Draco felt dirty, horrible and unwanted as he lay in his hospital bed. His mother and father were talking to Dumbledore. Saying what happened to him was such a great crime how whoever did this was going to pay.

While their son truly did not give a crap he just wanted to curl up in his king sized bed at home and sleep forever. You see their prefect pureblood son was raped. His owl Maria brought him and letter that said he needed to go to the third floor. He did and man in black cloak grabbed him and… NO he was not going to go there.

Harry Potter boy wonder found him and got help. He just wished that he would have just left him there.

Potter asked him if he needed anything. No,'' he hissed. Leave me alone!

Draco I just want to help,'' said Harry.

Come my son time to get you to your dorm,'' said Narcissa.

Why can't I go home mother,'' Asked Draco.

Because you need to still be in school,'' said his mother.

Dumbledore said let the boy sleep he can go back to his dorm tomorrow.

Madam Pomfery came back in the room. Mister Malfoy you cannot leave yet we still have that one test.

Not that test thought Draco. He started to whimper. His mother carded her hand through his hair like she did when he was little.

Go to sleep my dragon everything will be fine.

Draco woke up to the sound of humming. Ginny Weasel was sitting next to his bed. Well how are you doing Malfoy?

Why are you hear Weaselette,'' muttered Draco.

I have no class now and for some odd reason Harry cares about you,'' said Ginny.

Well you can go,'' hissed Draco.

No Draco I cannot that man is still out there,'' said Ginny.

Draco painstakingly got out of bed. Everything hurt he was not going to ask for help not in his present company. He slowly made his way to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. His skin was an alabaster pale. Sliver grey eyes and white blonde hair not a speck of fiscal hair the eyes looked died though. He washed his face and hands and did a very unMalfoy thing hid. He stared up at the celling if there is a god in heaven he is an ass.

The door was open now. The blood traitor said out.

He ignored her; she was not his mother nor did she matter.

Madam Pomfrey says she has one more test left then you can be in your own bed.

His own bed that sounded great, but blood traitors do lie. He got up though Draco needed to know if he was in even bigger trouble. He stumbled to bed. The nurse was waiting for him wand in hand. Lay down mister Malfoy. She drew her wand over his stomach. Green light his life is over. I am so sorry said Ginny.

Draco wanted to die. Rip this thing out of him.

But instead he just started to cry.