Fanfiction has been chasing away most of my favorite writers and many of my friends. Many reasons to why and how. They seemed to have stricken their rules to where its not fun to experiment on writing styles. Its not as fun to write here.
Plus flamers have gotten out of control and FFn calls it friendly or helpful criticism. Criticism I have NO problem with. What I do have problem with is flat out flaming. Saying someone sucks and shouldn't write anymore is flaming. Harassing someone because they are experimenting with certain writing styles is flaming. Giving helpful advice, even if it is harsh, is criticism.
The more serious side of this that as far as I know mine have been safe, someone -or people- have been stealing creators works. They place it on virus filled fake sites and people gives them money to add ads to them. That's bad enough and comes with the job for writers. Fakes trying to take credit for your work. The thing that is crushing my hope for Fanfiction is that FFn isn't doing ANYTHING to help the writers. They are just letting the writers who put their work and efforts -not counting heart and soul- into it just deal with it themselves.
I have lost many friends, readers, and favorite writers. I say its enough. When Fanfiction finally gets turned completely into Quizilla it will probably be taken down. Till then, if you need me or want to follow me, I am going to post link to my Wattpadd (which i hate but better than FFn now) and Ao3 (archiveofourown) on my author page. I am also on devianart If you like you can find me on all three as OnyxJDShadow. I think my wattpadd is just JDShadow.