Last chapter! Whoop! Thank you so much to everyone who read it and especially those that reviewed. I hope you guys enjoyed it and if not give me some feedback?

When Tony woke up the next morning, the light was already streaming through the window. He groggily rolled over and reached for his phone that lay on the bedside table. His phone told him it was 1030 and he gave a satisfied sigh as he snuggled into the warmth of his bed. He knew Gibbs was furious at him for hiding his injuries and he would be in for it later but for now he was just glad he didn't have to fake being fine. He lay in bed for another half an hour just because he could but then climbed out of bed and slipped into some clothes. He was bored and more than ready to start the day, even if that meant facing Gibbs.

It took Tony longer than usual to make it downstairs but he eventually made it to the couch where he collapsed. Just a little breather, Tony thought to himself as he listened to the quiet house. He couldn't hear noises from the basement or anywhere else and he wondered where Gibbs had gone anyways.

He got his answer ten minutes later when he heard the front door close. He listened as Gibbs went into the kitchen and cupboards opened and shut. Next he heard the pop of the toaster and then Gibbs strolled out of the kitchen carrying a tray. Gibbs froze when he saw Tony sitting at the couch.

"Hey Boss. Fancy seeing you here." Tony said playfully grinning, that slowly slid off his face as he took in Gibbs glare.

"Thought I told you to stay in bed. Want to tell me why you disobeyed my order?" Gibbs' voice was deadly quiet.

Tony shrunk back in the seat and berated himself for underestimating how serious Gibbs was about resting. "I uh, I got bored boss. Figured I'd come see what you were doing."

"Damn it Tony. You are supposed to be staying off your knee not gallivanting around. I was gone for less than an hour and I come back to find you decided to clamber down a full flight of stairs. You could have tripped and hurt yourself more. Of all the stupid things you could do."

"Gallivanting? Who talks like that boss?" Tony said laughing. Gibbs swatted the back of his head gently. "Er I mean sorry boss. You're right I was being stupid." Tony struggled to contain his laughter. Honestly he had done way stupider things than walking downstairs –hello, the plague! - And Gibbs had never said anything.

Gibbs' glare intensified as he saw the hidden grin on Tony's face. Wordlessly he shoved the tray towards the ailing man and Tony grinned at the eggs, toast and orange juice… and pill. He scrunched up his nose in disgust but swallowed down the pill anyways, knowing Gibbs would make him take it regardless of any fuss he made.

Gibbs watched as Tony ate some breakfast. This kid was going to be the death of him. Most people would willingly stay off a hurt leg but his kid, his kid chased after suspects and never said a word about it. Gibbs wondered just how many times Tony had hidden injuries from him and flinched slightly, could he wrap him in bubble wrap? He would just have to watch the kid closer to make sure he would never get away with it again. Only after Tony had eaten everything on his plate did he speak. "What the hell were you thinking Tony? Ignoring your injuries like that is just an idiotic thing to do. Not only is it a danger to yourself and the team when you aren't at your best but you made your injuries worse!"

"I would never let anyone hurt the team Gibbs! I would force myself through any pain if it meant saving you guys from something." Tony said angrily.

"Damn it DiNozzo! I know you would, but you shouldn't hurt yourself either. If you followed the rules and told me you were hurt-"

"None of your rules say anything about injuries Boss." Tony defended himself.

"Only because I thought it was such an obvious rule that it didn't have to be said! Nobody else would try to hide injuries from me." Gibbs yelled before sitting back down. He rubbed his face tiredly and counted to ten. "Since you need to be told, I give you Tony rule number 1- You do not get to hide injuries from me. I don't care if it is a broken arm or a stubbed toe, you will tell me. Am I clear?"

"Oh come on Boss. I'm not going to tell you whenever I get a bruise! You'd never get any peace."

"I said am I clear?" Gibbs firmly stated while glaring at Tony.

Tony pouted back but there was only so long he could face down an angry Gibbs. Gradually, his eyes lowered and he collapsed back into the couch. "Crystal Boss."

Gibbs nodded to himself. Tony was never one to break a rule. "Alright son. Now you are on sick leave for a week and then desk duty until Ducky says you're fit for field duty." Tony went to interrupt and Gibbs quickly spoke over him. "Not up for debate Tony. You will rest your leg for the next week." Tony rolled his eyes and started planning things he could do to amuse himself for the week. "and to insure you do actually rest, you will be staying here."

Tony gaped at him. He had to be joking. A whole week stuck here! "Boss, I can't do that to you. No I will get out of your hair and hole up at my place."

"Not your choice DiNozzo." Gibbs said calmly. "You will be here, you will NOT use your leg and you will rest."

"Wait, you don't have TV! Boss I can't survive a week of no movies. What am I supposed to do with myself?" Tony pleaded desperately.

Gibbs smirked at Tony who was whining like a five year old. "Well son, that's part of the punishment. Maybe next time you will think before you break a rule. Even an undeclared one."