Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats
Okay I know people want Leo's POV but I think I'm going to keep it to Marcus' POV for now.
Sorry for not updating sooner.
Davenport had everyone sit down together the next morning. I had to admit that it was weird now that they knew I had been trying to kill them. Leo was sitting on the other side of the room; I had a feeling it had something to do with the kiss. On the other hand I sat next to Chase; who was currently being picked on because of his height. Were they serious?
"I'm just saying Chase; you might want to start eating things that may help you grow." Adam was trying to convince Chase it go on a new diet.
"I'm fine Adam." Chase growled. "I don't need a special diet."
"Chase's height aside." Davenport sighed. "This is about the newly discovered fact that Marcus is part of the family, and had been trying to kill us before he changed his mind."
I put my head down; this is a lovely way to start off a conversation. Leo raised his hand.
"Yes?" Davenport asked.
"I'd like to say a few things. First of all. . . HA I told you he was an evil dude, but did anyone believe me? Nope! And then second. . . . Marcus I don't trust you yet; I have an eye and gun trained on you." Leo glared at me; fair enough in my opinion. I shrugged nonchalantly.
Davenport cleared his throat. "I was going to say that while I am working on the machine to give Marcus a new body I want you guys to help make the home ready. I've been thinking about this for a while; its time for all of you to get your own rooms. It's no longer right to keep you guys with each other; sooner or later you guys will be separated and I want to get you used to that."
My siblings looked really surprised; I suppose that is to be expected when for your whole life you were with your siblings. Seemed that things are going to get a little crazy from now in; let's just see how things go.
What do you guys think is going to happen next? This is going to really change things from now on.