Written for OTP Boot Camp - Prompt24: Suffocated

"Not again!" Scorpius scowled.

"Hey, cut it out. Rose is voluntarily joining us, and I'm very happy about it." Albus stated, defending his cousin.

"I don't understand why she has to drag her boyfriend along with her," Scorpius mumbled sullenly.

"Would you rather have her join us just by herself?" Albus asked, quirking his eyebrow.

The answer to his question was a simple yes of course. But Scorpius wasn't ready to admit his changed feelings for Rose to his best friend. Maybe he would have if Albus wasn't related to her, and would then either pester him to pursue her or just stay away from her until he fell out of his feelings for her.

"I just don't understand why both of them have to join us. They are together, don't they want to spend some quality time with each other?" Scorpius stated, trying to sound indifferent but all along wishing quite the opposite. He didn't want Rose to spend quality time with anyone who wasn't him! He realized that he should be happy that they would be spending time with him and Albus instead. But he hated that too. He hated watching them make dopey eyes at each other. And he hated when Hoffman (Rose's boyfriend) casually touched her or she touched him. All that simply brought the memory of them passionately snogging each other against the shelves in the library, which he had witnessed few days previously.

"Listen, if it pisses you off so much, you don't have to be here. Okay? Rose is happy right now, and I'm happy for her. She wants me get to know Alan better, and I'm going to try that."

Scorpius huffed in reply and then added, "You hate him, don't you?"

"No, I don't." Albus said curtly. "Well, I don't particularly like him either."

Scorpius grinned. He suddenly felt very glad that Albus and he were best mates.

"I wonder what she sees in him," Scorpius mumbled.

"It shouldn't matter to me. As long as he's good to her, I suppose," Albus replied with a shrug.

"So, are you going to stay here?" Albus asked getting up from his chair.

Scorpius considered his dilemma. He could either stay back in his common room ignoring his thoughts or he could join Albus and tolerate Rose and Hoffman. Though the first option seemed better, he also wanted to see Rose.

Scorpius sighed and got up from his chair. "I'm bored."He hoped that Albus would consider his fake reason and not try to deduce his interest.

Albus looked at him queerly, then shrugged and they headed out of Hogwarts to meet the lovely couple.

"I think I'm always going to dislike any guy Rose is going to date. It's like a law or something."

"Sure," Scorpius nodded, wondering if Albus would hate him if he and Rose dated. That was a stupid fantasy of course. He wasn't going to end up with the red-head. She and he were just too different. And they hated each other . . . well, she hated him. It would never work out.

A/N: I hope this was alright. It has been so long since I wrote Rose and Scorpius. I'm trying to get back into writing regularly. Forgive any awkward phrases and mistakes, it has been a while.

Anyway, let me know what you thought of it. : )