Chapter 11: Surprise of a life time!! But can you really say good bye???

The gym was brightly decorated in many colors, pink and blue streamers hung form the ceiling.

Balloons, of many colors lay on the floor.

Lively upbeat tunes were played by the band; everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Old friends reunited, reminiscing about the good times they shared.

Past, loves and crushes, reveled their feelings for one another.

Yep, the reunion was a success, not a single flaw saw seen. We see Arnold making his way through the crowds of people, stopping once in awhile to greet people.

Until he finally,

"Hey man!!" Gerald greeted as they did their handshake.

"Hey how are you?" Arnold asked and smiled,

"Fine, fine Phoebe and I finally got engaged!" Gerald said and smiled.

"That's great!!" Arnold exclaimed happily.

Soon the Principal appeared on stage, tapping the microphone.

"Excuse me" he began,

"Welcome back a-"He was interrupted by the sound of the gym door opening.

Everyone's attention was towards the mysterious person, they squinted hard trying to make out the person.

The person stood there the rays of the sun set surrounding them.

The person stepped forward revealing a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and stunning blue eyes.

People gasped, "Helga!!!" some would say.

"No, it couldn't be!" the others would say.

Phoebe ran forward and embraced the person,

"Oh Helga, I'm so glad it's you!" she cried.

Helga smiled,

"It's ok Phoebe" she whispered and patted her back.

Gerald stared in disbelief.

"So where have you been??" he yelled,

Helga opened her mouth to reply but was cut off.

"You had us worrying over you for ten years!! Didn't you give a damn on how we felt!?!?!" Gerald yelled.

Helga looked Gerald right in the eyes, and began to walk closer.

Everyone's attention was on Helga, even the band was watching afraid of what could happen next.

"You wanna what I've been through for the past ten years, no wait scratch that, my whole LIFE!!!" Helga screamed.

"You try growing up with parents who didn't know that you existed. On my very first day of Pre-school my parents were so busy with Olga's playing to even care about giving me a ride to school, they didn't even pack my lunch. Hell they don't even know my name!!! I had to walk there, then to make matters worse, it rained!!!! People walked right by me not even caring!! The only one was Arnold he shared his umbrella with me, was the first and probably only person who ever cared for me." Helga whispered trying hard to hold back tears.

"I loved Arnold ever since then but I always pushed him away, a started to call him names just to cover the truth, so I wouldn't have gotten rejected and get hurt again, I just wouldn't know how to take it" She whispered and looked at Arnold and smiled slightly.

Everyone else in the room was crying.

"I've tried to commit suicide before." Helga explained, and few gasps were heard form the crowd.

"Why??" Phoebe asked.

"Because I loved Arnold and he went out with Lila!!! I hated her, I hated him; I tied hard to make myself not love him!! I tried, but I just couldn't do it"

Helga took a deep breathe and continued.

"But why did you do it again??" Arnold asked.

"Every year they forget my birthday, I couldn't take it any more!! No one cared of me!!! Maybe Phoebe and you (Arnold), but no one else did!!! I knew you guys wouldn't miss me if I killed myself. *pauses as she wipes away tear* so I did it, I killed myself, or at lest tried." Helga whispered.

"I remember standing on the bridge, and when I let go, I was happy I knew I was smiling when I fell. I knew I wouldn't have to feel pain ever again, I knew I wouldn't feel the hurt of not being loved. But... My plan backfired. When I hit that icy water it was like a thousand needles to me, then I saw it this huge rock, when I hit I was sure that I was dead. But I wasn't. I remember waking up on shore cold and wet with a throbbing headache. I cried for hours, disappointed that I wasn't dead. But how was I supposed to face my friends??? I couldn't!!! They thought I was dead!!! So for the next ten years I would watch you, be with you day in and day out. I would sometimes talk to you but I made you believe that I was dead. I knew you guys missed me and loved me, but somehow I wonder if you do just because I killed myself." Helga whispered and looked at Arnold.

"I knew it was time to quit the charade so that's why I'm here" Helga explained.

"You didn't have to hide from us for ten years!!! You could have told us. Do you how stressed some of us were just because of you!?!?!" Gerald yelled

"I guess I didn't know how loved I was" Helga whispered and ran off crying.

"Helga wait!" Arnold yelled and ran after her.


Helga sighed and walked outside.

Helga sat down on the bench, and closed her eyes.

"Helga?" a voice asked,

Helga opened her eyes, and sure enough there stood Arnold.

"Hey football head" Helga mumbled, and closed her eyes again.

"So Helga how's life??" Arnold asked awkwardly, as he tried desperately to start a conversation.

"besides the fact that I made a total ass of myself, good you?" Helga asked her eyes still closed.

Arnold nodded and sighed looking deeply into the sunset.

"Helga, look I love you-" Arnold started; Helga held her hand up to stop him.

"Look Arnold right now I just not ready for any relationship, especially one with a guy who only loved me because I tried to kill myself. Give it up Arnold you don't love me you just don't want me to kill myself again." Helga stated.

"No I-"

"Arnold I know what you are thinking, you're thinking if I have someone to love then I wouldn't kill myself. Well you're wrong!" Helga exclaimed and got up and walked towards the parking lot.

"Helga wait!!!" Arnold yelled and ran after her.

"What?!?!?!" Helga yelled.

Arnold kissed Helga passionately,

"Just shut up and listen" Arnold whispered.

"I love you and I don't care what you think, I know you love me too, so stop denying yourself. I don't care how long it takes but I'm going to get you to love me and that's final." Arnold then turned around and walked back to the reunion.

"Love you too Arnold, you just don't know how scared I am to show it" Helga whispered and drove off. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"Hey man its okay there's other fish in the sea" Gerald comforting Arnold.

"Yeah I know Gerald but, I love Helga and I know she loves me, and somehow, I'm going to make her love me"

AN: Yep, Yep I didn't like the old ending so I came up with this one!!! Well look out for the sequel 'I'm Gonna Make You Love me' c ya!! -SA-