A few weeks passed since the incident with Ryan and Amber, and Jane was talking with Korsack about it for the first time. "So, nobody will tell me what happened. Tell me what exactly happened, Korsack."

"Well, Maura called us and told us that they'd located you. She didn't think we'd get there in time, so she took a uniform out there. They beat us to the scene and, from what I understand, she had to watch you and Ryan get electrocuted. Then she shot and killed Amber before pulling you out of that trough."

"What?" Jane couldn't believe what she was hearing, "She shot Amber? I was under the impression that the uniform did that."

"No," Korsack said lightly. "She grabbed your sidearm from your desk on her way out there. Apparently Amber aimed the gun at her, so she pulled the trigger."

"Oh my god," Jane was in disbelief. "I had no idea! She didn't tell me all that."

"She was pretty shaken up by it. Probably just didn't want to add to your plate."

"Thanks, Korsack." Jane left the station in search of the doctor. She found her sitting at the dirty robber, enjoying a glass of wine. "Hey, mind if I join you?"

"Of course," Maura smiled sweetly. "Do you want a beer?"

"Not right now. Why didn't you tell me how things went down that night?"

Maura's demeanor changed, "Does it really matter?"

"It does to me," Jane said softly. "Can you please tell me?"

Maura looked into her eyes, seeing the desperation that lay within. "Ok," she said quietly, putting down her wine glass. "You know what happened up until the phone call."

"Yes," Jane nodded, focusing all of her attention on the woman before her.

"Well, Sgt. Korsack and the guys were too far away. So, I went into your desk and grabbed your gun."

"You can't carry a gun," Jane joked.

"Well, that's what the officer told me too," Maura smiled. "So I grabbed your gun and told the officer to take me to the slaughter house. When we pulled up, I could hear you screaming, Jane," Maura's voice cracked. Jane reached across the table and took the doctor's hands into her own. "I ordered the officer to follow me in and we ran into the room. We got there just in time to see Ryan dunk you into the water. I saw you both get electrocuted." Maura paused for a moment, looking into Jane's eyes for encouragement to continue. "I told Amber to unplug the generator, and she told me you were already dead and that I was next. She pointed her gun at me and I shot her, Jane. I killed her."

"You did what you had to do," Jane said reassuringly.

Maura nodded slightly before continuing, "I ran to unplug the generator before I worked my way over to you two. I pulled Ryan off of you and then moved you to the ground. That's when Korsack, Frost and Frankie all showed up and saw you. I was in shock, but thankfully Sgt. Korsack kept it together and asked me what I needed. Frankie moved you to a dry spot and we used the AED to bring you back. When you weren't breathing after that, so I administered CPR until you finally started to breathe again."

Jane looked into the hazel eyes before her, "You saved my life. There's nothing I could ever do to thank you, Maura."

"No thanks necessary. I couldn't let you die, Jane. I wasn't about to let that nightmare become a reality…well, at least not stay a reality."

"Yeah, minus me staying dead," Jane teased lightly. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I know that what I did was just, so I don't feel bad about killing her."

"Well, then you know you did the right thing."

Later that night, Jane was at home, working out with her punching bag. She couldn't stop thinking about all Maura had done to save her on that treacherous night. As she finished her last round of attacks against the "man" hanging on her punching bag stand, she flopped onto her yoga mat. She lay still for a moment, with her arms out to her sides and her knees bent, feet on the mat, when she heard a key in her door.

Not expecting any company, she lifted her head to see who it could be. To her surprise, Maura walked in, a six pack of beer in hand. "Well, hello," she said, laying her head back on the mat.

"Hi. I hope you don't mind me just stopping by like this."

"Of course not."



Maura popped open two beers and placed them both on the coffee table before putting the rest in the fridge. "Jane, I've been thinking."

"Oh?" Jane's eyes were closed as she stretched herself out on the mat, enjoying the feeling on her muscles.

"I know why all of this has bothered me so much. With you and the nightmare and the dying, I mean."

"Gee, I don't know what part of that could upset you."

Maura smiled and walked towards the spot where she lay on the floor. "I'm not exactly sure how to say this."

Jane propped herself up on her elbows, still wearing her boxing gloves, "Ok. Well, you know I'm here for you."

"I'm much more of a kinesthetic learner. Being able to do things with my own two hands and giving me that firsthand experience is really the best way for me to remember things. Although I'm also very visual. I think if I was going to become an instructor of sorts I'd have to also learn to be more audio as well."

"Maura?" Maura stopped her ramble, looking down into Jane's warm brown eyes. "You're rambling."

"Yes," she hesitated. "What I want to know is if I can I just show you?"

"Sure," Jane's face twisted with confusion and concern; she'd never seen Maura like this.

Maura slowly knelt down next to her and took her face into her hands. She looked her in the eyes, seeing the confliction dancing within. Without another hesitation, she bent down and captured Jane's lips with her own. She noted how warm and soft they were, unlike how they were only weeks before when she'd locked lips to save her life.

Jane's eyes shot open wide as her best friend kissed her. She had no idea what to do or think of the situation. As the kiss went on, she couldn't believe how right it felt; she allowed her eyes to close. She'd never thought of any woman in this way, especially Maura, yet it felt so natural. She actually kind of liked it, and began to return the kiss more passionately.

As Jane began to succumb to the doctor's kiss, a smile spread across Maura's face. Instead of pulling back and stopping, she took advantage of this situation, gently shifting one leg between the detective's and extending the other out so she could lay on her side. Maura allowed her hands to slide down from Jane's face and gently caress her arms, still glistening with sweat.

Jane's hands had made their way off the ground as she longed to feel the warmth of the doctor's body. She'd forgotten about the gloves. She softly broke their kiss and ripped the Velcro open with her teeth as Maura slowly kissed her neck, the taste of saltiness on her lips. After she'd undone the Velcro from both gloves, Jane shook them off, quickly unraveled her hand wraps and ran her hands up the doctor's back. Noticing that she was done with her distractions, Maura refocused her attention on Jane's lips, gently biting her lower lip as she went back in for a kiss.

Jane's hands slowly slid up Maura's back before reaching her wavy golden blonde hair. She ran her hands up to Maura's forehead and gently pushed her hair back and off over her left shoulder. After looking into the hazel eyes above, Jane lightly ran her tongue up the right side of Maura's neck and up to her ear. She nibbled softly on the lobe, her hot breath sending shivers down Maura's spine. More aroused at this point, the medical examiner pulled back and straddled the lean, raven-haired beauty below her.

The women looked adoringly into each other's eyes for a moment before Jane pulled Maura in for another kiss, planting her feet back onto the mat, allowing her legs to act as a rest for her admirer. Maura gently sat back against Jane's legs, lowering the weight of her entire body on top of her. The medical examiner ran the tip of her tongue down the roof of the detective's mouth causing the detective's back to arch from the yoga mat. As her tongue reached the soft, pouty lips, she ran them around first the top, then the bottom lip. Enjoying the enticement, Jane ran the tip of her tongue down the center of the bottom of the doctor's tongue, sending goose bumps down her arms.

Smiling lightly, Jane pulled Maura back in for a heated kiss. She slipped her hands under the doctor's blouse, allowing her warm hands to caress the soft skin beneath. Maura trailed her right fingertips along Jane's low cut tank top, gently tracing the line of her cleavage. Enjoying where this was going, Jane ran her hands up to Maura's shoulders, dragging her blouse up past her bra-line. She then lightly skimmed the back of her fingertips down Maura's sides, eliciting a small shiver from the woman who was normally so in control. "Take it off," she whispered in Jane's ear.

"What?" she wasn't sure she'd heard her correctly.

"The shirt Jane," Maura breathed lightly.

Jane's eyes looked back at her, uncertainty whirling within. After another moment, she slid her hands back up the blonde's sides, slipping under the blouse and gently sliding it over her head. She gently laid the blouse next to her before realizing that the doctor was sitting herself up. She worried for a moment that she had made the wrong decision taking off her blouse, but quickly shook that thought as Maura grabbed the base of her tank top. Without a word, Jane lifted off the ground just enough for Maura to slide the tank off over her head before tossing it to the side.

Jane admired how amazing Maura looked in her violet lacey bra, her sculpted stomach adding to the beauty. The doctor, in turn, admired how sexy the detective looked, even in her lime green sports bra. She lightly ran her fingers from Jane's shoulders, over her breasts and down her lean abdominal muscles; this time it was Jane who experienced the goose bumps. "My God Jane," she said mesmerized, "you're so beautiful."

She smiled sweetly, "So are you."

The women took in each other's beauty for a moment before Jane took hold of Maura's thighs, tilting her down for another kiss. As their kiss became more passionate Jane rolled her onto her back, taking control. She let out a surprised gasp as her back met the floor, a pleased smile spreading across her face. Jane, kneeling between her legs, gently began trailing kisses down the center of her body. Maura, craving connection, slung her legs behind the detective's thighs, gently scooting them until there was about a foot between her knees. This action, coaxed Jane down on top of her in entirety. She leaned her head down and whispered softly into the ME's ear, "What are you doing?"

Maura loved the feeling she got when the raven-haired beauty whispered in her ear. With her legs still wrapped behind Jane's thighs, she drew them in, pressing her lover's womanhood into her own. Jane gasped with pleasure, dropping her forehead to the blonde's shoulder. "Do you want me to stop?" she whispered back to Jane.

Jane lifted her head and stared down into her friend's hazel eyes for a moment before she dove down and smothered her with kisses. She slowly began to move her hips in a circular motion against her, enticing slight moans as their heart rates quickened. Maura gently clawed at Jane's back, her legs assisting in the motions granting her so much pleasure.

Jane tilted her head down and gently sucked at the doctor's collarbone. Almost to her climax, Maura grasped the tangled black mane at the back of Jane's head and pulled her down slightly, tightening her legs to keep constant pressure as she met her full satisfaction. Jane, too, had finished and gently kissed her way across the collarbone, up the neck and onto the warm, welcoming lips of the ME.

After the kiss, Jane gently lifted off the beautiful woman below her and moved to her side, flopping on her back. The ME rolled onto her side, facing her counterpart, and gently turned her head until their eyes met. They lay in silence for a while before Maura finally spoke up, "I seem to have fallen in love with you, Jane Rizzoli. That's what I'm trying to say."

Jane looked lovingly into her eyes and brushed the hair from her face, "Is that what you were saying? I thought you were trying to tell me you wanted to order pizza."

"Jane!" she swatted her arm, "I'm being serious!"

"I know," she smiled, "apparently I've fallen in love with you too."

"Apparently?" Maura asked suspiciously.

"I didn't know I felt this way for you until you kissed me. I mean of course I've loved you, I just didn't realize I could be in love with you, until now."

"So, are we ok?"

"I think we're more than ok," she leaned over and kissed her gently.

"That's great!" Maura's face lit up like a little kid on Christmas morning.

They were looking adoringly at one another when their phones began to ring. They both let out a little laugh as they reached for their phones on the coffee table, "Rizzoli."

"Dr. Isles."