Title: Where's Maura?

Rating: M

Summary: Maura goes missing, and all Jane wants to know is where she is.

Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be.

Authors note: Um. I tried to write, you know, an M rated story. This is what came out instead. While I'm still rating it M, it wasn't quite what I had in mind. Sometimes I swear my fingers have a mind of their own. I hope you like it anyway. :-)


"Where's Maura?" Jane asked.

"Where's Maura?" and the BPD turned itself upside down.

"Where's Maura?" and officers were on their walkies, frantically barking out instructions.

"Where's Maura?" and Korsak looked at her with worry in his eyes.

"Where's Maura?" and Angela began to sob into her apron.

"Where's Maura?" and Frost was on the computer, tracking everything he could think of.

"Where's Maura?" and a full 12 hours later, Jane feels as though her head is about to explode.

"Where's Maura?" and Frankie's holding Jane as she keens into his shoulder, not even able to draw enough breath to sob.

"Where's Maura?" and there's a report come through on the radio of a woman's body found.

"Where's Maura?" and Jane's heart stops.

"Where's Maura?" but it not her, it's not Maura.

"Where's Maura?" and Jane begins to hope against hope.

"Where's Maura?" and Maura walks through the door.

"Are you okay?" Jane asked.

"Are you okay?" as she runs her hands up and down Maura's arms.

"Are you okay?" as she breathes in deeply of Maura's scent.

"Are you okay?" as she drinks in the sight of Maura, who looks unharmed.

"Are you okay?" she is coming closer to Maura, who's not backing away.

"Are you okay?" as Angela watched.

"Are you okay?" as Frankie, Korsak and Frost scrutinized.

"Are you okay?" as Maura's hands rest on Jane's waist.

"I'm fine," Maura whispers.

"I'm fine," it's an apology, and an explanation all in one.

"I'm fine," and everyone else will need it explained, but Jane knows.

"I'm fine," as they invade each other's space.

"I'm fine," as neither of them mind being so close.

"I'm fine," as they stare into each other's eyes.

"I'm fine," as they lean their heads in closer.

"I'm fine," as Cavanaugh clears his throat.

"Go home," Cavanaugh says.

"Go home," and the women hear respect.

"Go home," and Angela's eyes shine with approval.

"Go home," and Frankie whistles.

"Go home," as Frost slips Korsak $20.

"Go home," as all of the officers collectively sigh in relief.

"Go home," and Jane sees her future.

"Go home," and Maura sees her love.


"You're here," Jane murmurs, as she runs her hands up Maura's naked form.

"I'm here," Maura whispers, as she cups Jane's breasts in both hands.

"Please don't ever leave me again," Jane whispers into her skin, kissing down Maura's body.

"I will never," Maura agrees, arching her back as Jane reaches her destination.

"I love you," Jane mumbles against the wetness, as her fingers pump mercilessly.

"Forever, Jane!" Maura cries, as she soars high, safe in the knowledge that Jane will catch her.

"Forever, Maura," Jane whispers.

Maura's here. And all is good in the world.


Please review.