Chapter 1: The Crash

I have decided to make yet another funny fic, but this one has some drama in it. This time it only includes mainly Yami and Joey and of course the Nightmare Before Christmas characters. I don't own any of the characters from either show/movie. Please enjoy!

Yami stared at everything around him as it spun non-stop. Joey was also experiencing this nauseating yet interesting feeling. This all started after Yami and Joey thought that it was going to be a great idea to go to a club for the first time, but they were wrong, very wrong. Sure Yami used to drink back then when he was still pharoah, but his body was not used to the toxins after 5000 years. When they walked into those doors, they couldn't help but try a little bit of the variety of drinks that they had. For after tasting the sweet yet bitter liquid, they couldn't stop. They made themselves so sick that they couldn't even stand. It took them about an hour just to manage to get up. Joey was the one who spoke first.

Joey: 'Slowly' "Yami...I don't feel so good...lets get going back to the game shop for some rest..."

Yami: 'Tiredly' "You're right Joey...lets get back to the you want me to drive?"

Joey: "Its cool man...I can drive..."

Joey took the driver's seat while Yami took the front passenger seat. They both at least had the intelligence to buckle their seat belts. Joey then slowly started the car and they began their ride home.

Yami: "Well that was sure refreshed my memories of being pharoah."

Joey: "Yeah...that was cool..."

Joey's vision started to blur plus it was dark out, making him swerve back and forth on the road slightly, making Yami nervous.

Yami: "Uh you want me to take the wheel?"

Yami tried to reach for the wheel, but Joey swatted his hand away from it.

Joey: 'Annoyed' "Look Yami...I can do this! Stay away!"

Yami: "You've had too much to drink Joey, let me take the wheel!"

Joey: "No!"

Yami and Joey made the car swerve more and more, not realizing what was in store for them. A gigantic truck was headed directly at them!

Yami: "Oh shit! Joey give me the wheel now!"

Joey: "No way man...what the?!"

It was too late, the giant truck smashed into them head on, making them fly foward and falling back into their seats, the seat belts not allowing them to go any farther. Both of them heard sirens going off, then growing silent as everything around them turned black.

TBC: Please Review!
I think this story is going to be good! I hope you guys liked this chapter and that you stay tuned for the next chapter. It should be posted by tomorrow. Bye!