Enoshima's Erotic Escapades
Danganronpa is owned by Spike Chunsoft and Lerche
Okay...new reviews, and I'm quite happy with it, so now I'm more inspired to "cook up" some more...and this will be "exciting" just like last chapter.
We are now in the final chapter, and this is where everything ends...and Naegi will make a discovery that would put him in the borderline between hope and despair...
Well, enjoy!
Ch. 22: FINAL Chapter
By morning, the remaining classmates of class 78 saw Naegi's state and untied him while giving him a towel and there Naegi appeared to be shaken and told what happened, though he couldn't make a description since he was tied and gagged, and Kirigiri wondered if this is Monokuma's doing, suspecting that Monokuma is attempting to make Naegi despair.
The group then meet up at the cafeteria and there Naegi told the others what he went through and Asahina and Hagakure were visibly appalled that someone would do this to Naegi, and Kirigiri silently assessed that Monokuma may have something to do with this believing that the mastermind might have done this to make Naegi despair and thus would "weaken" the boy enough to make him inept in future class trials, as Asahina and Hagakure were upset on who would do this to Naegi.
"No way..."
"Who would do this to you..?"
"I bet the mastermind did this..."
"You got to pull through, Naegi-chi..."
"Hagakure's right, Naegi-kun...don't give in!"
"We're right behind you!"
"We'll get out of here..."
"That's right!"
Togami was rather curious as to who would do something to Naegi, though he opted not to get involved and the six students decided to move on and start investigating what they are about to face.
An hour later, after the group explore the fifth and final floor, containing a botanical garden and a classroom filled with dried blood, the group decided to further their investigation while Kirigiri vowed to investigate more clues on her own, and this caused Togami to get her on his nerves, seeing that Kirigiri is going solo again and he began to question Kirigiri about her identity, but she states that she doesn't remember it due to amnesia.
"...that's the answer I can give you..."
"And you expect me to believe you?"
"It's up to you to believe me or not..."
"You're not being honest!"
"I am..."
Not believing this, Togami confiscates the key to Kirigiri's dorm room whilst Naegi is given the responsibility of looking after a survival knife Fukawa found earlier, in which Togami decided on this seeing that Asahina and Hagakure were "capable" of "inflicting harm" to others.
Later that night, Kirigiri, who had managed to obtain a master key and the details about Ikusaba from the headmaster's office thanks to Oogami breaking down the door, she asks Naegi to keep Monokuma occupied whilst she goes off to investigate the dorm building's second floor. There Naegi called out Monokuma and the two exchanged words as Kirigiri sneaked off out of sight as a reluctant Naegi distracts the mechanical bear.
"What was it?"
"What the what?"
"What was that treasure that got stolen?"
"It's a secret!"
Naegi's ploy worked as Monokuma was distracted and Kirigiri succeeded in getting to her target and Naegi is forced to leave as he is getting physically spent from recent activities.
Later that night, the scene shifts to his dorm room where the scene zoomed towards Naegi as he comes down with a fever as a result of staying up all night, he has a dream stating he is supposed to stay in Hope's Peak Academy instead of escape from it, then witnessing a masked person wielding the survival knife, followed by Kirigiri telling him something he can't hear.
Waking up the next morning to discover the knife has gone missing, Naegi heads to the gym where everyone is disassembling a broken down Monokuma unit, in which they uncovered a bomb which caused the others, save for Togami, to get nervous though Togami assured that the bomb has been deactivated.
"A bomb!"
"It's going to blow!"
"Fear not...I deactivated it..."
"Thank goodness..."
"Don't scare us like that!"
Believing that Monokuma was "finished", the rest decided to find a way out of the academy, and whilst looking for a way to break into the headmaster's office for answers, Togami ordered Fukawa to fetch a tool, only for her to return as "Genocider Sho",, and there she told the rest about seeing a corpse at the garden, and as the other followed Genocider, they discover a corpse in the background resembling the masked attacker Naegi saw, which Togami suspects may be Kirigiri, which caused Naegi to get worried.
"A corpse..."
"Could that be...?"
"Who knows..."
"Ha-ha-ha...I'm going to unmask her!"
"Stop, Sho!"
"Why? I'm going to do it!"
"I said stop!"
Genocider Sho then decided to unmask the corpse despite Togami's protests, and before she can remove the mask, a bomb goes off, torching the corpse and leaving it unidentifiable by the time they put the fire out. Finding a key to the data processing room, the group went inside only to discover several cameras and soon they are confronted by a fully working Monokuma, who reveals all their actions are being broadcast to the world. To make matters worse, a class trial is to be held for the corpse they found, which is revealed by Kirigiri, who is alive and well, to be that of Mukuro Ikusaba.
After conducting their investigation, during which Togami has Naegi investigate Kirigiri's room, the class trial begins. Togami accuses Kirigiri, who has no alibi, but she curiously brings up evidence that effectively negates Naegi's alibi. After ruling out a faked stab wound, along with multiple wounds from days ago, as causes of deaths, Togami points out a locker key found in Kirigiri's room, which opens a locker in the archery room containing steel arrows that could be used as a blunt instrument.
Although this appears to be contradicted by the fact Togami had the key to Kirigiri's room the entire time, Naegi considers the possibility that Kirigiri could have used the key she stole from Monokuma. Deciding to believe in Kirigiri and not reveal the key, Naegi questions that something is wrong about the trial. However, Monokuma suddenly declares an abrupt end to the trial, ordering the students to vote for the culprit, but then Kirigiri came up with an alibi which points naegi as the culprit, and the others are forced to follow suit and voted off Naegi, thus Monokuma declaring Naegi to be the culprit, much to Naegi's shock and tries to snap them out of their actions.
However, the execution is now under way and Naegi is placed on a conveyor belt leading to a crusher, but he is miraculously saved thanks to a virus left behind by Alter Ego, and falls safely into a garbage dump below. This caused the others, save for Kirigiri, to realize that Naegi was innocent from the beginning.
"Hey...isn't that..."
"Alter Ego..."
"Then this means that Naegi is innocent from the beginning...?"
However, Kirigiri quipped that the trap failed yet Monokuma shrugs it off saying that Naegi being trapped "downstairs" with no food, water or exit, Naegi will still die and the others realized that Monokuma set them up to execute Naegi, driving them to guilt.
Sometime later, Kirigiri throws herself down the garbage chute to aid Naegi, providing him with food and a means of escape. Kirigiri explains how Naegi would've been the victim had she not saved him from the assailant, with the trial a set-up to get either her or Naegi out of the picture. Whilst making their way up a giant ladder, Kirigiri states she had regained some of her memories, revealing herself to be the Super High School Level Detective, who came to Hope's Peak Academy to see her father, the headmaster, who she is not on good terms with.
"You mean...?"
"Yes...Jin Kirigiri is the headmaster...and my dad..."
"I see..."
"That's all I managed to decipher for now..."
"Let's get out of here..."
The two left the garbage room and trek upwards, and it took them long before reaching the top. Arriving back inside the academy, Naegi and Kirigiri confront Monokuma, offering to settle things in an all-or-nothing class trial, in which they must not only deduce Ikusaba's murderer, but also solve all the mysteries surrounding Hope's Peak Academy. Reuniting with the others and given the entire academy to examine, Naegi prepares for the final investigation, the final class trial and the final battle between Hope and Despair.
Monokuma has decided to make a last class trial in which the survivors have to solve the high school's mysteries, including the culprit of Mukuro Ikusaba's death. Monokuma announces in the beginning of the episode that he is now unlocking all rooms in the school, including the Private Room of the Headmaster, Kirigiri's Father.
Kirigiri and Naegi go inside the private room. Inside, there is a computer, on which Kirigiri has gotten previous vague information on Super High School Level Despair. On this computer, there is a password box, but what it is for, they do not know. Kirigiri mentions that she has tried countless different answers for the puzzle that is the password code to no success. Naegi, however, gets an idea he is sure Kirigiri did not think of. He types 'Kyoko', Kirigiri's first name, and is successful, opening a secret door that was hidden in the wall.
Naegi and Kirigiri go inside this newly revealed secret room, only to come across a brightly colored package on a table. Despite Kirigiri's warning that it is most likely something unpleasant, Naegi opens the gift box to find a human skeleton, assumed to be that of the Headmaster. Along with the remains, there is an ID card, presumably belonging to the headmaster. Also in the room, Kirigiri comes across a picture of her father and herself when she was younger, and find a memory card of some sort taped on the backside of the frame.
Kirigiri and Naegi go to the lab in which they watched those first motive video clips way back, and put in the card. The only file on it is a video file, and it turns out to be a file of each student being interviewed by the Headmaster, agreeing to stay locked in the school for life. As soon as the video gets to Enoshima Junko, however, Monokuma cuts the power, frying the chip and saying that it was a power outage of some sorts.
After the video incident, Kirigiri asks to be left alone, so Naegi leaves her and goes to investigate on his own, going to the locker room on the second floor. Using the ID card he found in the secret room, he unlocks two lockers there, one having notebooks full of class notes that belong to Hagakure, and the other solely containing a journal of Kirigiri's.
Later, Naegi goes up to the fifth floor and into the Biology Lab, which is now unlocked. There he finds a passed out Fukawa, who wakes up as Genocider Syo. They then both observe that there are only nine bodies as opposed to what they believe should be ten in the Lab's morgue storage, one of them being Mukuro Ikusaba. Genocider Syo also notices that Ikusaba was stabbed multiple times through her body. Genocider then leaves to go find Togami. Once she leaves, Monokuma slips each student a picture containing every other student besides them in it as a 'special hint'.
Not too long after, the Final Trial begins, this time Monokuma is instead taking part in the trial as opposed to just observing. The trial starts off with accusations from Hagakure that everyone is aiding the mastermind besides himself, as he assumed from the picture having everyone but himself in it. The group comes to a conclusion that it was just a trick on the Mastermind's behalf to get them all against each other.
However, Naegi points out that the photos are not fake, with his back up evidence being the video file from the memory card. He concludes that not only do they all have amnesia, but it is most likely that they all had their memories stolen from the mastermind. Monokuma confirms this, and then directs the trial back onto the main point- Mukuro Ikasaba's death and the culprit, confident that the students would hit a dead-end.
Pulling many clues together, including the stab wounds, lack of a tenth body in the Morgue, Enoshima's face being hidden in all the pictures, and Monokuma's cutting off of the video once it got to Enoshima, Naegi realizes that the mastermind is none other than Junko Enoshima. Enoshima then appears in a screen of smoke, telling the remaining students that she and Ikusaba were twins, and laughing menacingly.
Junko Enoshima reveals that she had used Mukuro Ikusaba, her older twin sister, to take her place, before showing the others footage of the outside world. It is revealed to be in total chaos, which is confirmed by Genocider Syo, who retained her memories due to them being separate from Touko Fukawa's. It is then revealed that the memories that were stolen from the students were actually of two whole years spent together in Hope's Peak Academy. A year ago, when a terrible incident hit the world, the school was converted into shelter to protect the students carrying hope on their shoulders.
However, Enoshima killed the Headmaster, erased the students' memories and began the killing game, even betraying her own sister in the process. Then in an act of malice, Enoshima showed the video of each of the remaining students' "most embarrassing moments" which she is sure to send them in an embarrassing despair, but somehow they managed to keep their cool, but then Enoshima pointed out that Naegi has the MOST embarrassing secret, in which she said that Naegi had sex several times before he was locked at Hope's Peak Academy, which she dubbed "Naegi's Sex-capade", which Naegi is unaware of until now.
"What did you say?"
"You heard me, Naegi-kun...you had sex in the past two years...with a girl..."
"You're lying!"
"I'm not...you're no longer a virgin...and you enjoyed it the most..."
"What proof do you have?"
"It's in your lost memories..."
"You can't fool me!"
"Then allow me to show you..."
By then Enoshima showed a video, coming from Naegi and Enoshima's memories, where Enoshima seduced Naegi into having sex with her several times in the past two years, as well as when Naegi was abducted and molested several hours earlier, and there Naegi slowly recalled those times much to the shock of the rest (save for Kirigiri), and realized that Enoshima was only using him just to satisfy herself and Naegi slowly loses his composure and is about to lunge towards Enoshima but is restrained by Hagakure, who urged Naegi to calm down.
"Calm down!"
"Forget that! You need to focus!"
Seeing where things are going according to her plan, Enoshima then holds a final vote between hope and despair; if everyone votes for hope, they must leave the academy, but should even one student vote in favor of despair, the students will remain in the academy and Makoto Naegi alone will be executed.
Despite this, Naegi manages to use his own hope to inspire the others to stand up against despair, earning him the new title of Super High School Level Hope. Despite rebutting several times, Naegi rallies the rest and made Enoshima submitted and they overcame her and to her surprise, she lost the debate and was "struck" by Naegi's "hope".
With the trial over, Enoshima at first couldn't believe the results until she felt a bit of pain in her stomach area and the rest saw blood dripping between her legs, and there she realized that she is having a miscarriage, in which she was actually pregnant and pointed out that Naegi is the father, but with this, and her plans failed, she revels herself in the ultimate despair and gives herself the ultimate punishment, leaving behind an escape switch. Naegi stood still at the realization of what just happened, and he is starting to sink in to depression and may lead to despair, but the others encouraged Naegi to let it go, believing that this is for the best.
"Cheer up, Naegi-kun..."
"It's for the best, Naegi-chi..."
"I'm sure you'll find a girlfriend soon..."
"At least Enoshima won't bear an insane off-spring..."
With hope in their hearts, and encouragement from his friends, Naegi managed to recover, and Naegi and the others use the switch to leave the academy and venture into the unknown world, unaware that Monokuma is still active...
The End...
Hope you like this chapter, as this covers the final episodes of the anime, while Naegi nearly succumbed to despair after learning that he was the father and that Enoshima suffered miscarriage, but in the end, he and his friends survived and escaped the academy, where they would eventually be rescued by Future Foundation...
It's been a year, and I never imagined that this fic came THIS far...so many thanks to those who read and reviewed...I appreciated it a lot. Many thanks!