
Chapter 1

New story, yay! Short first chapter so let me know what you think!

Naruto sat down with his bowl of hot ramen, a glass of cold milk and a set of chopsticks, grinning at his meal. Just as he put his hands together and closed his eyes about to say 'Itadakimasu', there was a knock on the door. The blue eyes snapped open and he sighed, looking at his dinner longingly before getting up. He was about to get there when there was another knock

"Ok, ok, I'm comin'!" he called, annoyed. He opened the door, ready to yell at whatever salesperson was bothering him at dinnertime, but what he saw had him totally stunned "S…Sasuke..?!" he gasped. The boy he'd once considered his best friend stood before him, panting with wide, desperate eyes. He was barefoot and all he was wearing some flimsy pants, tied double around his thin hips, and a dirty too-big shirt, which did nothing against the harsh wind, he wasn't even wearing shoes. "What the hell…why are you-" Sasuke let out a soft sigh, his eyes closed and he fell forwards. Naruto instinctively caught him, shocked and stunned "Holy shit…" he muttered, unable to verbally sum-up how bizarre this was. He hadn't seen or heard from Sasuke for almost 4 years and here he was…unconscious in his arms without so much as a hello.

He took him straight to his cramped bedroom and placed him on the bed, looking over him. He was even paler than before and had dark circles under his eyes, looking seriously skinny. Naruto also noticed bruises on the Uchiha's arms, face and neck - all of which were the only parts visible - and his feet were badly damaged from apparently walking through rough terrain for who knows how long. Where had Sasuke come from and why did he have to walk all the way here with so little clothing? Naruto decided he'd ask him in the morning; right now, Sasuke needed to sleep.

Naruto went back to his meal, though couldn't enjoy it nearly as much now that Sasuke was occupying his mind. He washed his bowl and glass and eventually fell asleep on the couch.

Please review!

PMKnut xx