"Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs!" Abby yelled as she ran through his front door. She knew he was home because his car was in the driveway so she didn't waste any time snaking her way through the living room, dining room, and kitchen before slipping through the open door to the basement where the man in question was currently working over a wooden project.

"Yes Abby," Gibbs chuckled.

"Guess what? Well not that you are going to have to guess but it would be more fun if you did guess. You might not be able to guess the right thing though. Do you want to try guessing?"

Gibbs just stared at Abby. "Abby, the point?"

"Okay you're not guessing so I'll tell you, I got an acceptance letter to LSU!"

"Louisiana State University? That's great Abs!" Gibbs leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Do you know what you are going to study yet?"

"Well I was thinking maybe sociology or criminology or psychology."

"That's a lot of '-ologies'," Gibbs smirked at his own joke.

"Gibbs," Abby whined. "This is serious. I need to pick one so I know what to major in."

Gibbs shrugged. "Why not pick all three?"

"All three?" Abby pondered the idea for a moment. "Of course! All three! Then I wouldn't have to choose and really they aren't that different from each other. Thanks Gibbs! You're a genius!" After a few moments of silence Abby spoke again, "Hey Gibbs?"

"Mmm," Gibbs hummed.

"Have you heard anything from Jenny?"Abby asked as she played with the hem of her shirt.

Gibbs considered her for a moment. Abby rarely referred to Jenny by her name. For the last few years she has always been Mom. "No I haven't, Abs."

"Will you remember me when I'm away at college?"

"Of course Abs."

"Will you answer my phone calls no matter what time it is?"

"When have I ever not answered?" Gibbs studied her profile.

"And will you visit me?"

"I will always come visit you," Gibbs shook his head. She was only going to college not leaving for war. "Abby where is this coming from?"

"From Mom," Abby sighed. "The last time I got to talk with her and I mean really talk with her was when she visited me for a little while back when you guys were in Marseilles. Since then I haven't seen her and whenever I call her it goes to voicemail. I don't want to go away to college and have you forget about me too."

"Abby," Gibbs sighed as he put his arm around her. "I wish I could tell you why Jen is doing what she is doing but I can't. I'm in the dark with her just as much as you are. But I can promise you that I will never forget about you."

"Can we still go out to dinner for my birthday when I'm in college?"

Gibbs chuckled. "Of course we can Abby."

"Abby we have to talk," Gibbs said the moment the line connected.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong. I just needed to tell you that Director Morrow has ordered me to go to Moscow for an undercover mission."

"Undercover? Will you be gone long?"

"I'm not sure Abs. It all depends on how long the mission takes but I wanted you to hear it from me and not read it in an email."

"Okay Gibbs. Be safe. Call me the minute you come back."

"I will Abs."

"Hello?" Abby answered her phone while checking the time. It was nearly four o'clock in the morning. She had only been asleep for an hour.

"Abby?" The voice cracked over the phone.

"Gibbs? Is that you?" Abby was now sitting up in bed. The remains of sleep quickly fading from her body.

"Yes Abby it's me."

"Gibbs where are you?" Abby pressed closing her eyes in the darkness to help her hear the background noises on the call.

"I'm getting on a plane Abs. I'm coming home."

"You are?! You'll be here in time for my birthday dinner!"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world Abby."

"I'm so glad you're back," Abby whispered as she hugged Gibbs.

"Me too Abs. Happy Birthday," He smiled as he handed her a dozen black roses.

"Awe Gibbs they are beautiful." Abby took a moment to smell them before walking them to her desk. "Let's go to dinner. I have some news to tell you." The drive to the restaurant was quick and the moment the waiter left with their order Gibbs fixed his stare on Abby.

"You don't have to do that Gibbs. I was going to tell you my news anyway," Abby smirked. "I'm going to be graduating with full honors in May."

"Wow Abs, that's impressive. Have you thought about what you want to do after you graduate?"

"I already know what I want to do. I'm going to get my master's degree from Georgia State University."

Gibbs' eyebrows shot up at that announcement. "What are you going to study at Georgia State? More 'ologies'?"

Abby laughed at Gibbs. "No not more 'ologies' Gibbs. I'm going to study criminology and forensic science."

"And what are you going to do with all of these degrees?" Gibbs asked as he grabbed a french fry off of his plate.

Abby held her head up proudly as she looked him in the eye. "I'm going to work with you."

"With me?" Gibbs practically choked on his food. "How?"

"Well with my degrees, I'd be perfect for the forensic scientist position."

"And what about training? You need experience before they will bring you in for an interview."

"I have that all figured out Gibbs. See I've got this job already lined up at a small lab in Georgia. I plan on working there while I get my masters and then when I'm finished, I can come work with you in DC."

Gibbs shook his head knowing he couldn't tell her no. Just like Jenny, when Abby had a plan it was hard to change her mind. "I think you'll be great Abs. Let me know if you need any help with anything."