Hi again… this is the last one shot for the USS CARYL challenge: poetry/Art

This is one of my favorite scenes… the first time Daryl noticed Carol. Yes, it's the pick axe scene. As this is in season 1 Daryl will not be the same as he is now. I wanted to keep him in character as much as possible, angry and an asshole.

Dedicated to my favorite writers... you know who you are and to Fairies Masquerade: if you haven't read "three Little Birds" you really need to, tell her Vicki says HI

I still don't own the walking dead… sigh, some days I wish I did...


Bitter angry man

Relishes the others pain

They took his

He'll not mourn theirs

Self-satisfied smirk

In righteous fury he proclaims

They got what they deserved

Disgust curls his lip

As no one takes the shot

He is surround by

Weak, pathetic fools

Sentimental bullshit

Will cost them everything


Bleating like lambs

Waste of humanity

They're already dead

Pickaxe raised

Keeps the dead still

Pointless work, needs to be done

Quiet voice whispers

I'll take my turn

He looks to the sound

See the thin tiny woman

Punching bag, target

Victim of dark lusts

Burden, place holder

Why is she still here?

Skinny arm stretches

Reaching for the axe

He watches as she struggles, lifts, slams home

The tool as big as she

Her fury erupts from deep within

The sounds of the axe falling

Mix, blend

With her cries of freedom

She destroys her demon, casts it aside

Years of pain released

He stands as witness

Recognition sparks

He understands

Shared past pain

Intrigued by this spit fire woman

Maybe some are worth saving

He'll wait and see