Chapter 17

I'll Make It Up To You

-Laney's POV-

It's almost midnight, and I still can't fall asleep. Kin and Kon were by a few hours ago, but only stayed about ten minutes. I had convinced them nothing was wrong and that I was as clueless about what happened to Corey as they were. But it was a lie. I still can't stop thinking about Corey ditching us, ditching me, for Carrie. It really seemed like he felt the connection I thought we had. Guess I was wrong. I decide to get out of bed and stay up a bit longer. Not like I was gonna be able to fall asleep anyway. I walk downstairs and turn to go in the kitchen for a drink. As I reach the kitchen, I'm startled by a banging at the front door. Weird. Who would come by at this hour? Must be important. They're just lucky I was already awake.

I walk up to the door and undo the lock.

I open up the door slowly and see no one. The air is dark and empty. What the heck? I take a step out the door and feel my foot hit something. Looking down, I find my combat boots sitting on the porch. How did these get here? Cautiously, I lean down and pick up the boots. Yep, they were definitely mine. I glance around again, but still don't see anyone. I'm too tired for this. I turn back inside and close the door.

-Corey's POV-

I watch as Laney picks up her shoes and goes back into her house. There was no point in bothering her with all this drama so late at night, but at least now I know she's okay. With a smile, I make my way back home.

I'm careful slipping in through the garage. I close the door quietly, not wanting to wake anyone else in the house. Who knew being kidnapped and tied up could be so tiring? I walk up the stairs and into the house. The hall light is still on for some reason. Huh, I shrug it off. Someone probably just forgot about it. I get to my bedroom, and see something stuck on my door. I'm pretty sure that wasn't there before.

It's a note, I realize as I get closer. Standing in front of my door, I read the paper.

It says, "Don't tell anyone what happened, or the band gets it." It is signed by the Newmans. How did those guys get into my house?! And what did they mean? Whatever it is, I don't like it. But I had to turn them in for what they did, that was only right. I just might need a crazy plan. Who's good with stuff like that?

Hmm, oh well. I will figure it out in the morning. I tear the note off my door, and go into my room.

-Lenny's POV-

I was not able to sleep all night. This whole kidnapping Corey and threatening Grojband thing was eating at me. Normally when we do mean things to our rival band, it's somewhat fun. However, this was going a little too far. Maybe I could convince Carrie to apologize, and we'll be off the hook? Yeah, right. She never listens to me, and is definitely too stubborn to do something like that.

I go to the garage, just like any other day, and see the girls. Kim and Konnie are on the computer, and Carrie is on stage picking at her guitar strings. She sees me as I walk in, and gives a small smile. "There you are, Lens" she says. I join her on the stage. "Yeah. Hey, Care" I say back. She sets down her guitar and comes over to me, arms crossed.

"Okay. What's wrong?" Carrie asks. Of course she can always tell when I am upset. Man, sometimes I hate how well she knows me. "Nothing," I say innocently, "seriously. It's fine." She cocks an eyebrow, obviously not believing me. I look over at the twins. "So, what are we doing now?" I ask.

"Well, nothing. We have Trina making sure we don't get in trouble, so we don't have to do anything" Kim says. "Yeah. Looks like we're home free" Konnie adds.

"Yeah," Carrie goes on, "so stop moping around, Lenny. It's fine. Don't worry."

I sigh. "Okay, fine. I trust you girls."

Carrie smiles at me. "Soooo, you ready to rock out now?" she asks. I smile back, and nod. "Let's do this" the twins yell in unison, and jump up on stage with us. I chuckle, and walk over to retrieve my bass. As we all settle in to play, there is a knock at the garage door. Weird. No one ever usually comes around here.

Carrie sighs, obviously annoyed, and goes to answer it. She opens the door to reveal one Mayor Mellow standing outside. "Mr. Mayor? What's going on?" she asks. The twins and I join her. Then, someone else approaches the garage. My eyes widen, and I shift my feet nervously. I glance at Carrie, and she gulps.

Corey stands next to Mayor Mellow. "Weeeeell," he says with his usual smile, "I think you guys may have some explaining to do."