I can never stop myself from adding a fluffy epilogue. Sorry not sorry.

"Do I look okay?"

Sam frowned. "You look great. Stop worrying."

"Wrong thing to say to someone right before they get married, Sammy."

"Don't listen to them," Jo said. She came forward and smoothed the fabric. "You look stunning."

Charlie blushed deep enough to match her hair. "Thanks," She said.

Dean grinned broadly. He was chosen to be Charlie's Best Man, with Sam and Ash as her bridegrooms. Castiel would be giving Anna away, with Jo as her Maid of Honor. Dean couldn't have been prouder.

And Charlie did look stunning. She was wearing a form-fitting dress that fanned out at the bottom, layers of draping cloth overlapping and becoming a short train at the back. The dress had a scooping neckline with Renaissance slit sleeves, a tiny lace design embroidering the entire piece. Her hair was in some kind of style that Jo called a 'bird's nest' that Dean couldn't even begin to process the mechanics of but looked lovely. And, of course, there was the smile that couldn't have been pried off with a crowbar.

"You ready?" He asked.

Charlie took a deep breath.

"Of course she's ready," Jo said. "She's marrying the love of her life."

"You go and help Anna, Joanna Beth," Dean ordered.

Jo gave Charlie a kiss on the cheek. "Go get 'er, tiger!"

Charlie laughed. "Thanks, Jo." She bit her lip. "Tell her that I love her and this is going to be amazing and not to be nervous and–"

"You can tell her yourself in a minute," Jo informed her. "Now go! Get into position!"

Sam gave Charlie a hug and a kiss on the forehead before dashing off to give the organist a two-minute warning. Dean hugged Charlie too, feeling how tightly she clung to him.

"I'm scared," She whispered.

"There's no reason to be," He replied. "This is just a day, Charlie. The rest of your lives together, that's what matters. And going by how sickeningly adorable you two have been for the past year, I don't think you're going to have any problems."

Charlie pulled back, smiling. "Okay."

Dean grinned. "Now c'mon. Bobby's gotta roll you down the aisle."

After safely depositing Charlie with Bobby, who was muttering things about highfalutin' society people, always turning things into a grand affair, Dean made his way up to the podium. Of course, being cousin to the Novaks, Anna's wedding was a white-tie affair complete with the crème de la crème of society, but Dean knew it was for show, mostly to placate Michael. And for proof of that he needed to look no further than the front row of the church.

Ellen was sitting next to Jody, Rufus and Kevin at her side, with Victor, Benny, and even Gabe filling up the rest of the row. Seeing them filled Dean's chest with pride. His little sister was getting married to one of his best friends, and his entire family was there to see it.

He took his place next to Sam and Ash, who was fiddling with his bowtie. "You got the rings?" He asked.

"Of course I've got the rings. Stop messing with it, you'll make it worse," Dean chastised. Ash flipped him off amicably.

The organist began to play, and everyone's eyes turned towards the front doors.

A few young ladies from among Gotham's elite made their way down the aisle, since according to Anna not including them would result in a huge social mess she did not intend to clean up, and then Jo was walking down the aisle, throwing Victor a saucy wink that had the detective grinning like a fool.

"I think I'm going to cry," Jo confessed with a whisper. Sam, ever prepared, passed her a handkerchief.

The music changed to Mendelssohn's Wedding March and the doors opened once again, revealing Charlie in all of her shining white glory. She held Bobby's hand as he rolled down the aisle, positively glowing.

"Lookin' good," Dean whispered as she stepped up to the podium.

"Thanks," Bobby grunted.

"You too old man," Dean grinned.

The music changed again, this time to Pachelbel's Canon, and the doors opened for the last time.

Anna was a vision, her dress similar in many ways to Charlie's but also differing. It was formfitting, but the train and layers of fabric were made entirely of lace, while the neckline was strapless with lace covering her neck, shoulders, and draping her arms. Her hair was down in loose ringlets, and her smile when she saw Charlie was bright enough to light up the entire building.

Ash would later point out that this was the moment Sam and Jo burst into tears.

But Dean, for the life of him, couldn't focus on either blushing bride. His gaze was arrested and held by the man whose arm was hooked through Anna's, walking her down the aisle.

Castiel was wearing a charcoal gray morning suit, complete with a waistcoat and pocket watch (Anna had insisted) and that damned blue tie that perfectly matched his eyes. Logically, Dean knew he'd seen Cas that morning, waking up next to him and rushing through breakfast together before heading over to the church, but it felt like he'd never actually seen Cas before.

Judging by the way Cas was looking at him, thunderstruck and mesmerized, he was having the same reaction that Dean was.

Cas handed Anna off to Charlie with a warning glare that reminded him so much of Seraph that Dean had to hold in laughter. Cas's eyes rose, meeting his, and he could see the amused gleam in Cas's eyes.

Dean realized that it would be an hour-long ceremony, a luxurious garden party luncheon on the Novak Manor grounds, and a white tie reception at the manor followed by a fireworks display before he would be able to get Cas alone.

Damn it.

Cas must have read his thoughts because he sent Dean a fond smirk before turning his whole attention on the ceremony. Dean sighed inwardly and focused as much as he could upon what the pastor was saying.

His legs were numb by the end of it.

At least he got to sit next to Cas at the luncheon, where he got the shock of his life when Victor kissed Jo's cheek before they sat down across from him.

"Something you want to share?" Dean asked, looking back and forth from Jo to Victor.

"He grew a pair last Friday, if that's what you're wondering," Jo said casually, helping herself to some lemonade.

Dean tried to remember what had happened last Friday. He'd always assumed that it would take a life-threatening situation for Jo and Victor to get their shit together, but he couldn't recall anything particularly dangerous that had gone down.

"Sometimes it's the little things, Dean," Cas intoned in his ear.

"Stop that," Dean growled, not really upset but happy to tease. He eyeballed Cas. "You sure you don't have some freaky mind-reading ability to go with those wings?"

"I assure you, my extra appendages are the only unusual thing about me," Cas replied. "I just happen to know you very well. And your face is easy to read."

Dean snorted, but sought Cas's hand out under the table, intertwining their fingers. He had never enjoyed the little things, like handholding, until Cas, but now he couldn't get enough of it.

Maybe Cas had a point.

The reception was God-awful and the only reason he endured it was because Cas was there with him. Okay, and because Sam broke down halfway through his speech and needed to be handed a napkin to dab at his eyes. Bobby and Ellen both talked about how Charlie had become a daughter to them, Victor and Benny said how Anna was the best damn cop on the force (Dean was miffed until Victor pointed out that as the Commissioner, he didn't count anymore), Jo got teary-eyed as she told about how Charlie was her best friend and Anna was the big sister she'd never had, Ash complained about Charlie's annoyingly good computer skills, and Gabriel gave an expectedly humorous but surprisingly touching speech about his 'favorite cousin'.

"I'm your only cousin," Anna pointed out.

"Moot point," Gabriel retorted, waving it off.

Dean didn't know how he would have gotten through his Best Man speech if it weren't for Cas, who'd helped him to write it. Both Anna and Charlie meant a lot to him, but he'd never been good with words. Cas, however, was a freaking literary master, and had helped Dean to put on paper all the things he felt.

Cas's speech, of course, was Dean's favorite. Maybe it was because unlike the others gathered around them, he knew just how important both Charlie and Anna were in Cas's life. They were his partners-in-stopping-crime, and Anna had been there through the dark periods of Cas's life, sharing his burden and his pain as best she could. After Alfred's death, both Balthazar and Cas had combined forces to raise Anna, especially seeing as she'd lost her parents twice, and Cas had watched Charlie grow up same as the rest of them. Long before Dean had gotten there, Charlie and Anna had kept Cas together, trying to pick up the pieces.

And Dean had to admit; Balthazar had outdone himself. The butler had refused to let an upstart wedding designer take charge of his pseudo-little sister's big day, and had taken it upon himself to handle everything. The entire day went smoothly, and Dean was far from complaining about the food.

When dinner was finally finished (seriously, how many courses did a meal need?) and the cake was cut (he might have snuck a second piece), it was time for the dance portion.


Still, it was nice to see Charlie and Anna's waltzing lessons paying off, and the gooey love-struck looks they were giving each other were adorable. Dean saw Victor leading Jo out onto the floor when it was opened up to everyone, refusing to let their immense height difference get in the way of dancing as absolutely close together as possible. Ellen was practically sitting in Bobby's lap, both of them laughing fit to kill, and Rufus and Jody were showing off their dancing skills. Kevin, newly minted CFO of Novak Industries, was chatting up an attractive brunette that Dean had been briefly introduced to earlier– Krissy something.

Ash was also trying his luck with some of Gotham's elite, although he seemed to be striking out, and Benny was talking with– holy crap, Lisa?

Dean almost laughed out loud. He did not see that one coming.

Even Michael seemed to be having a good time, actually smiling (which was kind of creepy) and appearing to have made up with Adam. Gabriel was definitely having a good time, although by the way he was circling the room he was clearly trying to talk to Kali.

And Sam…

Where was Sam?

Dean looked around. Was Sam okay? Dean had worried that the whole wedding thing would be difficult for Sam, but he'd been waved off with a stop worrying, Dean, I'm fine. It took him a few tries but he finally located his younger brother.

Talking to Sarah Blake.

Make that dancing with Sarah Blake.

"Look at you, you sly dog. You're doing just fine." Dean grinned.

"I doubt Sam will appreciate you spying on him."

Dean jumped. "Will you ever stop doing that?"

He could hear the smile in Cas's voice. "No."

Dean turned, his hand coming up to grab Cas's wrist. "C'mere."

Cas obliged him, letting Dean pull him in for a kiss. "Can't wait to get you alone," Dean whispered.

Cas sighed against his lips. "I have to go out on patrol soon."

Dean nodded. "I know. You still have a few minutes though, right?"

Cas's answer was to trace Dean's mouth with his tongue before sealing their lips together again, coaxing a moan out of Dean.

"Please tell me there's an empty room nearby," He panted.

Cas grinned. "You know, we haven't done it in the cave yet."

Dean practically dragged Cas out of the room.

When Sam first saw her, he nearly dropped the glass of champagne he was holding.

"Sarah?" Sam was shocked. Sarah Blake looked… well, it had been three years but she looked lovelier than ever. "What are you doing here?"

Sarah laughed. "Sam Winchester, as smooth a talker as ever," She teased, opening her arms for a hug.

She smelled just as good as he remembered.

"It's good to see you," Sam told her. He'd had genuine feelings for her, although he hadn't been in a position to act on them at the time. He'd been too fearful, too in shock, and had honestly still been in mourning for Jess. And then Madison had come, love at first sight hitting him like a Mack truck to the face, and once she was gone too…

"It's good to see you too." Sarah smiled. "And I'm here as Gabe's date."

"Gabe? Gabriel Novak?" Sam glanced around, looking for the smarmy shortstack. "How do you know him?"

"He's bought art off of me over the years." Sarah leaned in, her smile growing. "But don't worry. I'm just here to make Kali jealous."

Sam groaned. "If he would just man up and admit he's head over heels in love with her, the entire DA's office would sleep better at night."

Sarah laughed. "I'm sure. But how are you doing? I heard about…" She bit her lip.

"Don't worry., Sam said. "Everyone's heard about it by now." Thanks to Chuck Shurley and Becky Rosen the entire city knew about Ruby, who was now known as the villain Janus.

At least they didn't know about the whole Asmodeus thing, or Sam wouldn't have left his house for a year.

"I'm good," He assured her. "I really am." And he was. Dean didn't believe it but Sam was actually doing pretty well. Sure, it hurt to think of how Ruby had used him, but he was tired of being a victim. In a way, Ruby had been good for him. He'd gotten over his fear and his guilt, and had emerged on the other side a stronger person than when he'd set out. He was going to try and seize his happiness, no matter what.

Speaking of which…

"You want to dance?" Sam inclined his head towards the couples swirling around – some a bit drunkenly – on the dance floor. Jo and Victor weren't even dancing anymore, just standing there and swaying slightly while they made out. Charlie and Anna had long since stopped dancing, sitting with Anna in Charlie's lap while they whispered in each other's ears.

Sarah's smile was dazzling. "I'd like that," She said, letting him take her hand.

Dean stretched his arms above his head, feeling the pleasant burn that came with enthusiastic sex. Cas was already up, getting into his suit for patrol. His wings were flared out, the glow from the lamps reflecting off the glossy feathers like colored light on deep water. Dean wondered if Cas realized how damn sexy he looked, getting into the form-fitting outfit to go and save the city.

He grinned, grabbing his pants and slipping them on as he stood up. He didn't bother zipping them, striding over to Cas and kissing him without preamble. Cas made a startled noise but reciprocated, sucking Dean's tongue into his mouth. Dean lifted his hands up and buried his fingers into the feathers, stroking them and massaging the base where the wings met Cas's spine. Cas keened, arching helplessly into Dean's touch.

"I have to go, Dean," He protested breathlessly.

"Just a little something to remember me by," Dean said with a wink.

Cas grabbed his hips, grinding shamelessly against Dean. "I always remember you," He replied, his voice low and harsh. "I protect this city for the people I love, Dean, and you are at the top of that list."

Dean's heart stuttered before thudding loudly against his ribcage. "Good," He whispered, "Because I happen to love you too."

Cas's wings flared slightly in pleasure as he smiled, drawing Dean in for one last kiss that left Dean aching. Dean loved when they were alone and Cas could show his wings, because those damn expressive appendages revealed every emotion Cas was feeling.

"So who's on the loose tonight?" He asked, taking a step back before he seriously made Cas late. Anna and Charlie both had the night off so Cas was doing double duty without Pythia's electronic backup. Cas had assured Dean that he would be fine – he'd patrolled on his own for years before Anna discovered his secret and Charlie came along – but Dean couldn't help but worry. He wondered if he'd ever truly stop worrying, stop checking the news for sightings and info, panic seizing his chest in an icy grip.

But if that was the price he had to pay for being with Cas, he was willing.

Cas slipped on his mask. "Dr. Chill was released last week, and my sources indicate he's going to hit a blood bank on the East Side. Kitten is up to her old tricks and Janus is still at large, but other than those two it should be a quiet night."

Dean snorted. "If your fist slips and connects with her face, I wouldn't mind." He would never forgive Ruby for what she'd done, and her continued evasion of justice irked him.

Cas sent Dean a chastising glare, which Dean deflected with a grin. "You are impossible, Dean Winchester."

"Same to you, Castiel Novak," Dean replied.

Cas made to step into the car but Dean got there first, pulling him in for one last kiss. "I'll be waiting when you get back," He promised, pressing their foreheads together.

He felt Cas smile against his lips.

And then he was gone, being the badass vigilante saving the city, banishing the darkness that threatened their home, one criminal at a time. He patrolled at night while Dean took command in the day, and between the two of them Dean thought Gotham just might have a chance. And no matter what happened during those patrols, Cas would always come back to him.

And Dean would always be waiting.

Did you know this story was ninety-six pages on Microsoft Word? Yeesh. I gotta tell you – this thing was a bitch to write. And I'm not ashamed to admit, I was terrified when I posted it. I haven't done an AU before, and I was really worried about balancing characters and plot, not to mention getting the characters right in the first place. I hope that you all enjoyed it, and that you'll share your thoughts with me by leaving a review.

And remember: this story is dedicated to the one and only lastknownwriter, Queen of the Supernatural Alternate Universes, Empress of Fluff, Grand Master of Destiel Smut and High Mage of Fantastic Writing. In other words, go and read her stories!