Damn, I hoped I would never have to make an entry like this… but in the end I don't think I have any choice…
Now to explain why this is so:
As much as I love the RikuTsura pairing and enjoyed writing some of the scenes, my motivation for writing this fic was never large and unfortunately it has not grown with time. Since this was supposed to be a short fic, I thought it would not pose a problem but, at it ends, it did: I just could not finish chapter 4.
I thought about making chapter 4 a final chapter and I could… but everything I came up with sucked. And damn, I don't want to release a sucky chapter. You guys deserve better than that. Sometime in future I will manage to write a decent final chapter and I will publish it… but I won't force myself. I won't make a sucky chapter just to end this fic. I'll rather put it on-hold until I have a satisfying plan. And that's what I am doing.
As for reason why I can't get myself motivated to write… I am not sue myself but if I had to guess there are two reasons: short stories just ain't my thing and neither are stories of a purely romantic nature. I guess I could have solved this problem by changing it from a short story into a long fic with some over-reaching plot but unfortunately I have The Shin Sekai to write and I recently started writing an Original Fic… and plan to start a third Fic once the new fic has taken root. In other words, I can't afford to make SatS a long fic.
I apologize to everyone who enjoyed reading my fanfic. I apologize to everyone who faved and followed it in hopes of getting a regular dose of reading they enjoyed. I especially apologize because I promised some of you that I would go on and am now breaking that promise. I sincerely apologize for my own failure.
As said, I will make a proper ending sometime in the future. It will end much sooner than I'd have liked, but it will have to suffice. I won't make it now because I can't come up with anything satisfying, but once I do (and I will), you will get some kind of proper ending.
I should also add that I am not throwing all my ideas and plans I had for future scenes into the fire. Many of them may appear in form of one-shoots and I hope you guys will like them.
So once again, I am sorry. I know I have let you down, but I am afraid I have no choice :(
(Unregistered users can feel free to post questions in Reviews: I will put replies to them in this "chapter" as soon as possible)