Alice had despised Alfred Jones from the moment he winked at her. He winked at her! The nerve! It hadn't so much been that, as the fact that he was so bloody perfect. Golden, dark blonde hair, sky blue eyes, and a perfect smile that could light up a dark room. He dressed sloppily, but in such a way that it made him look even more ridiculously attractive. It was as if God had copied and pasted him from some sappy, pre-teen romance book. He was loud and obnoxious and it spread like some airborne disease. He was absurdly kind and had an annoying habit of sticking his nose where it wasn't wanted. Like on her first day at an American high school.
She hadn't wanted to be here. She should've been back in the outskirts of London. Her beloved city where the gray skies and steady rain were all she needed for reading her favorite classics. Not this noisy blur of color and relentless sunshine. Seriously, where were the blooming clouds? Her father's work and odd obsession with anything American was what had dragged her across the bloody Atlantic and put her in this mess.
She was to attend the Birchwood International Academy of California which she had decided she despised before she'd even arrived in America. The campus was very spacious with enough courts for a mini-Olympics. There were plenty of glades shaded by trees where students could relax outside; perfect for reading, but still Alice refused to be taken up with the school. The stately buildings sprawled across campus were still fairly new and the brick walls, deep reds and browns, had not yet faded under the sun. That sun that couldn't seem to leave well enough alone-
Startled, Alice turned to her right to see a grinning boy in a flannel shirt under a name brand hoodie and 'fashionably' ripped jeans. Honestly, what was so attractive about holes in your pants. And why was he smiling like that? Idiotic high school boys.. "Hello" she nodded politely, but it came out more like "Hullo".
The boy smiled even wider if that was possible. "They said you were British!"
She sniffed irritably, tugging at her cardigan. She really wasn't in the mood to deal with people. Especially morning people which apparently this bloke was. "Who said?"
"The people at the office." Ignoring her blank look, he carried on. "I'm Alfred. Alfred Jones. I'm a member of the Student Council so they sent me to help show the newbies around school. You're Alice Kirkland, right?"
"That is correct, but I assure you I can find my own way about-"
"I'll walk you to your first class anyway," Alfred said, running over her words and that's when he winked at her. She stiffened and clenched her hands into fists by her side. Who did this barmy American boy think he was? All the same, she decided it would be impolite of her to refuse so she only nodded curtly and followed him down the path towards her absolute doom.
He made a sorry attempt at conversation that ended up sounding more like an insult. "Why're you dressed like that?"
"I mean, you know we don't have a school uniform, right?"
She glanced down at her attire a little self-consciously. Even in London her plaid skirt, collared top, olive green cardigan, and oxfords would be a bit out of place. She looked like she'd hopped right out of a time machine from the 50's. Still, she felt more comfortable wearing what she had on than what was considered modern fashion today. "What I wear is none of your business. Besides, I thought America was a free country."
Alfred grinned and raised his hands in surrender. "Touché."
The more he talked, the more she decided she didn't like him. He went on though like they'd been chums for life. He seemed to be forgetting he was supposed to be showing her the way around school, not glorifying the school's American football team like he was now.
"You should totally come see our game next month. It'll be on the second Saturday. Hey! You could be a cheerleader!" He flashed her another brilliant smile. Alice was sure she would be blind as well as deaf before this horrid conversation was over.
"I highly doubt it." She replied with an icy bite in her tone, but it did nothing to faze Alfred. To her further irritation, he only gave her cheeky, lop-sided grin.
"Why not? You'd make a hot cheerleader."
With a huff, Alice readjusted the red glasses on her nose to hide her flaming cheeks. Just who did this bloke think he was?
"Here we are! This is your Homeroom, but your first period is here anyway. Classical literature, I think." He made a face, but she wasn't amused. She was way beyond courtesies now. She just wanted him to leave. "But I'll see you in Trig, Nancy Drew."
He winked. Again. Wait, Trig? Nancy Drew? She opened her mouth to say something, she wasn't sure whether to ask him what he meant or give him a scathing reply, but he was already waving good bye and trotting towards a classroom down the hall. She groaned inwardly and shuffled into her homeroom, ignoring the jostling bodies and curious looks. It was only 8:30 and she already hated this place. Why couldn't her father have just let her stay in London?
A/U: Gonna attempt to complete a whole 'fic for once instead of just writing one-shots! 8D Please review and let me know where I can improve! ^^
Oh, and if anyone has any tips on writing British accents, that'd be awesome :) I did a bit of research, but it's still difficult to actually write the character. Especially since she's a girl and I haven't written from a girl's perspective in awhile .