Disclaimers: I don't own Rio but I do own the villain of this story. I don't own: Rico the black hawk, Arlene the Scarlet Macaw or Rapper the red macaw. They ALL belong to their original authors'.

Unleashing the monster within.

It was a unusually peaceful evening since there wasn't a sound in the jungles of Rio de Jeneiro. Blu the spix macaw was actually the only one awake, really. He laid next to his wife, Jewel, and his three children: Bobby, Jasmine and Savannah. Everyone except Blu was deeply asleep and Blu had no idea why but he felt like something was going to happen this night...Something bad.

Suddenly, however, Blu's head darted up as he heard a branch snap from below the tree he and his family lived in and he hurriedly picked himself up and perched himself at the circular entrance of the hollow tree to get a better look at the late night intruders. Blu's sleepy eyes widened in utmost horror when he saw three familiar men walking straight towards their tree. Marcel, Tipa and Armando were these men and they seemed to have many traps that poachers or smugglers would use slung over their shoulders. Blu's heart raced as he tried to keep himself calm and silent but as he looked over his shoulder to peak at his sleeping family, he knew one thing was for certain: He had to keep them away from his family.

The male blue macaw swallowed a hard lump in his throat before he boldly, for once not thinking all of this through, swooped down inches above the escaped poachers and flapped his wings as hard as he could in order for him not to fall upon the trio as he flew off towards the city. He had been practicing flying ever since he had saved both Jewel's and his own life and now he was practically a pro at flying. He loved the feeling of the wind underneath his wings.

Blu knew that these guys wouldn't be able to catch him because they didn't have Nigel with them this time and this was a blessing on his part. Blu grinned to himself as he saw that the poachers were indeed trying to follow him and this was all part of his admittedly not very well thought out plan.

"Thats right, guys..." Blu muttered to himself under his breath as he looked back at them "...Keep following me."

As the male blue macaw adult soared through the pitch black skies of the night, feeling free, Blu was confident that he could lose these guys easily but there was something he hadn't counted on: The smugglers were ready for this.

The blue macaw adult had not been looking where he was going and had gotten himself tangled within a large net that was somehow hung between two palm trees that marked the entrance to the city and how Blu squirmed and squawked as he tried to free himself from his tangles and he was suddenly grabbed by his talons and he was immediately stuffed into a potato sack so he couldn't see what was going on. When he eventually calmed down, Blu scarily looked around as he heard the men talk among themselves about what was to be his fate.

"I want to see him squawk for mercy!" Exclaimed Armando.

"Oh, I can't wait to see what happens to this bird." The voice of Marcel chimed almost excitedly "Dr Pabloni will make short work of him!"

Blu gasped in shock. Who was this Dr Pabloni? Where were Marcel, Tipa and Armando taking him? These questions buzzed inside Blu's puzzled mind as he tried to think of a way out of his situation but before he knew it, he had made it. As Blu heard the door be forced open with a loud, ear piercing 'creak', he heard some voices. These voices sounded unfamiliar to him as he keenly listened to those voices "Dr Pabloni, we have you're test subject."

Blu's eyes widened in horror as he heard Dr Pabloni speak for the first time and his rather sniveled, Snape-like voice grinded against Blu's delicate earholes.

"Hehehe...Excellent, boys. I shall see to it that this little reject gets whats coming to him," The next thing Dr Pabloni said frightened Blu "As inhumane as possible."

"Wh-What?" Blu stuttered as he frantically looked around, getting more terrified by the second as he began to flap around and squawk fearfully and flap his wings in a vain attempt to escape. The blue macaw never saw this coming in a million years and he had no idea what was happening. But he somehow knew that whatever was going to happen to him, he was probably going to die.

The blue macaw continued to hopelessly flap about as he looked for any means of escape. He found none. Blu suddenly felt himself harshly grabbed by the wings as he was lifted out of the potato sack and as he finally inhaled some fresh air, he got his first look at Dr Pabloni. He was actually a short man with a very short, plump nose that should have belonged to a human infant. He had a head full of strawberry blonde locks that looked rather unkept. The man wore large, nerdy glasses over his squinty eyes. He had plump cheeks and a rather big baby head. He also wore a lab coat and some grey trousers that barely fit on his fat legs.

Blu rolled his eyes at the sight of this obvious closet scientist 'Oh, brother...' he thought.

Dr Pabloni's swollen lips curled up at the sides in a twisted smile as he grabbed Blu by the waist so he couldn't escape before he carried him off into another room. A room that made Blu's gut twist and his beak go dry.

The room was dank and filthy and the tiled walls had limescale all over it. Thats not what shocked Blu beyond all reason, though. It was that there were loads of bird cages that were either hung on the ceiling, down on the floor or strapped to a torture table, most likely awaiting the agonizing experiment to be over and done with. Blu stared at one bird in particular, it was a very small chick that was most likely recently hatched. The young one was whimpering from how terrified it was and honestly, Blu couldn't blame it.

Blu watched in disbelief as he was carried off to a table right beside the chick and strapped down by a long piece of duct tape. "Oh, I finally get to experiment on one of the last blue macaws on earth!" Dr Pabloni sniveled in a nerdy way with a stuffed nosed-chuckle "I shall have fun with this."

When the nerdy doctor left to go get some supplies from the other room, Blu heard a hushed yet upset voice "Hey, are you alright?" He looked up above him and saw an adolescent Scarlet macaw, much like Arlene, that looked barely passed chickhood and she somehow squeezed her head through the bars as she looked down at him with a hint of curiosity but she had this look of misery.

Blu managed to nod through the duct tape and whispered back up towards her "Yeah. I'm fine thanks," Blu tilted his head towards her "Who are you, kid?"

The pre-adolescent macaw turned her head away and seemingly looked down in shame but she answered anyway "...I'm Tilias," She pointed down to the young chick that was struggling on the table next to Blu with her wing "and theres my baby brother: Tamos."

Blu turned his head to the right side to look at Tamos but found something very abnormal about him. Instead of normal bird wings, young Tamos had tiny bat wings that had little hooks at the top to enable him to climb when he was older. Blu also noticed that the young one had different colored eyes. One was a crimson color, kind of like blood, while the other was a golden yellow color.

"...Our mother was experimented on when she was yet to have Tamos. The experiments made him look like...That." Tilias said with tears forming in her eyes and Blu just sighed and closed his eyes. He knew he had to save these poor birds but he couldn't think of anyway yet. He also couldn't help but wonder what the mad doctor was going to do to him and these poor innocent birds. He also wondered if he would live long enough to see his family.

A/N: Sorry for the sad first chapter. Anyways, what will happen to Blu? Find out soon. Suggestions are welcome and please review and favorite. I hope you enjoy this story. Also, I wish Ricardo the black hawk a late Happy birthday.