Kendalls POV

"Carlos, I swear man, that van is following me." I tell one of my two best friends as I look back at the parked white van behind us. I look back to Carlos who was rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

"Dude, there are TONS of vans in the world. Maybe, it isn't the same van every time."

That's Carlos for you, he likes to find positve things about EVERYTHING.

I can't help but look back at the white van one last time before going into the school for the day. I looking closely at the drivers side and I see someone move! Someone is sitting inside that van. What are they looking at though. I have a funny feeling that what they were eyeing through the tinted windows, was me.

~~One school day later~~

Walking home is such a drag without Carlos and Logan. They both have after school events to go to and I'm all alone. Well, there is hockey, but the season is over at the time and won't start back up until next year because of budget cuts.

The cool air hitting my face and the sun going over the horizen, I start to pick up the pace a little bit wanting to get home before dark. Darkness started taking over the sky very quickly. Damn it. Well, I'm not gonna be home before dark I guess now.

A few minutes later I see head lights come on in the distance come closer to me. I notice it's that van that has been everywhere I have been for the past few months.

Feeling uneasy I pick up the pace again.

Then the lights are gone.


I stop for just a second to see if I could see the van anywhere in sight.


Before I could turn around to go in the direction of home again, I feel a huge hand cover my mouth and an even bigger arm go around my waist and torso. The hand on my mouth has a cloth against both mouth and nose. I try to fight off my attacker but it's no use.

"Shh...Just breath it all in. Deep breathes, thats it." Said a soothing voice from behind me. Breathing in the cloth I felt myself get very sleepy.

Next thing I know everything goes black.

James POV

I watch as my father brings Kendall over to the van and placed him neatly in back with me. I laid his head on my lap and brushed his hair away from his face. He's more beautiful close up.

"That the one you wanted James my boy?" My father asked me from the front seat.

"Yes farther, and he's perfect. I've dreamed of the day that I'd get to hold him in my arms." I said with a wicked smile on my face, eyes never leaving Kendalls, emotionless one.

"Good, now lets get him home before he wakes up."

And with that, my father drove us back to our place, with my blonde beauty sleeping soundly.

Authors Note: Okay theres chapter one! :D If your woundering how James knows Kendalls name that will be explained in the next chapter. Until then, Lots of love :)