Potential Class Acts

None of the others commented upon Tim's transformation, absolutely certain of its cause. Instead, they cast sympathetic glances upon their brother, having all experienced corporal punishment at the hands of their dad before.

As he drove Gibbs reviewed the cause of Tim's rebellion- his day care group. The child, like his older brother and sister, had begged to stay home for the summer without supervision. Truthfully, Tim acted more maturely than his siblings most days, but at his age, home alone did not exist as an option. The child had further expressed his displeasure at the day camp his father selected, unhappy with the amount of time his group would spend outside, rather than inside. He wanted to remain within his cabin and participate in indoor activities he welcomed.

Jethro refused to approach the camp with a request that Tim sit out any event or game, privately pleased that his son would gain exposure to leisure interests out of his comfort zone.

Gibbs glanced in the mirror at Abby, who had a doll seated on her lap as she styled the doll's hair. Humming softly, she focused on her task with her usual positive approach.

Turning his attention back to his route, Gibbs still kept Abby in the forefront of his thoughts.

She had gotten into quite a bit of trouble herself a week into her enrollment at the camp. At seven, his daughter never found it difficult to communicate, and tended to attract others to her. She possessed a wealth of charm along with a firm sense of justice.

The first day he entered her group's cabin at the end of the day, he stood in the doorway observing her for a couple of minutes before she noticed him. Surrounded by a group of newly made friends, he had evidently interrupted her as she demonstrated a back handstand. He watched as she stretched her lithe body and executed a perfect display, and marveled again at her confidence.

The team's director walked over to greet him, and he asked about Abby's first day. Instead of responding immediately she hesitated, which activated Jethro's daddy antenna.

Apparently, his little girl had found it necessary to stage a coup of sorts. Not wanting to leave the fun of the pool earlier in the day, she had received three warnings from the staff before finally obeying and climbing out of the water.

Gibbs frowned, apologized to the woman and assured her that she would not encounter a repeat of that behavior, and quickly collected his little girl.

That evening after supper he called her to him, and spent some time listening to her recount the events of her day in true Abby detail. Skillfully, he moved the conversation to her swim, and to her behavior.

Leaning forward in his chair, he rested his arms on his thighs and loosely held his little girl as she grasped his knees and jumped from one foot to another.

"Abby, what did I just say to you?" he questioned.

She scowled, "I know, Daddy. You said to do what the camp leaders say."

Tightening his grip, he held her firmly so that she stood flat on the floor. Narrowing his eyes he spoke firmly, "Young lady, look at me."

She did, but not without puffing her lip in a pout.

Jethro shook his head. He held Tony responsible for teaching the others to sulk, since Tony adopted the behavior as a toddler.

The rest utilized it, at first, to emulate their older brother. Later they employed it to display their own dissatisfaction or displeasure.

Abby pinched at the fabric of his pants, searching for a physical outlet for her energy.

Gibbs regarded her with a mixture of exasperation and acceptance. She and Tony could be the poster children advertising absolutely perfect pouts.

He continued, his voice stern. "Now I have told you that you will not backtalk or disobey your teachers or ….."

She interrupted her parent in an outraged tone, "They aren't at my school! They just teach camp, Daddy!"

He responded swiftly. "Abby, if you interrupt me again you will forfeit watching television tonight. You know better." He grabbed both her hands and turned them, her palms facing upwards. "I want to always keep you safe, and I want to always take care of you, Honey."

He brushed back a tendril of her baby fine hair and then rubbed her cheek. "Let me remind you that when I tell you to obey adults, that means you will do what I say. If I receive another bad report on you from camp, you will find it painful to sit down. I promise you I will spank."

"But Daddy, I just wanted…." She protested, a tear slipping down her cheek as a token of her perceived injustice.

"No -but Daddy, anything, young lady. I have told you that I will punish you for repeating today's behavior, and I am a man of my word. You do not have a voice in this."

She regarded him several seconds before she evidently realized she needed to succumb. "Ok."

"Good," he smiled as he stood and swung her up to hug her little body against his. Kissing her on the forehead, he set her down and pointed her towards the living room where her siblings had congregated.

Abby evidently took his instructions to heart the next few days, and no one gave Gibbs a bad report. However, a week later, an irate camp counselor asked him to come inside one of the lodges for a meeting when he arrived.

Entering the building, he found Abby looking guilty, her tiny chin resting on a picnic table's scarred top. Across from her sat Tony, looking very annoyed and drumming his fingers against the chair beside him.

Gibbs paused a moment to take in the scene, a little confused as to why two of his children had demanded such an important powwow.

It soon became apparent.

According to the counselor's story, not only had Abby refused to stay with her group as they worked indoors to build birdhouses, but she had left without permission and wandered the area until she spotted Tony.

Her older brother lost no time in returning her to her proper place, nor in chastising her the entire way back to her group. He took his role in the family seriously, and promised her that if the camp did not tattle to their father, he would tell their dad himself.

Withstanding his baby sister's pleas and threats, Tony accompanied her, his hand locked around her small wrist as he made certain that she returned safely to her section.

Jethro did not hide his pride in his son's responsible thinking, and pulled him to his side as the story unfolded from the counselor. Hugging Tony against him, he rubbed him on the back and thanked him before asking him to collect Kate and Tim.

At the conclusion of the report he gave his assurance that he would handle the problem.

The camp's leaders, understandably, wanted Gibbs to find alternative care for Abby, and offered to refund her tuition. It took his best shot at diplomacy to get them to agree to one more chance, and to promise that Abby would not repeat the behavior in the future.

He motioned to his baby.

Abby crawled off the bench and went to her father, grabbing him around one leg.

Evidently, she had come to the conclusion that her actions had not been wise.

He responded by directing her to retrieve her belongings and wait for him at the door.

Tucking her in bed that night he recalled that afternoon meeting as he kissed her cheek and whispered, "Remember that you need to make good decisions."

She nodded emphatically and grabbed his hand. "I understand, Daddy."

"Good," he responded, pulling the cover over her shoulder. "Remember that I love you, always, but I will tear your bottom up again if you disobey me and do not follow instructions."

Her eyes filled with tears, and she wiped her lashes with the back of her hand.

Gazing down at his baby, Gibbs felt a sharp stab at his heart at her upset, but he quickly changed his expression.

On the ride home from camp she had done everything in her power to change his mind about punishing her, but when they got home, he had administered five painful, stinging smacks to her bare bottom instead. Her sobs had continued long after the physical punishment finished, however, partly due to her dad yanking her over his lap and partly to the fact that she would have no outdoor playtime that weekend.

He had sent her to her room until he called her for supper, with orders to rethink the day and to rethink her choices.

Sighing, Jethro leaned down and kissed Abby on the forehead. "I love you, Honey, enough to make sure you understand how important keeping you safe is to me."

The Gunny tiptoed from the room and left her.

Glancing again in the car's mirror, he watched his daughter's devotion to her doll, and it encouraged him that she seemed to learn from her mistakes. Gibbs reminded himself that since that physical deterrent, Abby had turned into a model day care camper.

Ironically enough, his two oldest- the two most vocal about their opposition to day care- had proved themselves day care divas. Tony established his popularity quickly with his athletic prowess and blatant charm, while Katie shone because of her analytical thinking and willingness to experience new adventures.

Would wonders never cease?

NCIS team leader Leroy Jethro Gibbs woke to a medley of voices resonating from the kitchen, and he recognized Tim and Abby's immediately.

Keeping his eyes shut, he listened to the back and forth a couple of minutes and ascertained that Tony had told them to start cooking once they got to their boss's house.

Gibbs could not stop a sigh from escaping. Though he had never encouraged his team to concern themselves with him, and in fact, had blatantly pushed them away more than once, they still worried about him and insisted upon caring for him.

The slam of his front door signaled the entrance of both Kate and Tony. Jethro felt the gust of air sweep over him as the two peeped in on him in the living room before joining Tim and Abby in the kitchen.

Cabinets opening and closing soon accompanied the slams of drawers snatched out for investigation. Apparently, grilled cheese sandwiches comprised part of the menu, and required the location of bread and spatulas.

Gibbs restrained a grin.

Disagreeing over whether they should fix chicken noodle soup or tomato soup for their boss, Kate, Tim, and Abby appealed to the senior field agent to settle the issue.

Tony reacted decisively, after first reprimanding them for the indecision. "Does Boss need a group of divas, or capable agents proving to him that we will not fall apart out of his sight? I just spent an afternoon at a day care and let me assure you that those little kiddies managed to work together better than you three. Now, to answer your question, make both and ask Boss later which he prefers to eat tonight."

Gibbs smiled.