Author's Note: Hey everyone. First off, I want to apologize for not updating as much. I haven't been very motivated to write. :(

Second, the main reason I wanted to put a small update here was to show I will continue this story, even after the awful episode "The Real Thomas" last night. I'm not gonna go off on a huge, cursing rant here like I did with the New Year's episode, but if you want to read it, I'll put it here from my DeviantART page. If not, scroll past it to the bottom. I do think I brought up good points though.

So, I saw The Real Thomas last night. I've gotta say, that was the most confusing, pointless, idiotic episode I've ever seen. I mean, I get that Thomas was hiding something from the park crew, but you can't just go and completely turn his character we all know into some "badass Russian spy with an accent", that's just stupid and serves no purpose.

And now, he's leaving the park to "go out on his own" and will return "once in a while". Wow. Thanks, writers, for ruining a character everyone liked and thought was just a simple intern who was shy/clumsy/nervous and was somewhat relatable.

He even had a mom he seemed to really care about and my thinking was: Maybe we never saw his dad because in their past she went through a divorce or the dad died or something REAL, but NO, turns out Thomas' mom was a freaking ROBOT. Yes, you read that right: SHE WAS A ROBOT.

I was liking this season, with like 3 awesome Rigby/Eileen episodes in a row and Margaret came back, which gave me high hopes! Now, with this stupid crap that just happened, I'm having huge doubts...

Oh and Benson and Audrey apparently broke up, but that's not important enough to show to us, I guess.

Yeah. So, what's your guy's reactions/opinions?

Anyways, I promise to update more often. :) Just gotta get some ideas written out. Sorry if anyone was wondering if I haven't been active. :\