AN: Hey guys! So, I finally uploaded the next chapter... hehe... Sorry it took me so long :( I have no legit excuse other than pure laziness and the lure of other stories. However, I will not lack on you guys. Right now, because I finished Green-Eyed Monster *moment of silence* This and The Price of a Prince are my two main stories as of now. I just can't do three stories. So the updates for this may be a bit slow, but please bare with me here. Anyways, involving the story, I know you guys are totally anti-Naruto right now, thinking "WHY THE FUCK DOESN'T HE JUST DUMP KIBA!?" Weell, he's been dating Kiba for a while and guys, he genuinely LOVES him. Keep in mind this IS NaruSasu, but it would be too unrealistic for both of them to be happily single and miraculously gay. SO I AM TRULY SORRY FOR THE STRUGGLES IN THIS, BUT I SHALL BE UNYIELDING. You'll notice that the relationship kind of takes a big turn in this chapter though :P ENJOY.
Disclaimer: I own a Naruto and Sasuke shirt. I THINK THAT COUNTS.
Sipping from a Red-Solo cup, Sasuke watched Naruto. He wasn't even trying to cover it up; he didn't care if people saw him stare. Naruto would send him glances every now and then, sparkling eyes filling Sasuke with sunshine and draining him just as quickly every time he looked away. Naruto was currently dancing with Kiba, and Sasuke smirked as he saw just how bad Naruto was at dancing. He seemed that the belief that being drunk helps your dancing did not apply to the blonde. His movements were sloppy and uncoordinated, but he seemed to be having fun. Kiba wasn't much better, tromping around on the dance floor like a drugged baboon. The two seemed to be the center of attention, however, even though their skills were lacking. There seemed to be a certain wave of charisma that flowed off them both, and when put together it was kind of amazing how fast they drew people in. Sasuke felt a pang of sadness that he couldn't have that, but quickly drowned it with a drink of his cold beer.
Turning when someone tapped his shoulder, Sasuke came face to face with Neji. His long hair was loose for once, his face impassive. Sakura was hanging off his arm reeking of alcohol. She giggled tipsily when she saw Sasuke and wiggled her fingers at him, hiccupping before saying, "Sasuke likes guys," then promptly passing out. Neji caught her with an annoyed huff before turning back to Sasuke.
"Where's Ino? I need to get her out of my hair. Ever since about two hours ago she's been trailing me like a lost puppy blubbering about you being gay. I've been looking for Ino this whole time." Sasuke's delicate eyebrows furrowed as he stared at Sakura's face before glancing around his shoulder in a feeble attempt to find Ino. Looking over at Naruto, Sasuke held a finger up to Neji before pushing through throngs of people to get to the blonde. Grabbing his shoulder and turning his head to face him, Sasuke looked Naruto in the eyes to make sure he had his attention. The drunken Uzumaki grinned up at him swaying a little before mimicking Sasuke's actions. Ignoring the way his skin ignited at the touch, Sasuke bent low to Naruto's ear, resisting the urge to nip it.
"Have you seen Ino? The blonde one you met earlier? Can you help me find her?" He half-yelled into the other boy's ear before pulling back. Naruto blinked at him for a second before nodding slowly. Reaching behind him, he snagged Kiba's shirt and yanked him forward. He leaned close to Kiba's ear and Sasuke assumed he was yelling the same thing he had just heard. Kiba's head was bouncing with the beat the whole time, and when Naruto finished, he held his hands up, smiled at Sasuke, ruffled his hair, and trotted off, screaming, "HOT BLONDE. I NEED A HOT BLONDE! IS THERE A HOT BLONDIE NAMED INO HERE? NO! NOT A GUY!"
Naruto chuckled and then turned back to Sasuke, his eyes darkening slightly. He didn't make any more skin contact, however, and his palms slid off Sasuke's shoulders.
'I shall not fail you, Sir Sasuke," He slurred, bowing on shaking legs. Sasuke grabbed him before he fell over and gazed at him suspiciously.
"You sure you're not going to pass out?"
Naruto looked offended. "I most certainly will not pass out. Boy Scouts honor." The blonde saluted him before bumbling off in the opposite direction that Kiba went, shouting basically the same thing. Sasuke put a hand to his temple before turning back to an impatient Neji.
"I've got those two looking for her, but I don't know how long it'll be-" Sasuke was cut off by a loud scream and then lots of scuffling. Turning slowly around, half fearing for what was coming, Sasuke felt a smile erupt across his face at the sight that greeted him. Kiba had Ino slung over his shoulder and he was grinning triumphantly. He walked over to Sasuke and dropped her directly in front of him, where she landed with a groan.
"You little goddamned fucking shit, cock-faced motherfucker! That's not fucking how you fucking treat a lady!" Ino screamed at him from the floor. Kiba kept smiling, completely unaffected. He held two thumbs up to Sasuke, who couldn't help but return the gesture, before scampering off again. Neji looked on with cold amusement. He deposited Sakura right next to Ino on the floor, who stared down at her friend with a dazed expression before looking up. "You bastard! You can't leave me with her! Do I look like a fucking babysitter? I want fucking sex! I want to fuck someone! Not babysit!" Neji narrowed his eyes at her before walking away. Sasuke smirked and decided he could use some fresh air. He heard Ino scream behind him, "I don't even know why I'm friends with you!"
Pushing out of the glass confinement, Sasuke trotted down the stairs, a slight buzz echoing through his blood. It was still a slightly chilly night, but it was warmer than expected, and Sasuke pushed his hair out of his face as he weaved through the parked cars to get to the beach. Rounding the side of the house, Sasuke raised his eyebrows at the amount of people in the water. It had to be freezing. He sucked his lower lip into his mouth when he saw a shock of blonde hair bobbing among the moonlit waves, joined by a dark head. They were splashing each other and Sasuke could hear their laughter from where he was standing. Sighing and walking closer to the shoreline, Sasuke stood there watching them with his hands thrown into his pockets. As he waited for one of them to notice him, someone sidled up next to him. Turning to the person, Sasuke let his eyes wander appreciatively over the stranger's features and body. He was pale and dark, like a black and white painting, expect for the blue streak in his hair and the clothes he was wearing. The moon glinted off the stud in his plump bottom lip, and off the silver bands encircling his middle fingers. His clothes were tight, leaving no room to the imagination. The latex he was wearing over his lower half outlined his muscles and the rather big bulge in his pants precisely. His upper half was adorning red fishnet stockings and a black tube top. Even though his fashion sense could be questioned, Sasuke found himself admiring how boldly the man dressed, and how he seemed to wear himself on his sleeve.
"You're looking awfully lonely," He said in a feather-soft voice, and Sasuke rolled his eyes as he turned his attention back to Naruto and Kiba.
"I guess I am awfully lonely." He replied absently, distracted by the way Naruto's orange shirt was sticking to his chest. The man must have noticed for he chuckled and nodded his head towards the blonde.
"Unrequited love?" He inquired, and Sasuke glanced over at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Maybe. I wouldn't call it love just yet. More of an intense obsession."
The man next to him laughed slightly before running his hand through his hair.
"I'm Sai. And, since we both don't have much to do, would you mind snatching a drink?"
Sasuke glanced over at the pale man, weighing his options in his hands. He could either stand here and watch Naruto with a jealously burning through his core, or go actually try to enjoy himself. He chose the latter, nodding at Sai and offering his name before following back into the bustling house. The music was still thumping through the threshold like a gigantic monster, but the large crowd had diminished, a fact Sasuke was grateful for. Sai left to go find them drinks, and Sasuke leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. Instantly images of Naruto filled his head, flickering back and forth like someone flipping quickly through a scrapbook. Then his imagination took over and nude Narutos replaced clothed Narutos. Sasuke fell into a pleasurable silence as he enjoyed his thoughts. They were interrupted when Sai returned, though, and Sasuke quickly shook himself. Taking the drink offered to him, Sasuke sipped it absently. Sai downed a large gulp before smiling charmingly at Sasuke.
"So, you like dick?"
Sasuke choked on his drink, spitting it back into the cup to keep from suffocating. He turned his incredulous gaze towards and unflinching Sai, his eyebrows making acquaintance with his hairline. Sai laughed at his reaction before getting serious again.
"How about I water it down for your virgin ears? Are you gay?"
Sasuke closed his eyes before opening them and staring at Sai. Maybe it would help him figure out what he was feeling if he told the truth.
"I don't really know. I definitely know it's a possibility, but so far the only guy I've really ever wanted was Naruto. And you a little." He admitted slowly, the booze relaxing his brain a little.
Sai seemed pleased with this information and he happily drank more of his beer. Taking the cup away from his lips, he pursed them before saying, "Well, then I think you might be tipping the scale a little. You don't really scream 'gay'. But then again, Naruto doesn't really scream bi. However," Sai said with a grin, sliding closer to Sasuke in the dimmed lights. "I'd be more than happy to help you with figuring it out." He brought his lips down on Sasuke's jawline gently, and the raven shivered, suddenly wanting to try it. His thoughts churned out images of Naruto finding him with Sai, his face breaking in jealousy. Yes, he wanted Naruto to feel the sick burn just as he did. Sasuke tipped his head back and let Sai happily continue his exploration of the Uchiha's skin. The feel was soothing and strangely calming, and Sai seemed to notice. He let out a soft growl and nipped at Sasuke's neck, causing the raven to jump and gasp. The lips returned, but now there was fire running through Sasuke's veins. The stud in Sai's lip kept touching his skin and sending shivers down his spine. There was a loud laugh from outside that immediately pulled Sasuke's attention away from Sai. It was Naruto. Sai ran his hands up Sasuke's arms and entwined them with his thick locks of hair. Sasuke heard the door open, and then the loud blonde filled the space. But a few seconds later, the laughter died and the charismatic energy vibrating through the house seemed to switch gears and become aggressive energy.
"Sasuke?" Naruto half-said, half-whispered. Sai seemed to turn to statue in his actions, his lips freezing on the raven's pulse. His hands pulled at Sasuke's hair before he released him slowly, removing his lips. He glanced once at Sasuke before turning to Naruto.
"Sasuke's a bit preoccupied at the moment," Sai said lowly, but Naruto completely ignored him. His gaze was fixed intently on Sasuke, who was staring shamelessly back. There was something stirring beneath those blue orbs that Sasuke was almost sure was jealousy. Pushing himself off the wall, Sasuke watched as Naruto's eyes flicked back and forth between Sai and Sasuke. They came to a rest at Sai.
"I can see that. You two know each other?"
Sai smirked and shook his head. "I actually met him while you were ignoring him. Kinda funny, that you think you have the right to be jealous when you ignore him anyway." Sai replied airily, and Naruto stiffened, opening his mouth. Sasuke felt his insides curl around each other with the trueness of Sai's words. Naruto closed his mouth with a click as he saw Sasuke's face. He seemed, for once, at a loss for words. Then his head dropped and he nodded.
"Yeah. I'm a dick." He mumbled, roughly shoving his hands through his hair. He turned his head to the side and spat out a curse word. Then he looked back up with apologies dripping off his every being. "You go on doing… Your thing. I don't want to interrupt your fun. I'm gonna catch you before you go though, Sasuke." He sighed softly, deflating like a popped balloon. Sasuke watched with slight desperation as Naruto walked back out the door much like a scolded puppy. He turned to Sai who was looking at him with a pitying expression.
"Don't let him ignore you, please." He said at last, and Sasuke nodded before taking off after Naruto. The blonde was halfway down the steps, and Sasuke's feet never seemed to touch them as he flew after Naruto. Crashing into the blonde, the two tumbled into the grass in a heap of tangled limbs and grunts. Naruto's head banged against Sasuke's and his knee slid up the raven's legs. Sasuke swallowed and once they were stopped, opened his eyes. Big blue eyes were staring at him, searing him. Sasuke took a deep breath and felt his head tipping upwards, felt Naruto's breath fan over his face, and finally, finally, felt Naruto's lips on his own. At first the kiss was gently, just two mouths pressed together, but then Naruto responded. His mouth opened against Sasuke and his hands came up to grip the raven's shirt, his fingers still slightly damp. Sasuke groaned into the blonde's mouth, running his hands over his drenched shirt, storing every contour, dip and muscle of Naruto's chest in his memory. Naruto's tongue lapped at Sasuke's lower lip, causing the Uchiha to moan again and open his mouth. Naruto's tongue plunged into Sasuke, their tongues meeting in an erotic display of passion. They twisted and writhed against each other, and oxygen no longer seemed something of worth. But when Sasuke's lungs began to burn, he had to break away.
He panted heavily, running his hands through his hair as he took in Naruto's flushed face. The only thoughts flooding his mind were that he wanted to do it again, but a small war was waging within Naruto's usually clear eyes. Those same orbs clashed with Sasuke's and they stayed there, and some of the worry seemed to slide away. His finger reached out to trace Sasuke's cheek before he propped himself up on his elbow. Sasuke watched him wordlessly, hoping that he had pushed Naruto over on his side.
"What am I going to do with you?" He quietly asked Sasuke, and there was an obvious pain in his voice. Sasuke closed his eyes momentarily. He didn't want to bring pain on Naruto. But at the same time, he needed Naruto to mend him. He was a wound that had been getting worse and worse over time and Naruto was the only thing that could cure him. It was obvious Naruto loved Kiba; anyone could see that. Sasuke didn't want to take that from Naruto. Finally he opened his eyes and stared Naruto square in the eye.
"I'll wait for you, Naruto." He whispered, and he felt like he was bringing a death sentence upon himself. Naruto's whole face collapsed and he buried his head in the crook of Sasuke's neck. He was repeatedly whispering something over and over, like a mantra. Sasuke realized what he was saying soon after. He was whispering "Thank you."