Beginning Commentary: So, I've been playing Fire Emblem: Awakening recently (and really got pissed off because Lucina inherited Lethality when I wanted her to inherit Galeforce… I'd try to fix it, but I already saved after recruiting her) and I've noticed that the storyline is rather…meh. There are some genuine moments, true, but I'm not really one for amnesiac-driven main characters unless their proper background is given. One wasn't given for the MU, which sucks. (I mean, no flashbacks AND Morgan was forced to go through the same cliché, too!?) SO, I've decided to give my shot at a story where there's no amnesia and none of the whole "liar revealed" bull crap you see in so many flicks. LET US HOPE THAT THIS DOESN'T SUCK HORRIBLY!

Ahh yes, before we truly begin:

The MU in this story is a female named Anne (original, I know). For those that have Awakening, her beginning design is Build 1, Face 1, Hair 2, Color 5, and Voice 1. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, she's an eighteen-year-old with spiky, short brown hair that barely passes her ears and is quite pale. Along with this, she has a pair of nice, brown eyes and a slim nose. She wears a black robe with two gold strings holding them together and purple streaks coming down the arms over her gray, sleeveless shirt and poofy white pants delicately covered by a black and gold skirt. She also has a nice pair of brown boots.

Things will be different from here to there, but I think it'll help for world building. I mean, I really wanted to learn about the different cultures that each of the nations had! (They didn't all speak one language, did they?!) When playing Awakening, I just got that "OMG, PLEGIANS ARE BAD GUYS!1" Well, WHY are they bad? Hmm?

And on our last note, I feel like some of the character interactions aren't quite…legitimate, in a sense. (Not just talking about how you can ship Owain x Lucina…) For example, how funny would it be if Vaike challenged Priam to a duel, just to lose in the end?! That'd be hilarious!


Premonition: Invisible Ties

Just remember to stay calm, I told myself in mind. I looked to my right hand and saw a small, purple glow coming out of my glove. This'll all be over soon… I covered my the glow with my left.

The castle halls still made me feel uneasy. I was walking on figurative eggshells with fears of royalty and my soon-to-be doom.

"Anne, are you ready?" I heard Chrom speak to me in his Millan tongue. As always, he was right behind me, making sure that I didn't go off the deep end into madness.

"You bet I am," I remarked snarkily, pulling my hood over my head. "I've been waiting for the longest time to finally get rid of this dastard."

"Good," Chrom chuckled. He had a nice, warm smile on his face, but it then turned into a serious scowl. "This is it. Our final battle!"

We both turned and faced the sinister man in front of us. He was only footsteps away, but I could already sense his foul aura. What's worse was that his looks matched his aura to the spot. The black and white goatee to match his brushed-back hair was enough already, but he had the royal headdress, Plegian robe, dreadfully pale skin, red eyes that pierced the soul, and even sharp claws to match. Even though he was my father, I saw no resemblance between the two of us, not even the robes that we wore. He was a snake in human form.

"Validar..." I said.

"Why do you continue to resist?" He implied in Graal, our native language. "Grima's hours are nigh, but you still think you are in control!"

I fell silent.

"You are and will always be a slave to both me and Grima! Never forget that!" He spoke that in Millan.

"You're wrong, Validar!" Chrom shouted. "Every spirit is born free!" He then unsheathed his holy sword that had the mark of Naga in its hilt. "As Ylisse's ruler and a child of Naga, it is my promise to make sure ensure this!"

"Pheh! Naga's hypocrisy begs to differ! Your so-called 'goddess' has caused the Grimleal and all of dragon kind nothing but suffering!"

"Maybe that's because the Grimleal have rejected her kindness!" I exclaimed.

"What did you say?!"

"You heard me! Our ancestors have been nothing but pathetic, greedy fools!"

"YOU HOLD YOUR TONGUE!" With that, Validar whipped out his purple spell book and aimed his dark magic at me. I was just about ready to dodge when Chrom got out the Fire Emblem, or the Shield of Seals as it's also known, and blocked it.

"Chrom, you might damage it!" I gasped.

"Doesn't matter, too much blood has been shed over this. If it disappears, then we can enter an age where religion doesn't come between nations. Besides...we still need Ylisse's master tactician."

I felt as if I was blushing and crying, but realized that there was no time for such cheesy nonsense. So, I walked away from Chrom and pulled out my Thoron spell book.

"Try to make a sneak attack, I'll distract him," I said as lightning began to pulse from my left hand. Chrom hesitated, and then handed the Fire Emblem over to me. "Are you sure? Grima's still a part of me…"

"I'll be fine. Now let's go!"


Chrom snuck into one of the many pillars surrounding us as I began casting Thoron at Validar. I felt like I had finally become one with the lightning element. Instead of throwing it like a crazed moron, I made sure to strike where neither Chrom could get hit nor Validar could easily escape from the bolts. However, because he was a Sorcerer, Validar was also well-versed in magic. His dark element, to be more specific. He dodged nearly as much as I did thanks to teleportation magic.(though at a much slower pace because of his age). Instead of dodging, I used barrier spells that I grew so used to. When Validar teleported right next to me, I thought I could strike him with my blade. wasn't there!

Damn! I thought.

"Heh, can't even pull off a proper assassination, now can you?" He sneered. "If you never ran away, you would've had the proper experience and more."

"Like the deaths of the innocent? Yeah, I think I'll pass on that," I replied.

"You ignorant, ungrateful bastard!" Validar was just about to cast his spell again when a gleam of light blinded him. That was Chrom's signal! I grabbed Validar by the wrists and twisted his arms behind him.

"NOW!" I shouted.

Soon, Chrom jumped out from one of the pillars and charged at Validar. He struggled his way out of my grip, but I dodged in the nick of time before the sword pierced his chest. He gasped, and the blood started to appear both from his wound and his mouth. Soon, he fell backwards, and Chrom removed his blade from his corpse.

"We did it, Anne!" Chrom cheered as he was about to embrace me. I was about to return the embrace, but then I saw Validar rise up.

"This isn't over!" He coughed as he cast his final spell. "DAMN YOU BOTH!"

"CHROM, LOOK OUT!" I shouted. I pushed him out of the way, but got struck by the magic myself. It was as if my body was on fire and frozen at the same time, as dark magic pulsed through my dragon's blood. I...I can't handle it! I...! AH!

I couldn't hold myself up anymore...

"ANNE!" Chrom then picked me up and flipped me to where I could somewhat see his face. "Are you all right?!"

"I think…" I ghastly spoke. I then coughed into my right hand and not only realized the glowing from my was getting stronger, but blood could be seen on my glove. "Dammit, he's more powerful than I thought."

"Don't worry, we'll get you healed soon. But look." Chrom then made me look at my deceased father. "It's all over. We did it."

I slowly smiled. Finally, it was all over...I could live in peace with...

Kill him... Fulfill your destiny...

Oh no...

Be one with the Fellblood... KILL HIM!

My head wouldn't stop aching, I was beginning to see red...!


"Anne, what's wrong?" Chrom asked. "Anne, are you okay?! Hang in there-!"

It was then that I lost control, and my right hand caused Thoron to strike Chrom right in the middle of his chest. His eyes widened, and he tried holding the lightning as if it were a blade.

"This…is not…your fault," he gasped. "Promise'll escape from this place. Please...go!"

He then collapsed and before I faded out completely, I heard Validar's evil laughter surround the palace…