I had a lot more to this chapter but decided to remove it.. you'll see why but, just a little warning.

"Okay- so you know what you have to do?" Dave asked as he turned to Santana. She nodded,

"Grab small items of food, to feed us, drugs for Quinn, as well as sleeping tablets to make sure she doesn't have her night terrors again and finally, suitable clothing for the three of us. You're going to get the other 'essentials."

"Okay- good. Meet me back here in twenty minutes? We wanna get back before either of them are hurt.." Before she had the chance to get out he grabbed her arm, "And please, I'm trusting you. I'm going to help you.. don't screw this up."

With that she got out of the van quickly, almost sprinting towards the drug store. She didn't glance twice at the people who noticed her filthy appearance. Walking through the doors, her eyes searched the signs above the aisles. She'd been here a few times before, she recognised it as the mall just on the outside of Lima, but in her state of desperation, she needed the signs as extra reassurance. Walking quickly, her fingers traced lightly over the boxes that were lined up. Grabbing extra strong paracetamol and and sleeping tablets, she neared the counter. The woman gave her a strange look and Santana rolled her eyes, "long weekend camping," she nodded, "trying to sleep on the ground was not my best idea ever.." She gave a purse smile before awkwardly fumbling with money Dave had supplied her with. The woman nodded and looked at the packet of sleeping tablets, and back to to Santana,

"these things knock you out cold you know? Judging by your age, I'd say-"

"They're perfect," Santana nodded, giving thanks for them at least implying to be fit enough for Quinn to consume. Taking the items, she quickly made her way to the clothes store. She thought momentarily about what to purchase for the three of them. Unsure of what to get. She couldn't buy herself something she'd normally wear. They'd lust after her for sure, or buy Quinn a dress, judging by how quick they had torn the last one. Then there was Rachel, and there was no way in hell she was going to dress her like she was dressed usually. Biting her lip, she decided to only go for items that were somewhat similar to what they had been wearing when they were taken. Picking a more than usually long dress for Quinn, a knee length skirt and sweater for Rachel and flared pants and a shirt for herself. They were still feminine and close enough to their dress code without being too revealing.

She had to admit, she felt anything but normal as she approached the counter. Shopping with Quinn and Britt was almost like second nature to her, but now holding the clothes in her hands, she felt uncomfortable. She watched as everyone got along with their normal business. If anything, she was jealous. Jealous that after their shopping trips they were heading home, to their families. Scowling, she paid her money and took the bags to her side. Counting the seven dollars change, she walked in the direction of the dollar store. She had about five minutes before she'd have to head back to see Dave anyway and buying a few last minute goods really couldn't hurt her more than the whole experience already had.

Getting them cheap and cheerful goods. Picking up multi-packs of chocolate and small crackers that could easily be hidden under her shirt. Paying for them, quickly, she exited the store and headed in the direction of Dave's van. She was convinced she'd have to have some change so, as she walked, she counted the three dollars in her hand. She was however stopped in her tracks by something. Well- more than something, someone. And not just anybody. Her heart beat fast as she watched him. Noah Puckerman. Halfway down the corridor outside a Claire's store, frantically going going to every person, well nearly every person who passed him, shoving his cell phone into their faces. His mouth moved quickly and she noted that he was wearing the same clothes she'd last seen him in. He looked like a mess, untidy even.

She wanted to desperately approach him. Tell him everything that had happened. About the men. About Rachel. About Quinn. Especially about Quinn. She shook her head. She knew she couldn't, with Monster Number 1's words replaying in her mind, she hesitated, "any funny business and they're dead." She could already feel her eyes begin to sting. The pain she had felt from seeing someone that reminded of her home and unable to approach them was killing her inside. She played the scenarios in her mind. What would happen if she did tell him what the problem was. How he'd go to the police even if she begged him not to. Too stubborn to listen. She thought of how he'd break down crying if he knew Quinn's fate. As much as he tried to hide it, Noah Puckerman was a sucker for that girl and Santana knew that. She knew that the information would break him. She thought about how he'd shout and scream and try to kill Monster Number 1 with his bare hands, not that she would stop him from doing that one. But she thought about the alternate. The men learning she had deceived them. How they'd kill them without so much as a sorry. Swallowing she watched the boy.

Standing stationary for a moment, she decided it best to not talk to him. She couldn't. There was too much at risk. Putting her head down, she folded her arms across her chest and walked on the furthest possible side from him, of course he'd been on the only way out. It killed her more with every step but she powered on. Never turning round to see if he'd noticed her, she quickly reached Dave's van and clambered in beside him.

"You get everything?" She nodded, "good. Here-" he handed her something small and metallic. "It's small and won't do immense damage but it's a start.." He nodded, as she opened the small penknife in her hands.

"Thanks," she murmured, thinking about how satisfying it would be scratch Monster Number 1's face. Folding it up, she tucked it into her bra and turned to him, "let's go."

Arriving back at the warehouse, Dave put on his facade, keeping Santana extra close to him as he walked inside. Winking at the two men who sat at the table just in through the door, they both cat called. Santana threw them the bag of clothes and Monster Number 1 began rummaging through them and nodded in her direction, "good work Missy." As she watched him, she noticed a very deep cut on the side of his face. Like someone had scratched him. She must've been staring too long because he was soon snapping at Dave to bring her back to the cell. Gently, he took her arm and led her away. Once at the cell, Dave said his goodbyes and turned away. She turned to see her friends but was met with an unwelcome sight. Quinn lay sprawled out on the floor, unconscious by the looks of things. Rachel sat in the corner staring at her friend on the floor, cradling herself. Her sweater was torn that exposed her skin. Her wrists were bruised heavily and she looked to have been crying. She hadn't even noted Santana's presence. The Latina's eyes pricked and her mouth dried. Reaching her hand to Rachel's, the girl flinched before looking up at her. The tears soon began tripping,


"Santana- oh- Santana." The girl cried as she wrapped her arms around the Latina.

"Rachel.. Rachel did they.. Oh my God.."

Rachel pulled away quickly, shaking her head slowly. She brought her hand to her face and wiped it violently. "No." She said sharply, only relieving Santana momentarily. "They didn't. They uhm, they tried.."

"What happened?" Santana asked quietly, cupping her face.

Rachel swallowed thickly and averted eye contact. Santana noticed the wringing of her hands, "Rachel, I'm your friend, you can tell me."

Rachel nodded quickly before composing herself, "they made me wash her.. before cleaning her with disinfectant. To rid her of him," Rachel's voice broke and Santana found herself gripping the girl's harder. Turning slightly, she looked to Quinn. Only now she realised the girl wasn't unconscious. She still remained on her side, but she stared blankly ahead of her. Her mouth hanging open slightly.


"I tried," Rachel interrupted.

"What happened, Rachel?"

"What can we do in twenty minutes? Lemme see. Where do you two go to highschool?"

"What makes you think we're in high school?" Rachel asked cautiously.

"Three young things like you? Course you're all still in highschool. Now- tell me all about this glee club of yours?" His face turning into that of someone who was amused. "What kind of show-tunes do you sing? I bet you take all the leads," he leant towards Rachel.

"As a matter of fact I do-" She replied sharply. He grinned, amused,

"You look and act like the type. I'll remember that when I need someone to sing me a lullaby. How does that sound?" He held her chin before turning to Quinn, who still sat on the floor from her prior attack, "what about you?" She shook her head. "Aww, shame. I would have supposed you had a lovely voice. Hmm, any other clubs to compensate?" She raised her eyes, almost faltering, then quickly shook her head. "You do. I can see it in your face. There's gotta be something." She opened her mouth to answer, flushing a dark red,

"Cheer- cheerleading," she stammered. Rachel's face fell, wrong answer. She didn't know why but she had an uncomfortable feeling when the words left the Blonde's mouth it would only be followed by more trouble. He chuckled loudly,

"Oh, I knew I liked you. And where are you on the cheer team? Where do you stand? Bottom of the pyramid?"

She raised her eyes to Rachel who simply shook her head. Quinn swallowed and shakily got herself to her feet, feeling her own confidence take over. Maybe if she showed some authority that came with the title she had, she might just might be able to get him to back off. Maybe. "Captain." She answered, her still hoarse voice trying and failing to make a strong impact.

"Holy shit that is sexy," he responded, earning a nod of agreement from his henchman.

"They were tormenting us Santana. Asking us all of those stupid questions. Trying to mess with our heads. He pushed me to the floor. I shouldn't have answered him back. She was starting to do well on her own, I shouldn't have.. And he tore at my clothes and-" The tears fell faster and thicker. "She screamed at him. Begged him to stop, to get away. To leave me alone. She pulled at him, cried, scratched him.. She scratched him. She saved me."

"You're disgusting," Rachel spat.

"You know, from your constant backlash, I would have guessed that you're a little jealous, what? Hate the attention being diverted from you? Jealous even. But let us all be honest here Sweetheart, of course the cheerleader is going to get fucked before the loser," he pointed to her reindeer sweater, "but I suppose, know that she has been, there's plenty for you, right?"

"Don't you even think about it- I- I'll fight you off y'know. I'll scream the whole place down and I don't care if nobody can hear me. I'll still scream," he grabbed her roughly.

"Somehow I doubt that'll matter. You don't remember the screams that came from her, huh?" He was quickly attacking her sweater in an instant, his bare hands tearing through the material. It took Rachel a minute to register what was actually happening, only being slapped into reality when his mouth met hers, and she was soon choking, unable to catch her breath. That didn't stop him and his hands soon began to roam the rest of her body. Quinn was crying, she could hear her, screaming even, well, screaming as best as she could with her throat. Her hands were hitting his back weakly,

"Get off of her, get off her now. Get off, get off, get off." She pushed him and her hand soon contacted his face. The sound of the slap echoing around the room, so she did it again, before quickly being pulled away by the henchman. Monster Number 1 was hissing. His hands covering the left hand side of his face. He pulled his hand away to see blood remains on it. Rachel looked at the large gash that was severed deeply into his cheek, the blood running from it quickly. Quinn kept her face straight, almost letting the slight pride take over her expression. He went over to her quickly, she keep her face hard,

"you little bitch," he snapped at her. "You don't want me to hurt her? Fine. Fine, but I'll have you instead." Before he made his next move he looked back to Rachel holding up his fingers, "twice. Twice she's saved you. I just hope you're worth it." With that he looked at his friend to let Quinn go and pushed the blonde quickly in front of him, letting her fall heavily to the floor. His hand went to his belt and he was soon undoing his pants.

"Wait- no. No-wait," Rachel started but she was soon in the arms of the henchman, who covered her mouth and held her back.

Quinn looked back to her captor who loomed over her, knowing full well what was about to pursue, she bit her lip and brought herself into a sitting position, wiping her eyes quickly. Only once did she speak and even then it was a whisper, "please.." Too late, she thought and he quickly pushed her down again, his lips attacking her neck. She struggled beneath him and he laughed, bringing her hands above her head, his physical strength beating her easily. His free hand began to meet her chest, only giving her a shred of dignity by not removing the bra she had been wearing. Rachel's cries only became louder and soon Quinn felt the insane pain she had felt the day before. She screamed as she soon found it becoming unbearable. The only thing that restricted her complete and utter wallow was that she was receiving the hurt other than Rachel and that was only a shred better.

"He made me stand there and watch it.." Her hands came to her head quickly as she ran her hands through her hair, the tears falling quickly. "The screaming. The screaming and the pain and the- Santana, they did it over and over and over and over. The screaming, the pain, the crying. Over and over and over. All because I couldn't take it once. Santana. I think they broke her." Rachel was still rocking herself as she watched Quinn who was in-front of her, still having that dead-panned expression on her face. The welts and bruises evident over her exposed body.

"Bastards. Bastards. Bastards." Santana repeated, unable to look at Quinn for more than a minute. "Those Goddamn bastards, who the hell do they think are? How could they do that to her? Hasn't she been through enough!?" She got to her feet angrily and bent down to Quinn, her hand going to the girl's head. The girl jerked away from it quickly, her look however never leaving the spot on the wall.

"It's all my fault-" Rachel started.

"Don't," Santana responded, deciding it better to not touch Quinn right now, "don't blame yourself. They're all monsters." She looked down to Quinn. "Quinn- honey- you're going to be okay." She looked up at Rachel, "I saw Puck at the mall…"

"You saw Puck?"

"He looks like crap. Like he hasn't slept," Santana whispered. "I'm sure he's looking for us. You hear that Quinn? Puck is looking for us.." She searched the Blonde's eyes momentarily and watched as her face scrunched slightly.

"He's never going to find us," her voice sounded worse of than before, "he's wasting his time."

"Quinn- you don't mean that."

"Yes I do," she answered, eyes never averting, "He might as well give up now. I'm going to die in here." Her voice was void of emotion, Santana barely recognised who was actually speaking. "Now, please leave me alone. I don't want to.. talk," she brought her hand to her throat clearing it slightly. Santana still sat beside her, her hands wringing as she decided on whether or not to help her friend. "Santana go away!" Quinn snapped, pushing at her quickly. "Get away, get away, get away!" Her voice cracked and she stared at her friend, moving for the first time since her attack. "Leave me the hell alone. Stop feeling guilty, stop feeling sorry. They didn't hurt Rachel so what happened happened and that's fine. Okay? Stop giving me those looks stop talking about me like I'm not in this room. Just the pair of you stop. Let me just sit here and be still. Please.." With that, she turned away from the pair of them, wrapping her arms around her still half naked body.

The pair gaped at her slightly, unable to register what happened. It was sudden and unexpected but they let Quinn shout at them. They didn't know what she was going through. Standing, Santana edged the cell door and picked up the bags. "Well, if you're going to lie there can you at least be warm?" She asked, handing Quinn the dress she had bought before giving Rachel what she had bought for her.

"Why'd we need the clothes then?" Rachel asked in a small voice.

"We're expecting company.. we have to look our best."