"Round 2, but this time, I'm on top."

"You know cool guys don't bottom, Kid." Soul had told his boyfriend after their intense sexual encounter. Secretly, however, Soul was really nervous inside. A guy had never actually...been inside of him. Kid licked the scythe's cheek in quick strokes, and asked "Please, Soul? I just want to make you feel as good as I felt...please baby?" Soul had to think about this, but it seemed like Kid really wanted to do it, so he agreed. kid rewarded him with a nibble on the ear and whispered something that made Soul harden, "Good, because I want to fuck you til you can't walk."

He remembered that he should prep Soul with his fingers, so he entered using one finger, which made Soul's insides twist and he groaned in pain. He entered two more digits and started moving them around, all while he kept kissing and biting Soul's neck, distracting him from the pain. After a while, Kid had finally hit Soul's sweet spot and yelled out "Yes! That feels great!" But he instantly regretted his comment after realizing he sounded way hornier than he meant to.

The Death Prince smiled at this comment and went even harder and deeper inside Soul, penetrating him and making Soul even harder. "Gah...nhh..." Soul clenched tightly, making Kid's thrusts less and less by the second. "You're gonna cum?" Soul nodded, and Kid grabbed onto his painfully neglected cock. "Ah, ah, ah, no cumming til you scream my name." He gave a sadistic grin, making Soul scared inside, but he could never tell him that. "Le-let me cum, plea-" "Say my name." With that, he covered the tip of Soul's dick with his thumb and started thrusting again, hitting his sweet spot over and over and over again. Soul's vision was going white, he's aching for his release. Kid won. "Kid..."

Kid growled, "Louder."

Soul was going to burst, he couldn't take much more. "Kid...Kid.."


"Kid, Kid, Kid, KID, KID KID!"

Kid was satisfied, and let go of Soul's cock, what seemed like gallons of cum started coming out. Soul clenched tight around Kid and he came into him, deep and hard. He pulled out and kissed Soul on the cheek and whispered "Now, was that so hard?"


Kid giggled, and with that being said, they fell asleep, covered in Soul's warm cum, and not giving a care in the world.

Hooray, I'm done!

There was a lot more to my role-play, even a round three, but I was satisfied with this ending.

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