Disclaimer: This is NOT how I portray the government of the United States. This is all fictitious for entertainment purposes.

Snatched Away

Part 12

Previously on Snatched Away: Kim has decided to go against the group's warnings about not contacting the government. She doesn't think it will be dangerous to talk to them. The question is...Is Kim right?

Kim, being a spy for the Exceptional Spies Of Seaford California, was very easily able to get through the government and talk to the president. She kind of wondered why Rudy had a spy-issued, government phone-book in a safe locked under the floor boards? It was incredibly simple to use a regular phone-book. The more she thought about it, the more she came to a conclusion- Rudy was doing that so the rest of the spies would think that that would be the only way to find the president, so they wouldn't actually go looking on their own. But why is it such a danger according to the others?

She walked into the White House after being checked for any weapons at the main gate by guards men. The president was surrounded by more guards men in a room below the basement.

"You have a concern, agent esosc215?" Asked the chubby president with a white mustache.

"Yes, Sir." Kim replied, politely. "You see, I don't really want to be a spy for a large part of my life. I mean that I could do this secret crime fighting stuff for about a month, or even a year if you want me to that is. But... i have other ambitions, Sir."

"What you are basically saying is... you aren't fully committed to this highly significant organization?" the president replied in a deep, dark voice.

For the first time in a long time, Kim could feel her heart racing and her palms sweating. She was beginning to think Rudy and the others were right; that this was too dangerous to try, especially on her own. But she didn't want to drag Jack, Jerry, Milton, and Rudy into this. Maybe Lindsey but definitely not the boys.

"I don't understand what is wrong with having freedom of choice? It's not like I'm quitting today. Heck, I will work for two years maximum if that sounds better to you. Do we have a deal, Sir?" Kim responded, her voice was slightly shaky, but she was prepared to give him a firm handshake to seal the deal. She reached her arm out to him, but the president refused to acknowledge her. She slowly retracted her arm- nerves were bubbling up in her stomach now. All she wanted to do was leave and get as far as possible out of that room.

"There is no amendment anywhere in the constitution that states the American people have freedom of choice." the president said.

"No disrespect, Sir, but I'm pretty sure that we live in a democracy." Kim replied.

"Kimberly Crawford. You have only one choice to make. Are you quitting the organization, or are you not quitting the organization?"

"I'm not sure how to respond to you. I'm not quitting currently, but I plan on quitting in the future."

"If you are quitting in the future, then I consider you a disgrace to this nation. It doesn't matter when you quit. As long as you decide to leave, that is treason. I will not stand for people like you to live in my country and be so unpatriotic." The president concluded. He motioned with his hand and two guards men leaned down to hear what he was whispering.

"I'm really sorry for bothering you wonderful people...I have decided to not quit." Kim said, her voice quavering in nerves.

The same two guards men that were listening to the president walked toward Kim and grabbed her by the arms.

"Hey. Let me go!" Kim screamed. She tried to use her karate skills to save herself, but she couldn't move. Their hands were so tight against her skin that pain was radiating through her body.

"Get your hands off of her."

Kim turned her head toward the voice that was defending her. She couldn't believe it! There stood Jack, Rudy, Jerry, Milton, and... Lindsey at the doorway.

"I told you to let go of her." Jack repeated.

"How did you people get in here?" President Dunbar demanded.

"We are spies, so uh... that's pretty obvious." Milton replied, sarcastically.

"Rudy, you are going to regret ever coming here." The President spat.

"Not if it means saving Kim." Rudy replied, "I wont regret anything."

One of the secret service men pulled out a gun and aimed it at Kim. "Come any closer and I will shoot."

The Wasabi Warriors' eyes widened and their hearts felt like they had sunk deep inside of them.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Leave!" The President yelled. Jack was the first to turn around, but Rudy put his hand on his shoulder.

"We can't let this be the end; not after we have come so far."

"Rudy, we don't have a choice." Jack said.

They left and Kim felt that same sickness in her stomach return, as the secret service men dragged her away.

"We're not leaving her." whispered Jack once they were half way down the hall, "We're going to sneak attack them."

"Great idea!" Jerry said.

"Shhh! Don't let them hear us." Milton whisper-yelled.

"Look." Jack pointed to a vent on the ceiling. "We're going up there."

"I'm not getting in there. Don't they have cameras?" Lindsey complained.

"Then don't go." Rudy stated.

"By the way, no one is watching the cameras. They're all more interested in torturing Kim." Milton told Lindsey.

"Wow, they are stupid." Jerry laughed.

"That, too. But they also think they are invincible." Jack added.

They climbed into the vent and crawled through the pipes until they heard voices in this one room. Jack kicked the front of the vent off with his foot and they jumped into the room next to the place where they had Kim. From there, they quietly sneaked inside. The first thing on their agenda was take out the guy with the gun.

Milton pulled the gun out of the guy's holster and aimed it at all the corrupt officials. "Nobody move!"

"There's more of us in this room than there are bullets in that gun." The president laughed, "These men don't care to die. It's their jobs to protect me."

"Just give Kim back to us and let's forget this ever happened." Rudy pleaded.

"No. You're in over your head, Agent Gillespie. We're going to shoot the girl and then, we're going to shoot all of you. Nobody is safe."

"What are you talking about? We have the gun." Jerry laughed, "You guys really are stupid."

"That's what you think." One of the guards said. He pulled out a gun, too. But, this time there was no mercy. They shot the bullets at the Warriors.

"No!" Kim screamed, as she watched Jerry fall to the ground. There was so much chaos happening that she was able to wiggle out of the grasp of the guards.

"Let's get out of here!" Rudy screeched as bullets were flying.

"We can't leave Jerry!" Milton yelled.

"He looks dead!" Lindsey cried.

Milton tried to pick him up but a bullet struck him down, too.

"I'm out of here!" Rudy yelled, heading for the door. Jack and Kim really didn't want to leave Jerry and Milton, but they were covered in blood and they weren't moving. If they didn't get out of there soon, they'd suffer the same fate.

So, Rudy, Jack, Kim, and Lindsey were running down the hallway, desperately searching for an exit. Two guards blocked the only door they could find. Lindsey jumped in front of Kim right when a bullet was shot directly at her. She fell to the ground.

"Why did you save me?!" Kim screamed.

"It's for all the pain I put you through when we first met." Lindsey cried.

Rudy, Jack, and Kim jumped inside another room nearby. It was dark and the room was filled with their loud breathing.

"We're going to die, Jack!" Rudy sobbed.

"No, we're not. I'm not going to let that happen." Jack replied.

"What about the others?" Rudy continued to sob.

"Guys, I'm so sorry!" Kim cried.

"We need to stay strong and not panic, or we aren't going to make it out of this." Jack said.

"But panicking is so much fun."

"Who said that?!" Rudy screamed. The lights switched on and there was another guard in the room. He shot Rudy four times.

"NOOOO!" Kim wailed hysterically. Jack grabbed her wrist and pulled outside to safety. They ran as fast as they could and climbed out of a window.

"We have to keep going, Kim!" He yelled. They ran through the woods and disappeared under a steep hill.

"What are we going to do? They're going to come after us." Kim panicked.

"The only solution I have is to leave the country." Jack answered her.

"But what about our families?! They'll wonder what happened to us."

"It's not safe being in this country. The government consider us traitors." Jack said. He stopped running and started throwing bushes. Underneath the bushes was his car. Everybody had traveled together and parked in a secret place because they knew something bad would happen- they were right.

"We have to start a new life in a completely different place."

"Okay. Wherever you go, Jack, I will follow." Kim said, kissing him.

"And I'll always take care of us. I know my way around France, so that's where we're heading. I also have extended family members there."

Later that night...

The Crawford's are happily seated around the living room table, setting up the Monopoly game.

"Mommy, when's Kim coming to play?" Asked Nathan, eagerly.

"She should be here any minute now." Mrs. Crawford smiled.

They didn't know that they would never see Kim again.

AN: I'm sorry for not being able to post the finale yesterday. I just finished writing it, when I found out my internet was acting up. But, everything is good now. This was my first time writing a sad story and it will be my last time. I don't like writing sad endings, but I wanted to try it at least once. After all, life doesn't always have happy endings.

I want to write another story for us but I'm going to need a break before I can start writing again. My life is so hectic right now. I promise that I will be back sometime in June 2014.

-Emily :)