Hey all!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters or anything from the Marvel universe. I'm just a fan who fancied writing up what I'd like to happen after Thor: The Dark World, which is where my Fic starts. Right from the end of Movie 2. So I hope you enjoy what you read. #MatureContent...eventually...lol
Loki smirked to himself as he watched Thor make his way to the Bifrost, accompanied by the Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. No doubt to say their farewells to their old friend before he left for Midgard and the human there who stole his heart. Lokis' mind began to turn as he watched them from the throne room window. They had a way for ruining his plans but not this time. He'd make sure of that. His second death made a marvellous cover, the only one who knew of his existence being old Odin but he couldn't stop him, not where Loki had put him. Not again. Turning he took the form of a guard in full Asgardian armour and made his way down to the army barracks. He had already given the orders as Odin to take a troop of soldiers including Sif and the three halfwit warriors to return balance to Nidavellir, as the realm had suffered worst during their battle with Kurse. He had a plan already in motion to eradicate them and their meddling in his affairs. He watches their goodbye, eyes wavering only once when Sif embrace his brother in farewell. Sif had always been on Thors' side. Always following him into meaningless battles for glory and honour that meant nothing in truth and yet he'd always followed her. Always respected her words and advice. Now here he was, plotting her death.
Loki stepped back from the window and took the form of a guard before he journeyed down to the library. The kingdom was his and he could do as he pleased. He may not be known as Loki King of Asgard yet but impersonating Odin was just as thrilling, if not more. Just as he pushed open the door to the library he heard a commotion coming from down the hall. Raising a brow he leaned back lightly on his heels to see the four of them returning, joking and laughing about old times and battles before Sif excused herself and the Warriors Three made their way to the banquet hall for supper. He had no intention to follow her but the look in her eyes had him curious and somehow he found himself standing at her door, his magic concealing himself from her view and simply watching her.
Sif knelt down by the foot of her bed and slowly removed the stone slab from the floor that concealed her secret hiding place. She pulled out a scarf given to her by her mother and a small knife her father had given her the last time she had seen him. Sitting down on the stone she crossed her legs and glanced around making sure she was alone before she removed the wooden box, engraved with golden spirals and encrusted with emeralds it was beautiful and completely precious to her. She slid the box up onto her large four poster bed and took a long deep breath before she got up, taking a seat on the red satin sheets beside the box. Her fingertips skimming across the lid slowly, tentatively. Most people believed her to be very heavy handed, a warrior, someone who wasn't delicate or fragile but looking at the box she felt her heart beating wildly and she took great care in handling it. Running her fingers over the lock she pushed out the slight magic she had learned and it opened with a soft click.
Unbeknown to Sif, Loki had slipped silently into the room behind her and was watching her from the window sill, eyes intent on the box he knew well. It was his, well it had been his a long time ago. Back when he still believed he was a son of Odin. Back before he discovered the truth of his life. The lie. What is she doing with it?; he wondered as she slowly opened the box, inside where two of his daggers, a small globe that contained an image of him, as well as an emerald and silver pendant he had given her decades ago. Loki frowned softly and wondered why she had saved such things after all he had done, all he had planned to do.
Reaching into the box Sif removed the globe and brushed her fingers across the smiling image of Loki inside. "Why couldn't you have stayed this happy?" she whispered to the image and placed it back down before removing the pendant and fastening it around her neck. The emeralds always clashed with her bright blue eyes, Loki had teased her for it once but she'd only taken it off after his "betrayal" of Thor, after his secret was discovered. Loki couldn't understand why she'd wear it now, or have it at all. Sif sighed softly and rose to her feet, her fingers lightly brushing the pendant as she made her way to the window where she stopped and looked up to the bright night sky. Dropping her hands to make a cup she concentrated and pushed out her energy into a small ball of light, opening her eyes she frowned at it. Loki smirking softly behind her, she'd never been very good with magic, it had taken him a while to realise that after he'd spent time trying to teach her. When it came to magic the Lady Sif was basically useless, but still she had created the ball of light.
"It isn't much...but it's the best I can do, I know you deserve better Loki. I know you have wronged us, killed people, betrayed those closest to you but in the end you were loyal, brave and I am proud of you" she spoke with a growing smile on her lips. "Goodbye my friend, you will always be in my heart and my memories" with that said she held out her hands and the light flickered for a moment before raising into the air and disappearing into the sky.
Stepping back into the corridor Loki couldn't understand what he was feeling. She had sent out a light for him, a light to guide him in his darkness of death. No one else had done such a thing, not even Thor. He took a moment to glance back inside seeing her packing away everything back into the box and hiding it away again, all but the pendant that hung around her neck once again.
Well hope you're enjoying it so far. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think. Good or bad I don't mind either really. {Winks} Catch you on the next chapter!
Love Lisa xx