Footsteps echoed down the grand hallway, the whispers of both males and females mingling together as the three made their way to the door. The girl was chattering excitedly, her voice mostly drowning out the others. One of the men was trying his best to keep her quiet, the other had let it go.

"We don't need to be quiet, the rooms are so spaced out that it shouldn't matter, besides most everyone is already up."

The girl nodded, a maniac-like grin on her face. "This is far too exciting to stay quiet about!"




"I believe that what he wanted to say was that while your enthusiasm for titans is admirable, perhaps you would like to tone it down until everyone wakes up more."

"Oh yes. Right, will do commander Erwin." Zoe Hanji was an average sized woman, not short, not all too tall, with dark brown hair, that she always wore partially up. She had large rectangular glasses, more like goggles, that seemed to fit her personality, but no one was really sure if she actually needed them.

To her right was Commander Erwin Smith. A tall man with blonde hair that flowed smoothly to the back of his head, showing some darker brown sideburns, which made his dulled blue eyes seem all that much more blue. And all the way to the left was a younger man, about the size of Hanji. He had dark brown hair that was a bit wild, as if he had just gotten up, and stunning turquoise eyes. Eren Yager, a seemingly normal boy with a strong spirit, and unchanging resolve.

"I actually can't believe he's still asleep…" Eren looked Hanji's way.

Erwin nodded. "It's unlike him. He is usually up before everyone else."

"Maybe he isn't feeling well." The two both turned to Eren, giving him looks as if he had gone mad. "Wh-What? Everyone gets's really hard to avoid…"

Hanji shook her head. "No way. He can't be sick."

"It's possible. Eren is right. No one can help getting sick. Plus he has been injured once again…"


Erwin nodded. "He doesn't want to show it, but I can see clearly that he has twisted his ankle."

Eren let out a low comment. "He has been limping a bit."


"Zoe. Calm down please."

"...Yes Commander."

"Well. This is his room."

"Eren you open the door."

"Why me!?"

"If he's changing or something I don't wanna be the one to open it!"


"Just do it Eren."

"Yes commander…" The boy stepped forward, and timidly pushed the door open. "Corporal?" He poked his head in the room and looked around, then opened the door all the way up, and stepped in. "Corporal?...Weird, it doesn't look like he's in here…"

"What do you mean not in here!?"

"Well, do you see him?"

"Check the bed."



The two shifted their eyes over to the nice twin bed at the side of the room, observing how the gold and blue comforter was bumped up.

"Are you kidding me? Is he really still asleep? After all of Hanji's yelling!?"

"It seems so. I'll leave you two to the task of waking him up, I have work that I need to attend to. Come to my office one you have woken him."

"Yes commander. " The two said together.

Erwin turned, the door falling shut as he left.

Hanji looked over at Eren, about ready to bolt from the room, and leave the boy to do the deed himself.

"Please Hanji. I can't do this alone, what if he tries to kill me or something?"

"Well…" She looked up, as if thinking over something. "Alright fine. I'll help, but if he tries to rip someones face off I'm sacrificing you."

"...right, well the same goes for you." He smiled playfully, and she returned the gesture.

The pair turned back to the bed, and approached the lump cautiously. Eren warily reached forward and pulled back the covers, revealing a darkly flushed, heavily breathing, and still sleeping Levi.

"Oh man…"

"I can't believe you were right Eren! He looks really bad!"

"Shhhhh!" Eren sighed, and looked over the corporal. "Yeah, he does."

"Alright so...sorry corporal buuuut,"

"Wait what are you-"


Levi groaned, and shifted uncomfortably, one stormy grey eye cracking open to glare at Hanji. His short black hair formed a messy halo around his head, and his flush reached up to the tips of his ears and back. Hanji waved at him, a small smile on her face. He groaned, and slowly tried to sit up. He was incredibly, and unnormally shaky. His breaths came out in heavy pants, and his eyesight was blurry from sleep.

"What time is it?" His low voice wavered and, making the pair standing beside him recognize really just how bad this was.

"About 9:30."

"We were wondering what was keeping you, but we don't have to wonder anymore."

"Just what do you," He gave a small, but painful sounding cough. "mean by that Hanji?"

"Well, it's obvious that you're sick, so you won't be doing much until you get better." She shot the corporal an apologetic smile. "And...someone is going to have to take care of you, make sure you don't pass out and all that, and since we're the only to here, and I'm a female, plus I have the titans to tend to…"

"No way…"

"I appoint Eren to watch over you until you get better."

He let out a raspy sigh. "I don't need someone to watch over me. I'm fine, I don't need the help of the brat."

"But Levi, you don't look well. Just boss him around, make him do stuff. If that doesn't make you feel at least a little bit better I don't know what will."

Levi's eyes were trained ahead of himself, his hands settled in his lap. He gave his head a small shake before looking back over at the other two. "Fine, I am responsable for him after all, so it would only make sense that I watch over him."

"But corporal I'm supposed to-"

"Yep, that's right! Wouldn't want to go back on your word right Corporal?"

Levi gave Hanji a small half nod. If the two didn't know any better they would say that it was a way of telling her that he approves, however, knowing the Corporal it was only just a nod, acknowledging his duty.

"Well, I'll be off then! See you in the office!" Hanji turned, and quickly made her way out of the room, mumbling something about someone being something with someone else, as she pulled the door shut behind her.


"I need to change."


Levi simply looked up at Eren, his eyes seeming to burn right through the boy. He tilted his head slightly, almost expectantly.

Oh shit...I have to help him...shiiiit!

Eren awkwardly looped an arm around Levi's waist, and lifted him up slightly. He pulled slowly pulled Levi to the edge of the bed, and gave him a small push to his feet. There was no, "Thank you." from the corporal. Not like he was really expecting one, but it would have been appreciated.

"Bring me my uniform." The order ended with a small coughing fit.

Eren let out a small, tired, sigh, but walked over to Levi's wardrobe, and pulled the doors open. Oh my God. What is with this guy? Everything in here looks exactly the same! He glanced over at Levi to see the man standing there with his arms crossed, and an almost expectant look on his stony face. Eren thought that if the corporal had been the kind to show more emotion, or any emotion at all, that he would have been tapping his foot as well.

Eren looked back to the wardrobe. At least it's not hard to figure out what he wants… He pulled out a pristine white shirt, and some pressed white pants, then brought them over to him. Levi took the clothes from him, and set them gently on the bed. His eyes scanned the wrinkled up blankets, and his nose scrunched up.

"Make the bed while I change."


"Make the bed while I change."

"Why? It doesn't look that bad."

"Make the bed, now."

"Fine." Anything else your majesty?

"Actually, yes."

Oh crap, I said that aloud didn't I?

"A needle and some thread to keep that mouth of yours shut."

He gulped. This is going to be so much harder than I thought. And that's saying something.