~Final chapter final chapter final chapter~


Enjoy! ;D

Stupid, stupid, stupid, Dez mentally reprimands himself. He runs two fingers lightly over his lips, deep in thought about a certain incident from the previous day. Why did you have to go and do that? That was completely disrespectful to her, he continues berating himself. At the time, he did not put much thought into his actions. It just sort of…Happened. He played it off like it was nothing, but he couldn't stop thinking about it.

Dez had decided to hang out at the beach club today – sort of hoping that he'd bump into Trish. Talk things through, clear the air. She had been busy, however, working quite hard – almost as if she had been avoiding him. And he knows exactly why.

He continues processing his anxieties through his mind while sipping his smoothie. What if I lose her as a friend because of this? Would things be awkward now? Dang it, Dez. What did you-?!

His thoughts were interrupted suddenly by a large, tall brunette whispering flirtatiously into his ear, causing him to spit-take and drop his smoothie onto the ground. "Hey there, Dezzy-Roo."

"M-M-M-M-Mindy?!" Dez wipes some driblets of smoothie from his mouth and turns to face the girl. "Wha-…Um…What brings you here?"

"Well, I just had a little chat with Trish…And she said that I got the wrong idea the other day we talked. She's not into you. Which means...You're all mine." Mindy sits herself on a chair across the table from him, leaning her upper body towards him. She rests her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands, all the while batting her eyelashes.

Dez feels something in him sink a little at her words, and a cold feeling shoots through his now-tightened throat. "Sh-She said that?" Finding it hard to speak now, he fixes his gaze down to his slightly shaky hands. What is wrong with me? he wonders. The bodily sensations remind him of that night a little while back. The night he decided to quit filmmaking.

"So…How about I buy you another smoothie, huh, Dezzie-cakes?" Mindy asks him, caressing the side of his face. He doesn't react this time, and just continues to stare down at his hands, breathing shakily. After a few moments of no response, Mindy starts growing annoyed. "Dez!" she shouts at him.

Still no response.

"Mindy! There are you are!" a bubbly blonde calls out to her. She makes her way over to their table. "Hey, silly, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be on that blind date I set up for you, hehe," the cheerful girl giggles, petting Mindy's hair. "Why're you still here?"

"Well, Dez was here, and-" Mindy starts.

"Dez? Oh, hi!" squeaked the girl, waving at our red-headed protagonist. Dez finally looks up. "It's been a while, how are you?"

"Oh…H-Hey, Carrie," Dez responds, giving her a weak smile. "I'm…Well, I'm okay, I guess. How've you been?"

"-Yeah, yeah, 'nuff of this small-talk. If you'll excuse us, Carrie, Dez and I are kinda busy talking here," Mindy interrupts, glaring a little at the blonde. Carrie tilts her head, observing Mindy.

"No, Mindy," she gently takes the brunette's hand. "We talked about this. He isn't the one for you. You'll both just end up getting hurt. Trust me, I know," she smiles warmly and continues, doing her little robot dance and using a robotic voice, "cause I am the love robot." Mindy raises a brow at the girl, looks back at Dez, then turns to face Carrie once again.

"I don't know…I mean…I really like Dez…" Mindy frowns. Dez starts to feel bad for her. He only recently discovered just how much it hurts to have someone you really care for not reciprocate those feelings.

"Well, if you keep pining after Dez, you'll never get to know what a great guy Dexter is, silly. You need to go on that date. Trust me, you'll like him a lot. And he really wants to meet you," Carrie explains, bouncing a bit in place in her signature giddy manner. Mindy ponders over Carrie's words carefully, Why am I still after Dez? Sure, he's cute, and interesting, and creative…But I deserve better than someone who's only nice to me out of fear. Mindy nods, silently processing Carrie's words. She stands up from her seat.

"You know what, Carrie? You're right!" Mindy pulls her hand away from Carrie's. "I deserve a guy who'll fawn over me for a change. I'm going on that date!" The brunette turns to Dez. "I won't ever forget you, Dezzy-Roo, but…I'm sick of being the desperate one." And with that, she marches off the scene.

"Yeah, that's the spirit!" Carrie cheers after her, jumping up and down, clapping for the brunette. "Go Mindy!" Dez smiles up at bouncy girl. Sure, Carrie and he had broken up a while back, but they always had stayed on good terms. It was a clean break; no mess, no stress.

"Still match-making, are we?" he comments, playfully.

"The love robot's job is never done!" Carrie responds heroically, taking a seat at his table.

"Has the love robot found anyone compatible with herself?" he asks.

"Oh, well, I did meet this really sweet guy yesterday named Lucky," Carrie smiles. "I think you might know him, he goes to Marino High. He asked me out, so I'm guessing he likes me too," She giggles giddily.

"Oh, Lakshman right?" Dez asks, and Carrie nods. "Yeah, he's a really nice guy. Me and Trish went to the movies with him once. Complete gentleman," Dez approves, happy to hear that Carrie had found someone decent.

"Speaking of Trish…Did you take my advice?" Carrie questions him. Dez starts rubbing the back of his neck, not quite sure how to respond.

"I told you before, Carrie…Trish and I are just friends," he explains, looking back down at his hands. At least, he hopes that they still are, anyway.

"We both know that isn't what you only want, though," Carrie watches him, thoughtfully. "Did you talk to her about it?"

"Don't need to. Mindy told me everything I needed to know. Trish isn't into me," Dez adds on, his eyes wandering around now, as if looking for her.

"Does she know how you feel about her? Maybe she's embarrassed or something?" Carrie asks, then starts to giggle. "Can't see why, though, you're adorable!" She leans over and boops him on the nose. He smiles a little, once again.

"Well…I guess she sorta knows? I…I mean…" he starts to mumble. "I kind of kissed her yesterday."

It was loud enough for Carrie to hear, however, resulting in a very enthusiastic response from the blonde. "Oh, my scarves! You kissed her?!" she squeals loudly, causing many around them to turn their heads in attention. Dez exhales, negative thoughts clouding his mind, once again.

"Well, it was just a peck on the lips. She didn't kiss me back or anything, or even said anything about it. I shouldn't have done it, though. She wasn't expecting it at all, and I feel like I violated her or something," out of the corner of his eye, he spots the familiar curls. He looks her way and continues, "And now she's avoiding me." He turns back to face Carrie, "I mean, it stinks that she doesn't feel the same way about me, but...I really don't want to lose her as a friend. I think I ruined it now…What should I do Car…Carrie?!"

Carrie had suddenly jumped up from her seat, now bolting over to where Trish is working away.

"Carrie, wait!" Dez calls out, scrambling after the girl.

"Hey, Trish, can I talk to you for a second?" the blonde asks, gently tapping Trish on the shoulder. Trish sighs, then turns around to face the energetic girl.

"Carrie, I'd love to chat and all, but I'm kinda busy here. Go talk to Dez or something," Trish turns back around, proceeding with wiping down the tables. It's not Carrie that she's upset with, Trish is just extra irritable today. Hazel had given her a lot of work to get done this shift.

"But Trish! Dez has something he needs to say to you," Carrie states. Dez had just caught up with her, his eyes widening at her words. She shoves the red-head towards Trish, who drops her cleaning rag and focuses her attention on him.

"Wh-? Carrie! But I-" he stops, silenced mid-sentence as he looks at the short, curly-haired girl. His eyes then dart around a bit, trying to avoid eye-contact and his mouth open and close a few times as he tries to gather his words.

"Well?" Trish demands, crossing her arms. Dez finally gathers up enough courage to look her in the eyes. He's silent for a few more moments, but as Trish starts turning away to continue her work, he finally speaks up.

"I'm sorry."

"What?" she whips her head around to face him, not expecting that response. "Sorry for what?"

"I shouldn't have kissed you. It was a mistake. It was wrong of me to just impulsively do that," he rambles. "Look, I-I just…Are we still friends?" he asks, a pleading look in his eyes. Trish studies his face, then turns to Carrie, who had been chewing on her lip, nervously. She turns her attention back to Dez.

Trish walks slowly towards him, holding her gaze with his. She smiles up at him at first, causing Dez to outstretch his arms – in hopes of a hug. Instead, he gets a smack upside the head.

"Idiot," she scoffs, wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling him into a hug immediately after. Dez rubs the side of his head, not really sure what had just happened. Carrie laughs aloud at this, clapping and bouncing happily in her spot.

"Ow…Wait…I'm lost," he comments, while returning the hug. They let go, and he proceeds to ask, "So we're still friends, then?"

"Why wouldn't we be, Doofus?" Trish asks him, blankly. "I mean, sure, I'm embarrassed to be seen with you at times…" she trails off.

"But…?" he asks, quirking a brow.

"Hm? Oh, no. That's it," she lets out a little laugh as he glares at her for the comment. She then adds, "Is this 'cause I've been avoiding you today?"

"I knew you were avoiding me!" Dez exclaims, pointing an accusatory finger at the curly-haired girl. "Wait…But why?"

Carrie had procured a bag of popcorn, and continues eagerly watching the two of them, as if this was some sort of soap opera.

"Dez, you kissed me yesterday. Of course I'm feeling kinda awkward about it. I mean, can you blame me?" Trish explains frankly, picking up her cleaning rag and wringing it in her hands.

"Yeah, I guess it does make everything kinda weird…" he rubs the back of his neck, once again. He then holds out his hands, and attempts to explain himself. "Look, I just…I really care about you, Trish. And, if we just stay friends, that's cool, too. I mean, I know you don't feel that way about me and all, but-"

"-I never said that," Trish cuts him off, putting a hand up to stop him. Dez's eyes widen.

"What? But Mindy said-" he starts, only to be cut off by Trish, once again.

"-You're really gonna believe what Mindy told you?" Trish asks him, raising a brow and putting her hands on her hips.

"I guess you're right…" Dez shrugs, looking down at his feet. At the sudden realization, his eyes shoot back up to her, his countenance growing ecstatic. "Wait – so does that mean you do feel that way about me?"

"I didn't say that either, Freckles," Trish shakes her head. Dez's enthusiasm abruptly dies down.

"Okay, now you're just confusing me," he pouts, crossing his arms – glaring at her a little. She rolls her eyes yet again, then reaches over and takes his hand in hers. Dez tenses up a bit at the contact.

"Look, Dez, I'm not really sure how the heck I feel about all this right now. But…You're my friend. My best friend, even…" she pauses for a beat, then adds, "Besides Ally, anyway…And, well, that's not gonna change." She looks up at him, giving him a small, yet sincere smile. He reciprocates it, gripping her hand, then taking her other hand in his free one.

"Good. Cause even though Austin still claims the title of my best friend, he can never replace you. Nobody can," he winks at her.

"Awwwww," Carrie coos from her seat, mouth full of popcorn. Dez and Trish both turn to her, suddenly feeling awkward. "Oh, sorry! Did I ruin the moment? I'll be going now!" She gives the two of them quick hugs, then scurries off so that they could be alone.

"So, um…" Trish starts, attempting to change the subject. "Did you submit your short film and applications to the schools you wanna go to?"

"Yup! All set, just need to wait for their responses," he replies, happy she had taken the conversation into a new direction. He didn't really like the awkwardness. "How about you?"

"Eh, I submitted mine a little while back. Looking to get into a Music Industry business program, but not that many colleges offer it," she shrugs. "But I'm not worried, whether I get accepted or not – I've already got a good foothold in the business. As do you, Mister Master Director. And don't you forget that," she says, poking him lightly in the chest. Dez moves beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"You're right. There's nothing to worry about," he nods, looking away at nothing in particular. "So long as I got my buddies and my camera, I'll be okay." He looks back at her, "So…How's about we go see that new Zaliens movie that just came out? I heard it's supposed to be like a prequel to the original."

"That's out already? Let's go!" Trish exclaims, tossing the cleaning rag onto a nearby table. "My shift's almost up anyway. I'll ask Hazel if I can leave a little early today."

"Cool, I'll meet you at the parking lot, then." He pulls his car keys out from his pocket.

And for once, Trish isn't anxious about him driving.

"Well, that movie was a bust. There were barely any consistencies with the original movie, and the plot was super thin. It was all just eye-candy and stuff. Ugh!" Dez complains, walking out of the theater with Trish. She nods, in agreement.

"The graphics were nice, though. But yeah, didn't really live up to the first," Trish adds, tossing her empty slushy cup into a nearby trash receptacle.

The entire experience was not too bad, however. The two of them enjoyed making commentary and booing throughout the movie, getting shushed constantly by many of the other people in the theater. Eventually, Walter came around and escorted the both of them out, but they had managed to sneak back in and finish what they started. Towards the end of the film, Trish had linked her arm with Dez's, and rested her head on his shoulder. Regardless of how terrible the movie was, Dez would have gone through the whole thing again if it meant staying like that with her.

"Hey, we should meet up with Austin and Ally – you need to start arranging stuff for their new music video, right?" Trish asked, pulling her phone out of her bag.

"Oh, that's right! Can you call 'em and tell 'em to meet us back at Sonic Boom?" Dez asks her.

"Already on it," Trish states, holding her phone up to her ear. "Hey Ally! Can you and Austin meet me and Dez back at Sonic Boom in about…Fifteen minutes? We need to discuss the arrangements for the new music video and-Oh! Cool. Alright, see ya." She hangs up, pocketing her phone.

"This is gonna be epic! I have some great ideas for the video. I'm going to need a gazebo made entirely out of daises, a giant float that looks like a wedding cake, and five hundred doves," Dez elucidates, gesturing with his hands. He looks back at Trish with childlike enthusiasm coating his face. Her tight-lipped expression elicits her annoyance. Dez's shrugs, realizing that he may be asking for a bit much. "I could settle for a small float and one hundred doves. But I really need a gazebo made of daisies." Trish rolls her eyes, surprised that she hadn't strained them yet.

Yup, he's back.

"Let's go, Whack-a-Doodle," Trish grabs him by the arm, pulling him towards the car.

The following months proved all more stressful. Dez had been working away on more short films, and Trish actually working hard at her job, as well as continuing her work as a manager to both Austin and Ally – and even Dez, now. College letters were due to arrive, only adding to the stress.

The four friends had met up in Sonic Boom to be there for Dez while he opens up his college letters. Dez breathes deeply, holding the first envelope in his hands, not sure if he's ready to open it. It's from NYU. His friends are seated around him, ready to support him if he needs it. Trish grips him lightly at the shoulder.

"Relax, Dez. Remember what I told you? You'll do great, no matter what." Austin and Ally's eyebrows raise at Trish's supportiveness. She had grown up a lot in that way. Dez nods, taking another deep breath, feeling comforted by Trish's grip. He opens up the envelope and stares at the letter for a little while, as his friends watch him in anticipation.

"What's it say, Dez?" Austin asks, leaning towards his friend. Dez gives his best friend a small smile.

"I didn't get in," he shrugs, tossing the letter aside. His three friends frown. Ally grabs the next letter.

"How about this one, Dez? It's from…UCLA!" Ally hands it over to him. "Feels like good one!" Dez takes the envelope, and opens it up. His response is the same, a small smile.

"Nope. Didn't get into UCLA either," he shrugs, tossing it aside. His friends look worried about him at this point.

"Dez, it's okay to be upset over this, you don't have to put up a happy front for us," Ally explains, patting him gently on the back.

"Yeah, buddy, we're here for you. That's what friends are for," Austin adds.

"I'm really not upset, you guys," Dez chuckles. "It's not the end of the world. Those schools are just gonna miss out on a great opportunity," he states, a cocky smirk upon his face.

"Well, here's the last letter. It's from FSU," Trish hands it over to her freckled friend. Dez holds the letter in his hands, honestly feeling a bit more discouraged now than he previously was. Rejection letters can do that to a person. He takes yet another deep breath, then rips the envelope open. He unfolds the paper inside, and upon doing so, he freezes up. Scanning the words over and over again with his eyes, just to make sure, he sets the letter down on the table.

"Dez, it's okay if you didn't-" Ally starts.

"-I got in."

"What?" his three friends exclaim, in more of a happy manner than a surprised one.

Trish snatches the letter, and starts reading it aloud, "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into our film program starting the fall semester…" She looks up at the red-head and shrieks in excitement, "Dez! You got into Florida State University!" Austin and Ally join in the enthusiasm, congratulating their friend.

"This is great, buddy! And this way, you won't even be going too far away," Austin adds, very happy that his friend had gotten into a great film program, and that he didn't have to move across the country. The two boys share a deep embrace.

"Thanks, man," Dez says, releasing his blonde friend. "Thank you. All of you," he proceeds, directing his attention to Trish and Ally, as well, tearing up just a bit. "I couldn't ask for better friends." The four gather together for a group hug.

"Alright, alright, 'nuff with the sappiness – I ordered pizza to celebrate!" Trish says, breaking away from the hug, causing them all to do the same. "And there it is!" The pizza delivery guy walks in.

"Did anyone order a mushroom-pepperoni supreme?" the delivery man asks. Trish walks over, cash in hand.

"Yeah, right here, thanks," she takes the box, handing him a twenty. "Keep the change."

"Thanks, ma'am," the delivery man tips his hat to her, then walks off. Ally looks at her, eyebrow raised.

"You gave him a whole twenty? Since when did you get so generous?" Ally laughs. Trish smirks.

"Laugh it up, it was your money," the shorter girl explains, setting the box on the table.

"What? Trish!" Ally chirps, ready to chide her friend. The smell of pizza distracts her, however, and she dives right in.

Dez pulls out his camera, facing it towards himself. "Hey guys, get over here, I wanna remember this moment." His three friends gather around.

"Guess who got into Florida State?" Trish says to the camera, doing her signature pose then pointing at Dez.

"So proud of you, buddy!" Austin cheers him on, hugging his friend from behind.

"See, Dez, you just needed to put your heart and mind into it and realize that you can achieve anything you want if you just look deep inside yourself and-" Ally articulates, only to be silenced by Trish.

"-Yeah, yeah, we get it, Ally," the curly-haired girl laughs. Dez gives Ally a hug, all the same.

"Thanks, Ally," he releases her, then turns to Trish. "And this girl right here," he looks back at the camera. "She-" he is suddenly pulled down by the collar of the shirt by a dainty hand, his lips suddenly crashing into the ones of the girl he had just mentioned – dropping the camera in the process.

Austin's quick reflexes manage to catch it in time. The blonde focuses the camera on the two, still locked together – Trish gripping at Dez's collar as Dez melts right into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her.

"Maybe we should go…" Ally says, tugging Austin by the sleeve. He sets the camera down on the table, and then follows Ally up into the practice room to give Dez and Trish some privacy.

Trish finally releases Dez, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand immediately after. "That…Was payback. No one sneaks a kiss on Trish De La Rosa and gets away with it," she exhales sharply, straightening herself out.

"Did I ever mention how good you are at revenge?" Dez asks, leaning in again for another kiss. Trish puts a hand on his chest to stop him.

"Let's not get carried away, you Doof," Trish scoffs as he pouts. "Besides, the camera's still on." Dez nods, understanding. He spins the camera around, facing it away so that they are behind it.

"Better, Curly?"

"Shut up, Freckles."


WELL that was a long chapter. It is the finale, after all.

I hope it didn't seem too rushed. And I hope it seems complete enough.

I dunno, this felt super mushy-gushy to me. It's hard for me to write romance stuff, you guys. But I hope you liked it all the same. XD

I'd like to thank WinterFairy7337, SakuraSpark, trezkabobisay, Fizzy Starburst, purplenutellaaaa, and the anon guest commenter for their lovely reviews. I'd like to thank all my commenters for your continued support – thank you so much!

Gonna start up a sequel to this story! So stay tuned! c: