"Wait…let me get this straight.." said Leo Fitz "You Agent Grant Ward never done this before?"
"No I've had sex not just with…a guy."
Fitz broke out in laughter
"Ever kiss a guy."
Ward blushed answering Leo's questions making him chuckle, before pulling his 'innocent' boyfriend closely and kissing him deeply. Ward shivered at Leo's lips on his they felt so foreign yet so right…so perfect…his Leo…Leo pulled away to find Grant's lips still together as if they were kissing his eyes shut.
"You seemed to enjoy that." Said Fitz with a smirk
Ward eyes fluttered open and looked away, Fitz heart fluttered he's never see Ward look so vulnerable. He pulled Ward down so they were lying next to each other.
"I won't make you do anything you don't want it." Said Leo straddling Ward
"I want to but I'm not sure how it…works with guys."
"I'll show you." Said Leo going in for a kiss
"Wait! Hold it!" said Ward putting his hand on Leo's lips "How do you know how to…"
"I'm bi like you but in collage I decided to do an experiment which sex I liked to have sex with more and to tell you the truth the guys were the best." Said Leo "Every single one of them."
"How many…"
"10 of each."
"You slept with 20 people!" shouted Ward
"Shh don't tell the whole bus!" hissed Fitz making Ward clam down right away
"I've slept over that number and so have you."
"True but you're not that innocent as you look."
"I know I do the innocent act to get away with things so you wanna top or bottom."
"Do you like it when a girl rides you or when you top?"
"I like when girls top…"
"Okay do you want to be on the receiving end or the giving?"
"Giving means that I put my…in you somewhere and receiving means you put your-"
"Yes and somewhere would be an arse." Said Leo pulling out condoms and lube "Or a mouth but, I can blow you later if you wish..so which one?"
"C-can I be on the giving this time."
"Of course." Said Leo pulling off his shirt then looked at Ward "Well aren't you going to undress?"
"Oh right sorry was enjoying the show."
Leo scoffed and chuckled soon they were both down to underwear
"Really boxer briefs?" said Ward
"What's wrong with them?"
"I was expecting you in briefs."
"Oh yeah will I was expecting you to go commando."
"Never…"said Ward "So now what?"
"Well seeing as I'm ready and your only half way I guess I will be blowing ya." Said Leo going down on his knees
"Leo I don't think-" before Ward could finish he stuttered off in shock of the pleasure "Oh…Oh…L-Leo…"
Leo smiled up at his boyfriend who seemed surprised at how good it felt when you got a blowjob from a guy instead of a girl.
"I've never had some…oh so good." He groaned his fingers gripping Leo's hair
Leo laughed around Ward making Ward gasp at the vibrating feeling; Leo used his teeth running over Ward's length lightly before putting his tongue in Ward's slit making him hiss with pleasure. Leo pulled off giving the head a quick kiss, he then kissed Ward.
"Do you want to open me up or watch?"
"W-watch." Stuttered Ward still recovering from the pleasure
"Very well." Said Leo uncapping the lube coating his fingers then circling his entrance before putting one in he groaned at the feeling "Ever done this before?"
"N-No." said Ward watching his boyfriend ride two fingers harshly right now
"You should try it…it so good especially when you find you're prostate." Hissed Leo in now was riding three fingers curling them scissoring them hitting his sweet spot ever other stroke
"You clean?" asked Leo still riding his fingers
"Yeah of course how about you?"
"Same you want to use a condom or no?"
"I rather try bareback."
"Okay lube yourself up…you know how to*gasp* do that?"
"Of course." Said Ward taking the lube spreading a thick amount on him
"Okay good good…come here."
Leo motioned for him to lie down, Ward did so and watched Leo mount him
"Ready?" he asked
Ward nodded and watches Leo sink down on him, Leo winced slightly
"I-I'm I hurting you?" he asked
"No just a little burn nothing new gives me a sec."
Ward nodded and looked down at his boyfriend's dick it was hard and staining…and really big!
"Damn..." he said
"What?" asked Leo
"You're hung!"
Leo chuckled and make himself clench around Ward. Ward grabbed Leo's hips making him stop.
"What's wrong?" asked Leo
"You're…tight…tighter than any girl I've…tighter than a virgin."
"If you're enjoying this wait until I start moving." Said Leo with a smirk
Before Ward could answer he was speechless again from the pleasure his dick was getting with Leo's rocking
"D-Don't stop." He growled
"Don't plan on it." Said Leo whose head was nuzzled into Ward's neck
Ward flipped them when Leo clutched around him again, Leo gasped at Ward's forcefulness.
"I haven't done this in month I really n-need to…." Whimpered Ward
Yes Agent Grant Ward whimpered making Leo shiver, Leo lubed up his fingers and kissed Ward to keep his distracted from what he was doing. Leo pushed a finger into Ward making him pull away from the kiss.
"You can thank me later."
Leo added a second finger
"What are you doing?"
"You'll see." He then curled his fingers
Before Ward even knew what was happening he came with a loud scream of Leo full name…
"Leopold!" he screamed before falling onto the bed spent
Leo pulled off of him and pulled out his fingers before jacking himself off one and twice before he came as well he flopped down next to Ward who was still coming down.
"It's okay…your still coming down." Said Leo kissing and nuzzling his face
Soon Ward come too he looked at Leo with a smile and nuzzled his face into his shoulder
"That was…wow."
"Glad you liked it…so you see why I prefer guys?"
"Mhm…" he mumbled falling asleep already
"Sleep will talk more tomorrow."
Ward fell asleep followed by Leo