I saw a cool concept on Tumblr and my exploded with ideas! So I hope you enjoy my Attack on Titan reincarnation story! I'm trying to stay true-ish to history so I hope it turned out okay. I haven't decided on an update schedule, so I'll keep you posted! Don't forget to review when you finish reading!

P.S. this isn't explicitly Levi x Eren. It is suggested (since it's not one of my main ships)

Chapter 1

Journal, January 1940.

War is raging all around us and the German army is recruiting new soldiers. I feel like I'm reliving my time in the Survey Corps, that that was many life times ago…. Most of my friends from that life are still missing. Armin and Mikasa don't remember anything that happened back then, but we are still best friends like before. The war zones keep growing. Some of my friends have been drafted. Now that I'm seventeen, I've decided to enlist in the army. Maybe if I'm in the military, I can find everyone easier. I hope they're all safe.

-104th Platoon Trainee, Eren Jaeger

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Journal, March 1940.

Mikasa joined the military as well. She should have been given a desk job, but disguised as a man, she reached the top ranks sooner than she did during our time in the Survey Corps. I knew she'd follow me into war…despite her being a girl and all. Armin applied to the intelligence squad. That's the place he's best suited, after all. After I joined the main forces, I met Reiner, Bertholt, and Annie. It was strange seeing them again after they betrayed us, all those life times ago. They recognized me immediately. It seems they also remember their past life fighting titans. If they're here, then what about the others? I wonder where Captain Levi, Hanji, Commander Erwin, and the rest of the Survey Corps are. So far I haven't seen any of my friends in the German army. Perhaps they're in another country. I hope they're all okay.

I told Armin I want to look for our friends. But because he doesn't remember, he still thinks I'm a little crazy. Soon we'll be invading France. I'll be part of the occupying force. I wonder if any of them are there. I just hope history doesn't repeat itself. I don't want to see my friends die…not again. I've seen enough death to last me many lifetimes. But I guess one more life of war won't matter. Everyone, please be safe.

-Private, Eren Jaeger

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Journal, June 1940.

The army has successfully invaded France. The Allied Forces are being pushed out and our troops are occupying the north and west part of the country. As per orders, we're sweeping the area gathering up Jews and other Undesirables. I think this is wrong…I wish I didn't have to do this. They're humans just like we are! I wish I was back fighting titans rather than fighting other humans. It feels so wrong…what has happened to humanity?! I'm trying to help as many of them escape as I can…without getting caught.

As we were sweeping the city, I found someone unexpected. Someone I've been longing to see. But I didn't expect to find them here. Not like this.

-Private First Class, Eren Jaeger

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France was in disarray. Many areas of the country that had withstood the bombing were in shambles, while other areas were still full of people. What used to be a lively area, was now silent. Fear was heavy in the air, like a thick fog that had settled over the entire country. Without the Allied Powers or the French troops to protect them, the citizens had been left vulnerable. As the Allied Powers were being pushed out, the French troops put up a valiant fight, but soon enough they were pushed out as well.

Weighed down by the heavy pack and gun he carried, Eren trudged through the streets of Belfort. Compared to most other areas in France, it had been spared from bombing, but the German army had completely invaded the city. The thick tension in the air was oppressive. What should have been a lively city was silent. Many had locked themselves in their homes, only emerging when they had to. Eren couldn't blame them. They were scared. Especially those who had been labeled as "Undesirable."

His dark green uniform stood out against the warm hues of the city. Despite the lack of gunfire and fighting within Belfort, he still wore the full uniform—dark green jacket and pants with thick knee-high black boots, topped off with a heavy dome-shaped helmet. Together with a fellow soldier, he marched through the streets, pounding on doors. They were on another Jew hunt—one of the things Eren hated most, but everyone else seemed to love.

Otto, a Private and new recruit, rammed the butt of his gun against the door. "Open up!" he shouted. He only waited a few moments before kicking the door in. He stormed inside. The peaceful looking family were huddled in the next room. The father hastily hid their radio in the cupboard. Owning a radio was illegal under the German occupation, but hiding Jews was an even worse offense.

"I want everyone gathered in the kitchen, now!" Otto yanked the elderly grandfather up, dragging him into the kitchen.

Eren pulled open the cupboard the father had been standing beside. "Owning a radio is a criminal offense, you know," he said. "We could have you arrested for this."

"Please, I'm sorry! Don't hurt my family! Take my radio, but please don't hurt them," the father begged.

Snatching the radio from the cupboard, Eren tossed it to Otto. "Here. Another one for us to smash."

Once the rest of the family had gathered together in the kitchen, eyes wide with fear, Otto cleared his throat. "We're doing a Jew hunt. You know the penalty for harboring Jews, right?"

The parents nodded slowly, avoiding eye contact.

"I'll take a look upstairs. Otto, you search down here," Eren said.

"You got it."

Eren's heavy boots thudded on the stairs as he trudged up to the second floor. Otto was overly enthusiastic about his job. He could hear loud crashes and thuds as he shoved furniture aside and practically turned the room upside-down. Eren did the same. He pushed furniture aside, tore pictures off the walls, and checked every inch of the upper floor. All that was left was the far corner of the bedroom. As he knocked the butt of his gun against the wall, he hesitated. It sounded hollow. He knocked on it again, this time harder. Eren listened, it sounded as if a soft shuffling sound came from beyond the wall. He felt along the hard wood until he found a notch just big enough for the tips of his fingers. He pulled hard, popping the wooden plank from place. A tattered cloth hung over the opening, obscuring whatever was hidden in the wall. Eren pushed the cloth aside. Behind it were three frightened faces.

A short man with black hair who appeared to be thirty, and had a rather angry looking face, sat huddled in the little hole in the wall. He wore black slacks and a loose button down shirt, held down by a thin pair of suspenders. Beside him was another man with blond hair in similar attire. He appeared to be around the same age. Behind them was a woman with short reddish hair and brown eyes, wearing a conservative dress and boots. Each of them had a gaudy yellow six-pointed star pinned to their shirts. The woman clutched the shorter man's sleeve. The three of them stared back at him, eyes wide with fear.

Eren was frozen with shock. He had finally found him. He had been searching for a long time, but finally Eren had found him.

"Captain Levi," he said, excitedly. He sighed, relieved. "I finally found you. And Petra too!"

A dangerous glint flashed in Levi's eyes. He lunged at Eren, a small pocket knife in his hand. Snatching the shorter man by the wrist, Eren twisted and pulled Levi down. He pinned him to the floor.

"Levi!" Petra said worriedly, trying to keep her voice down.

The blond man moved as if he were to attempt the same stunt. Eren pulled a pistol from its belt holster. He aimed it at the other man and glared.

"Don't move," Eren ordered. "Don't do anything stupid that you'll regret." He didn't recognize the blond man from the Survey Corps in his past life. Maybe he was someone Eren had never met.

"Who are you?" Petra asked, her voice shaking.

"How do you know our names?" Levi growled as he struggled beneath Eren's strong grip.

"Wait...you don't remember?"

"How the hell am I supposed to remember someone I've never met? Much less a German dog!" Levi spat.

Eren wasn't sure where he should start explaining. But he had to choose his words quickly because he didn't have much time. "You may not believe me but we met a long time ago."

"Bullshit. I would remember meeting a shitty brat like you."

Eren grinned. "You still sound like yourself, Captain Levi."

"Hey, Eren!" Otto hollered from downstairs. "Find anything?"

Eren felt Levi stiffen when he heard the other soldier's voice. Snatching the knife from Levi's hand, Eren helped him up. He gestured for him to crawl back into the hiding spot where he had found them. Despite Levi's bravery through the ordeal, he could still tell the man was frightened.

"No, nothing up here!" he hollered back. "They're clean!"

Levi cast him a skeptical look. Relief washed over Petra's face, tears brimming in her eyes. She covered her mouth to keep herself quiet.

Levi didn't seem too sure of Eren's intentions. "What are you…?"

Eren stood. Glancing over his shoulder, he smiled. "Don't worry, Captain Levi. This time, I'm the one who's going to protect you."

Levi slid the plank of wood back into place as Eren hurried down the stairs. He glanced at the frightened family huddled in the kitchen. A look of relief and slight bewilderment crossed the father's features.

"Sorry about the mess," Eren said.

As they left the house, Otto groaned. "I thought for sure we'd find some this time! Man…and I was really looking forward to catching some Jews."

"Not everybody hides them, so we can't always be that lucky."

Eren groaned inwardly. He wished he didn't have to hunt down people like wild animals. It just felt…wrong. But all the other soldiers all loved it, like it was some kind of sport. But as long as he could help a few people escape, following along in the Jew hunts was well worth it. It was just a question of how many he could actually save.

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The three of them waited with bated breath, listening in the dark for a sound. But everything was silent. Petra still clung to Levi's sleeve, her hand shaking slightly from nerves. Levi glanced at the man that sat across from him.

"Farlan," Levi said under his breath. "You recognize that Nazi dog?"

The blond man shook his head. "Never seen him before."

"I didn't think so…weird brat."

"But how did he know our names?" Petra whispered.

Levi shrugged. "The hell if I know. Maybe those bastards got our names from the citizenship records."

"But those are just names," Farlan said. "How'd he be able to recognize you just from a name on paper?"

"Who knows…."

They remained silent a long while, still listening for any sounds outside. Finally Petra spoke. "I don't know why, but I feel as if I've met him before."

"Don't be ridiculous," Levi mumbled.

"I know it sounds weird. But it's vague, like I knew him from a dream…or a dream of a dream."

Farlan rolled his eyes.

"Hmph." Levi folded his arms as he waited in the darkness. But somewhere in the back of his mind he felt like Petra was right. There was something about the young German soldier that felt somewhat familiar. And for some reason he felt that maybe, just maybe, they could trust the boy.

Chapter 2 coming soon!