This is the final chapter in this saga! I hope you enjoy! Thanks to everyone!
Molly paused before she climbed into the car. "Maybe we shouldn't leave him handcuffed." She said. Her conscious was beginning to tug at her. "That is a bit much isn't it?"
John and Sherlock both turned to look at her with unreadable expressions.
"I'll just pop back in and uncuff him. It won't take me but a few moments." She said turning to walk back inside of the hotel.
She had taken about four steps when she was lifted from her feet from under her arms. John was on one side of her and Sherlock on the other. "I'm sure that won't be necessary Molly. Sebastian is a big boy." Sherlock said nudging her firmly into the car after he and John had let go of her arms.
"But…" Molly began when Sherlock climbed in and shut the car door.
John walked to the other side and opened the door. "Yes, let's get the hell out of here." He said climbing into the car. "Baker Street." He added quickly to Mycroft's driver.
"Make at stop at Park Square…" Molly began.
"No do not stop until you reach Baker Street." John snapped. "I am starving and exhausted and this was the most ridiculous evening that I have ever had in my entire life. It's obvious that you and Sherlock are on the mends so I see no reason why you shouldn't just come on home with us. I'm sure Sherlock would be more than happy to have you in his bed and if you say anything to the contrary Sherlock I will punch you in the face…"
"But John…" Molly began.
"No!" John interrupted. "There will be "No John"…" he said throwing his voice up an octave before continuing in his normal voice. "You might as well go ahead and stay the night. It's not like Sherlock isn't hoping that you would anyways. He's been about to die to shag you for God only knows how long. I've had to listen to him talk about the size of your breasts and what not… and how they would fit perfectly in his hands and the shape of your bum and so help me Sherlock if you deny it, I'll make you eat your violin." John huffed before continuing. "I mean this is all your bloody fault Sherlock! If you had been honest months ago about how you felt about her, Molly could have been spared all of this and I could've been spared being scarred by Sebastian's turtle penis for the rest of my life."
John turned and looked at the flabbergasted Molly and he grinned. "Sorry…I get a bit cranky when I'm hungry, blood sugar issues and all that, but seriously, don't you two think it's about time you had a good shag…with each other?"
"John I…" Sherlock started.
"Shut up Sherlock! Just take her to bed with you! You know you want too." John interrupted. "And if you try to deny it, it's quite possible not only will I make you eat your violin, but I'll make you eat the eyeballs that you have in the fridge."
Sherlock cleared his throat. "Are you done?"
John looked at him and sniffed. "Yes, I think I am."
"Excellent! Now you shut up John Watson and listen to me." Sherlock said smiling. "I was going to say thank you…for making me do this…making me face my fears and accept what I was feeling in my heart." He took Molly's hand in his and kissed her knuckles. "I love Molly Hooper. I love her with all of my heart and I always have, John. And without you and my brother, it is possible that I would have let my fear and pride keep me from the best thing that could ever happen to me." He let go of her hand to cup her cheek before turning to look at John with a serious expression. "And I do plan on taking her to bed when we get home. In fact I would tell her to get ready to spend the next several hours trapped underneath me while I do my best to make her scream my name loud enough for this entire city to know who holds her heart."
John blinked. "Well then…alright."
John immediately went upstairs after dinner. He didn't bother to say goodnight, he just disappeared. Molly and Sherlock were left alone in the living room. Molly discovered she is nervous. She didn't know why she was. She could only suppose it was because she had loved Sherlock for so long and then finally had let him go and moved on, only to find out that he loved her and wanted to be with her. In fact, he had gone to great lengths to get her back and he had informed her under no certain terms was she going anywhere, she belonged to him.
And now he was staring at her in a way that she had always wanted him too and she found she wanted to hide under a rock. It was funny to her to want something so badly and thento finally have it, scared the shite out of her. By the amused expression on his face, she could only assume that he had an idea of what she was feeling.
She found herself flushing and becoming annoyed at his ability to read her. She wondered briefly if she could make it to the door before he got a hold of her.
"No you couldn't." Sherlock told her smirking.
"What?" She asked breathlessly.
"Make it to the door before I caught you. But if you would like to try, then by all means do so. I have discovered that I quite like chasing you."
"I would never do anything so foolish Sherlock."
He shrugged. "Pity…" He stood and approached her, sitting down on the sofa beside her. "Why are you nervous Molly? Afraid I'll be too much for you?"
"I am not nervous Sherlock." She lied annoyed by his smirk. "Besides seeing that I am not the virgin between us, I think maybe it's you who won't be able to handle me."
He grinned lecherously. "Is that so?" He asked before she found herself flat of her back on the couch staring up into his twinkling eyes. "And who says I'm a virgin Molly Hooper?" He whispered against her ear. She shuddered involuntarily at the sound of his voice. He laughed softly.
"I hate you." She snapped trying not to smile.
"No you don't." He said kissing her nose. "You're just uncertain and nervous, which is to be expected with all that I have put you through. But I hope to make it up to you Molly, and I plan on staring to right now." He captured her lips with his own, flicking his tongue across her lip. She opened her mouth and he slid his tongue in, sweeping her mouth. She moaned into his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck.
When he moved his attentions to her neck, she seemed to remember where they were and she began to push on his chest. "Stop, what if John comes back down and sees."
"Why would John come back down, he knows I'm going to shag you to incoherency." He said lazily as he sucked the skin of her neck into his mouth.
"Sherlock don't leave any marks! I have to go to work you know." She said still trying to push him away. "And I think we should move into the bedroom."
"I'm comfortable here." He said before sucking her neck harder. "And I have to leave a mark and let every male in that hospital know who you belong time."
"Sherlock I am not joking with you! No marks! It's tacky and unprofessional."
He ignored her and continued to suck her neck even harder than before.
"Sherlock!" She squeaked struggling underneath him. He managed to laugh while still being attached to her neck. He pinned her wrists over her head with one hand while placing his hand over her mouth with his other hand and turned her head to have better access to her neck.
"Smurrrooocckkk" She squealed through his hand.
He laughed and leaned up to survey his work. "Yes that will do nicely. But I think it needs a brother." He said turning her head to the other side.
She shrieked again and squirmed even more trying to toss him off.
"Molly you are making this most enjoyable for me." He said clamping his mouth onto her neck.
She giggled through her struggling.
"Besides, I see how that pompous fool Mitchell leers at you every time you walk into the lab. I've just ridden myself of one rival; I do not wish to have to dispose of another. I think marking what is mine will clear things up a bit for him." Sherlock said before clamping back down on her neck. After a few minutes, he raised his head and looked. "Lovely!"
He kissed her. "Now…time to make you scream my name."
Molly lay panting underneath Sherlock as he grinned smugly down at her. "Molly, it would seem I have absolutely exhausted you."
"I think perhaps it is you who is exhausted and just doesn't want to admit it. Are you finished for the night Sherlock?" She asked smirking.
"Oh I am just getting started my love. My name sounds lovely when you scream it out the way you do. I think I want to hear it again." He said before kissing her.
She wrapped her legs around him and he laughed. "I knew you always wanted me Molly but this is ridiculous."
"Well if you'd rather I wrap my legs around someone else, then…" She said as she started to remove her legs, but he stopped her, grasping her waist and pulling her further underneath him and placing his arms under her legs.
"I don't think so love." He snapped playfully before pushing into her very slowly before pulling back out just as slow. His hot thick cock hovered at her entrance. She stared up at him biting her lips in anticipation. He grinned and pressed back inside of her keeping a slow and steady pace. She held onto his shoulders, moving in rhythm with him as he moved in and out. He released her legs and she wrapped them around him, locking her heals in place at the small of his back. With their fingers entwined and their tongues dancing, their bodies became one as did their hearts.
They stayed like this, kissing, touching, caressing, moaning, sighing, and whispering their love for one another as they made love. In the morning they would wake up legs and arms entwined with one another and the memory of the night that they had just shared…the first night of many more to come.
"How many people did you invite to my party?" Sherlock snapped at John.
"First of all, it's our party, second of all, as many people as I wanted too, and thirdly, it would be a grand total of 20 people give or take."
"We don't even know half these people." Sherlock sniffed.
"No, YOU don't know half these people. I know all of these people because I am not a hermit Sherlock. I socialize and make friends."
"But I wanted tonight to be special…just with our closest friends."
"Do you have close friends Sherlock?" John asked grinning. "Or only those that tolerate you?"
Sherlock's eyes narrowed and he glared at John. John rolled his eyes. "I was only joking Sherlock. Besides, you said this party was as much for Molly as it was for us. Most of these people are her friends from the hospital and if you are going to be in a relationship with her, you need to learn to play nice to her friends."
"What in God's name ever persuaded you to invite so many blasted people to your flat Sherlock?" Mycroft asked with a look of sheer distaste on his face. "Do you even know half of these people?"
John rolled his eyes. "Now don't you start! These are Molly's friends from the hospital and I was just explaining to your brother that as he is now in a relationship with Molly, this makes them his friends also, so he had better get to know them."
"Pity." Mycroft said. "Thankfully most of Anthea's friends live across the ocean so I won't have to make such a sacrifice."
John looked pointedly at him. "But you would wouldn't you? Because you love her?"
"Yes, yes of course." Mycroft answered quickly.
"See Sherlock. If Mycroft could do it, then so can you." John said smiling.
Sherlock shrugged. "Alright. I had hoped for more intimacy for this, but if it has to be like this then so be it."
"What are you talking about?" John asked.
"Molly's present." Sherlock said. "I had hoped that it would only be the most important people to us preset for this, you Lestrade, and Mrs. Hudson but I…"
"Thank you for your inclusion dearest brother." Mycroft said sarcastically.
Sherlock groaned. "You know already, so why should I have to say it."
"Know what?" Mycroft asked feigning a look of confusion.
Sherlock frowned. "You know Mycroft."
Mycroft looked at John. "Do you know what he's going on about John?"
John grinned. "Haven't got the faintest."
Sherlock growled. "Fine."He bit out. "…fond…of…you…which makes you always welcome."
Mycroft raised his brow. "I'm sorry, what was that Sherlock? Do speak up."
Sherlock growled again and shouted. "I said I love you blast you and you are always welcome in my home."
Immediately the room went silent and Sherlock could feel the eyes on him. A slow and steady flush began to creep up his neck, over his cheeks, and to the tips of his ears. He slowly turned his head and saw everyone in the room looking at him with a tender expression on their faces. He turned to look back at Mycroft who was smiling innocently at him.
"Why thank you little brother, so nice to know that you care." Mycroft said.
"Go to hell…" Sherlock whispered and turned to walk into his bedroom.
John and Mycroft laughed. Molly and Anthea walked over to John and Mycroft. Anthea handed Mycroft a cup of punch. He looked at it distastefully. "What in the blazes is this?"
"It's Christmas punch Mycroft. It's lovely, taste it." She said.
Mycroft eyed it closely. "What is the glob floating inside of it?"
"Oh it's sorbet!" Molly said excitedly. "I got the recipe from a website. It looks dreadful but it taste divine."
"Yes I think I'll…" Mycroft began but Anthea cleared her throat. She stared at him with a raised brow. He sighed. "Yes alright, I'll just give it a taste."
Sherlock returned with a small box wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon and bow. He walked up to Molly, cleared his throat, and thrust it at her. "Here…"
She took it and smiled. "This is for me Sherlock?"
He nodded. "Well yes of course."
"Do you want me to open it now?" She asked.
He sighed. "Yes go ahead. I am annoyed at the number of people that we have here. John always told me that women prefer more intimate surroundings for such an occasion, but we do what we must." He turned and addressed the crowd. "If everyone will stop what they are doing and look here please."
One by one, each guest stopped talking and looked towards Sherlock and Molly. Sherlock turned back to Molly. "Now you can open it."
John looked at Sherlock. "Sherlock is that what I think it is?"
"Well I can't exactly say now John, it would ruin the surprise."
"But Sherlock, there's a lot of people here." John said worriedly.
"Yes and you invited the whole bloody lot of them. Now Molly, open the gift."
Molly looked at Anthea with a questioning smile, but tore the bow and ribbon from the box. She then tore the paper free of the box. She looked at Sherlock with a questioning brow.
"Go ahead and open it Molly." Sherlock said.
She opened the box and paused. She looked at him. "There's another box."
"Yes I know that. I did wrap the blasted thing." Sherlock sniffed clearly becoming more anxious.
Molly chewed her bottom lip nervously, but pulled the smaller box from the larger box. She swallowed hard. "It's a jewelry box."
"Again Molly, I already know what's inside, will you just open it." Sherlock said finding it hard to stand still.
Molly's hand trembled slightly as she opened the smaller black box. She gasped, her hand coming to cover her mouth as she looked at him. "Oh my God…is this…Sherlock is this…"
He smiled. "It belonged to my grandmother. When I visited my mother this morning…I went to see her to ask her advice. John had said that I needed to get you something special, something that showed how much I loved you…do love you. I told her that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you…that there would never be another for me…that it has always been you. And she gave me this. My grandmother and grandfather enjoyed a very long happy life together. She said it would be the perfect thing to show you what you mean to me." He took a step towards her and took the box from her hand. He took the antique engagement ring from the box and knelt down on one knee.
"This is the right way, isn't it John?" He whispered.
John nodded, quickly wiping his eye. "Yes Sherlock. It's perfect."
Sherlock took Molly's hand in his and he looked up at her. "Molly Hooper, my love, my heart, my pathologist, will you entwine your heart with mine for the rest of our time left together in this world? Will you be my wife?"
Molly was so overcome with emotion that at first she could not speak. A choked sob forced its way from her throat. Sherlock swallowed hard. "Have I done something wrong John?"
"No Sherlock…it's fine…it's perfect, everything is perfect." He said wiping the tear from his eye.
"Oh Sher…"Molly tried to say, but another sob came out. She swallowed hard and took a deep steadying breath. She reached out and stroked his cheek. "Yes Sherlock…Yes I will marry you."
The room erupted into cheers and applause as Sherlock slid the ring onto her hand. He stood and pulled her into his arms, kissing her. She pulled away from him and looked down at the ring letting Anthea see it also before turning and throwing her arms around him again.
He picked her up and swung her around kissing her while their party guests gave their congratulations.
"Well down brother mine…"Mycroft said softly. "Well done."
Well that was a ride :) I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it! Thanks so much to all of you! I appreciate each and everyone of you!