to disperse, a few Jotuns came forward to collect the now dead opponents body. I threw his dagger down into the snow, I wanted nothing to do with it now. I looked up as I felt the gaze of Laufey settle on me, I locked a cool stare with him. My actions had perhaps proved myself the tiniest bit worthy today, at least I hoped.

I disconnected my stare as he melted into the shadows. I turned my gaze back to Loki who looked none too happy. I could practically feel his anger as he slipped his hand into the crook of my elbow and pulled me inside. I have never been so glad in my life to be back inside the miserable building. It was practically warm compared to the outdoors. Loki's anger was radiating now, it wouldn't be much longer before his wrath would spill out onto me. When we reached our small room I finally broke the silence, I had found that dealing with his moods head on was far better than letting them sit.

"You mad?" I asked flippantly. I knew I was pushing him, but I wasn't exactly in the mood to stroke his ego. Apparently I had pushed him too hard for he grasped me tightly by the shoulders and pushed me up against the stone wall. My feet dangled a good foot above the floor. I squirmed uncomfortably on the cold stone, I had done enough with the cold for one day. Loki didn't seem to care though as he glared at me his face only a few inches from mine.

"Do you realize how foolish that was of you? You have absolutely no training in such matters and yet you throw yourself into a sword fight. You could have just as easily been killed." He growled at me. I would've been far more annoyed with his chastisement if it wasn't for the fact that I really scared him.

"I would like to point out that if I hadn't jumped in you would have a wound in your chest right now." I said fidgeting again hoping he would put me back down on the ground. He obliged but kept his arms caged around me. He sighed and leaned his fore head down onto mine.

"Charlotte, I can summon my weapon at will. I had it in my hand not a second after you jumped in between me and the Jotun." His breath ghosted over my face as he spoke, it left a cool tingle running across my skin. He leaned back to give me an exasperated look. I blushed crimson. Now I felt really stupid, I couldn't believe I had forgotten that. After so many years of living on Earth it was easy to forget that magic was real, and that my husband used it regularly. Loki reached up and brushed my cheek lightly. He laughed slightly reading my realization on my face. He leaned forward and kissed me on my forehead.

"I am flattered that you care though my dear." He said before stepping back. I reached a hand out suddenly to where his arm had been slashed during the fight. It was still bleeding slightly onto his dark clothing. When my fingers brushed over the torn flesh his arm tensed the barest amount.

"If you sit I'll bind it." I said gesturing to one of the wood chairs. He moved towards it as I retrieved some small rags and some water. I knelt next to him and dabbed lightly at it trying to clean some of the blood off.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked tentatively. I began to wind a long thin rag around his arm. He looked down at me curiously. I was rarely shy around him anymore.

"Of course." He said watching my face. I frowned as I tied the bandage tightly in place. I sat back slightly and stared straight ahead.

"Before you were out there the Jotun was talking to me. He said I smelled like you." I explained not really knowing what I was asking. Loki smiled lightly.

"I should hope you would smell like me." He said with a scoff. He pulled me up onto his lap. He pushed his face into my hair and neck where he inhaled lightly. He pulled back and his face faltered, he frowned slightly.

"You do smell different." He noted his eyes getting a distant glaze. I felt his thumb move in circles on the back of my shoulder as he held me to him. I leaned in and rested my head on his chest as I let him think. I listened to his heart beating in his chest and drank in the warmth that rolled off of him. This was much preferable to the cold stone sewing room I spent most of my days in. I felt as Loki pressed his nose onto the top of my head and sniffed again.

"Charlotte?" I heard him ask above my head.

"Hm?" I mumbled against his chest.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked. Uncertainty ringing in his voice. I jerked my head up to look at him.

"Why?" I asked. A million emotions bubbling up. As I have said this is a touchy subject for me.

"You smell differently. The smell of pheromones are stronger, and the Jotun was right my scent masks your more heavily than it usually would." He explained watching my face.

"And that means I'm pregnant?" I asked breathily not fully believing it. He nodded.

"I believe so." He smiled slightly. My face drained of all color and my stomach twisted painfully. Oh my god that means- I bolted out of Loki's arms and flew to our bathroom. I crashed roughly in front of the chamber pot where I threw up the contents of my stomach. I was mentally freaking out now and my body was going right along with it. I heard Loki come to the door which I hadn't bothered to close.

"Are you well? What caused this reaction?" He demanded from the door, he stepped closer as I looked up at him. I could see worry lined around his eyes.

"Oh my god-Loki-oh my god." I blathered panicky from the floor.

"What is wrong? Tell me what is bothering you." He said again. He was obviously confused at my reaction.

"Loki- oh! This means I threw myself in front of sword while I was pregnant! I'm so stupid!" I wailed before I heaved into the chamber pot again. I could practically hear Loki roll his eyes from across the room.

"I'm happy to hear you have finally adopted a healthy amount of fear." He stated. I could hear the smile in his voice. There was nothing be enjoyed more than being right. Now he was satisfied that I would never do anything so reckless again.