I would like to give a fair warning in advance. If any one feels offended by the use of language in the text, you have my deepest apologies. I did my best to be historically accurate to the times of then as well as the grammar and annunciations of how some may speak well than others.

Once more, you have my deepest apologies.

Please enjoy the beginning to my KiddWay fanfiction. I hope to write more on it if well received.

Wet and cold-this is the common weather of my home in England and only well-known two of many temperaments. As an aristocrat, we are consistently garbed in fine silks and jewels, cotton only left for the poor and daft for this is an age of linens; No man in his right mind would cast aside a fine garb to wear items toiled by those of different ethnic or lower birth. As a symbol of high society, we must uphold our dignity and beauty of where we come from. This home of ours, this grand estate is one earned through much tribulations; However, home, no longer will it be. Today, I shall write, and make history happen. Today, a new day shall be birthed in history, and truths enlightened. To begin this legacy, I shall start with a simple motion and once more, dip my quill to write.

I pray you to not be alarmed and not cast aside our shame. Shame...we use it daily, but have we no shame ourselves judging those that amount to anything. Such a sour word, no better are we than the beggars, no better are we than parasites. You must learn that the blood coursing through our veins are not that of royals and of not dignified courts. We hold a treacherous secret, we hold a creed-a creed that cannot be broken-nothing is true, everything is permitted. That said, let me to tell you of our truths...

Nestled in the Caribbean sea, there was small island, treasure trove of pirates island. Here a man could be free. Women, drink, companions... all of it ready for one to indulge himself in. Though the presence of law was lacking, the rule is if you bring it upon yourself, either defend it, or die. Death seemed as the most often solution. Peace was something ideal for the pirates among themselves since the founders created the Republic. However, once a fight begins, it becomes a game instead and the other pirates tend to gamble whom shall be the winner and what items worth scavenging. It could have been a wondrous island, but with a bunch of irresponsible residents, it was dirty. If someone were to catch a contagious ailment, the island would be in a terrible state. The living conditions were destitute. hygiene came second or third to alcohol and/or sex.

Upon his arrival to the island of Nassau around 1717, a handsome sun-kissed skinned privateer in the English Navy by the name of Edward Kenway gallantly anchored his majestic schooner at the docks of the small island and marched on to the land with movements envied by any dancer. Blue eyes that shone better than any sapphire and locks of gold teased by the salty air poised perfectly on a dexterously crafted chiseled face in addition to his Adonis like body, were what could have been a perfect description if not for his horrendous language and rude behavior. Edward Kenway- undoubtedly was a pirate... A very poor, yet competent pirate. Leaving his unlucky wife behind, he sought for a life filled with riches, power and so he joined the British Navy with great intentions, however due to much deliberation and battle, he along with most turned to a life of piracy after their experience in the West Indies. His wife would not accept any of that, ultimately leaving him In the end her own and her family's sensibilities. Turning to look back at his ship, the "Jackdaw", Edward waved a hand for his Quartermaster and accomplice in retrieving the ship, Adewale (or Ade for short) to join him on shore. Ade, dark, strong, and intelligent to life, was once a former slave from Trinidad and fellow prisoner with Edward till he liberated them from death. A mission on the mind, Edward needed Ade with him. The mission was to go to the local tavern learn about the "clean up", the sage and more importantly drink with friendly folk until he could barely remember how to sing "Three Blind Mice". Any child with an English background with knowledge of Mary of England would know that song. Climbing the minimal stairs of the tavern, Edward had been greeted by his fellow mates Edward Thatch, James Kidd and Benjamin Hornigold. If there was anything positive to say about Edward, it would be his devotion to his friends. More than drink, he valued their lives and would spend many hours chatting away with them, rum or not included.

Seeing Thatch brought a sense of pride knowing one of the most fearful pirates of the Caribbean was his friend. Thatch always stood out on his own. If not for lighting fuses in his hair, it would be how eccentric his actions were. He was rough, but he did have reason. Benjamin Hornigold-a great guy he was. He is the one whom created and taught the celebrated Blackbeard, or Thatch, most of what he knows. However on this day the word "caution" came to mind. Always scheming something, often leaving others out until later or never, but his eyes expressed a sort of fear, a fear that possibly could make a drastic change. To be cautious would be wise. Then there was James Kidd. Be it man or woman, where ever he seemed to go, Kidd had an unearthly ability to charm any body, or scare the living hell out of them. There is a story that he stripped a man down to his trousers for provoking a riot on his ship, then marooned the man on an island surrounded by hammerhead sharks because he did not believe that a child should captain a ship barking orders around to most adults. Whether this story or any of them are true or not, someone had to have saw something right? For a young man, Kidd was a fair sight, but the older he got, the more-handsome he became. He had a good head on his shoulders. No matter the situation, he always found a solution. To Edward, Thatch was a great friend, Hornigold was the saying "weary eyes on weary souls", but Kidd was perhaps was on the level of a younger brother, and he hoped that he saw an older brother in him.

"Fancy seein' you 'ere Kennway. Didja loose yer way?" Kidd teased. Looking to his companion, Kidd nodded his head keeping an eye on the dark man. "Oo is he?"

"Relax yer drawers lassie, this be my Quartermaster, Ade. He be one of the finest out there and seeks wealth like I."

" 'Ow many times, do I 'ave to tell you? I'm no lassie than you are an honest man. Git yer shit right" he argued. Ade saw a great spunk in Kidd that he knew one day would make them both comrades in arms and instead chuckled at Edward for being scolded by a youth.

It was a game to Edward teasing Kidd. He loved how he would explode into anger making his blood boil; After all, is that not what siblings do. He would slightly pout, mostly crossing his arms and would saunter to Edward mocking him right back to silence. Despite his usual reaction, Kidd stared hard at Edward's choice of clothes, his eyebrows knitting.

"Ah've seen clothe like that before.." he said pacing in front of Edward poking his index finger to his chin. "Would you say, 'e gave you a fair fight?"

Recalling the chase he gave to the unusual hooded person, Edward looked down to himself dressed in navy and white robes tucked behind a crimson sash and crested with leather armor, he added his own personal touch with two pistols on his chest. The more guns a pirate bore, the more menacing he would be. Taking on that hooded man was hardly an easy task. Sure all he did was chase the man more than half way around the uninhabited island, but once captured, Edward was no saint. Clearing his throat back into reality, Edward stared Kidd down. How would he have any knowledge of how he came to look so ridiculously dressed.

"Aye, and while he was dying, he told me of a promising opportunity to make some coin, but it was not what I expected and landed myself in jail on the account of being caught, but I met Ade and my beauty, the Jackdaw." A bit of triumph in his speech.

Kidd wanted to continue his interrogation, but nodded his head instead raising a bottle. "I'll drink t'that... Say Thatch, why not say somethin' since Kenway decided to show 'is 'ide." Breaking the tension, Thatch moved towards Edward handing him his own bottle and raised.

"Today lads, we, the Founders of the Pirate Republic of Nassau, are once more together. Me thinks this is cause for celebration! What say you?"

A clash of glass and a boisterous roar, the founders, Ade included, cheered and drank themselves into the night while each exchanged their most recent adventures, including Edward's tale of how he was in a ship battle and watched his crew get slaughtered by the hooded man and ended on the same shore as he. Then after taking his clothes assumed the role of Duncan going all the way to Havana, fetching new weaponry at the cost of an odd translucent object, and after further events, thrown to jail, to his current goal that he learned from overhearing the men he was with talk about a civilization and an observatory that he believes hold a bounty of riches and are now his targets. By the time midnight approached, all except for Kidd were sleeping on whatever looked uncomfortable. Be wary of Hornigold indeed, it really is that illegitimate son of the late Captain Kidd one should be cautious about. Hornigold has his suspicious moments, but nothing sneaky like Kidd. James passed himself as someone in merriment, but seeing Edward and listening to what he had said before, still bothered him. His plan had worked. Initiate the presence of drink, and let the drunks do the rest. Moving away from the tavern balcony, Kidd stood to the side of Edward's sprawled out body on the table. He tapped his finger against Edward's shoulder, but he would not budge.

" 'Ey! Kenway! Wake yer bones." he pestered, but grew irritated with no reaction. "Bloody hell man!" Grabbing the nearest object housing liquid, Kidd poured it all over Edward's face forcing him to stir.

"Christ Kidd! Can a man not sleep?"

"You can sleep when yer dead mate."

"Is that supposed to be a threat, Kidd? You want me to beat your ass? 'Cause I sure as hell ain't in the mood to play any of your childish games."

"Listen ya drunken shit excuse for'a man. If ya got anythin' ratlin' in that head o'yers, then ya best pay attention because I ain't gonna stand 'ere an' be serious wit'ya to put up with yer half ass shit."

"I'm goin' back to sleep. You can talk to once you calm down, Lassie." Edward put emphasis on the last word turning around to give Kidd his back and lay back on the table.

At that moment, Kidd could have walked away and end all the meaningless arguments. That would be too easy and would not lead to the present. So Kidd being Kidd and having warned Edward before about the name calling, reacted the only way he could to get through to him. With a loud thud, Kidd impaled his knife near Edwards head on the table causing him to jump up sticking the barrel of his gun on Kidd pulling the hammer back.

"Well, this escalated quickly."

"I suggest ya shoot me, else I'm goin' to continue 'till ya comply."

Edward huffed heavily keeping strained eyes on Kidd, his arm quivering from the weight of his gain and lack of proper body functions ultimately forcing him to withdraw. Kidd stood there defiantly never wavering in front of Edward, never backing down.

"Damnit Kidd. Stubborn as always." He sighed running a hand through his hair. "Fine, what do you want?"

"I always get what I want mate, best ya remember that. Now follow me, we need t'get away from pryin' eyes an' ears." He motioned his head towards the other patrons. Taking the hint, Edward followed Kidd out towards the cliff faces. Having any kind of personal gathering by the cliff faces are a wise tactic. The waves heavily crashing into the cliffs drowns most sounds and makes it hard for anyone to eavesdrop. Perching himself on top of a rock, Kidd towered over Edward looking at him.

"D'ya ever think that perhaps you need a meanin' t'yer life outside of plunderin'? A creed to ever follow?"

"Since I got here wearing a dead man's cloth, you've been stranger than ever."

"Well Maybe if ya actually 'ad any kind of sense of what you've done, then maybe you would know why."

"Mate he was a dead man! Even before I killed him, he was dead! Why is robbin' a dead man now something new to you? Since when do you make a big deal out of these things? Are you going to damn me to hell? Sometimes I think you're worse than my wife!"

Silence past for a moment.

"So yer 'opeless wife decided to take ya back ehh?"

"No." Edward said with a bit of melancholy now that the subject of his wife came up. Even years after she left him, Edward still prefered to honor his matrimonial code. Most men would take the opportunity to mess with other women, or mess with them even while married, but Edward had his morals.

Sensing the discomfort he brought, Kidd offered his apologies, but were only shooed away by a waving hand. "It's alright. Anyway—what is it you want Kidd?"

"I want to know what you are plannin' t'do with yer life. " Kidd said looking earnestly at Edward. "I can't accept that you rather waste yer life chasin' something that you can never 'ave... Listen Kenway, I see a lot o' great potential in ya. 'ave seen what you are capable of doin'. To be honest, I am not one bit o'surprised you were able to take that traitorous man down. And seein' you wearin' them clothes. It fits ya right mate."

Looking at Kidd in an estranged way, Edward inched a bit closer to Kidd listening harder to what he had to say. Not that he could not hear him, he could hear Kidd fine, but what he was hearing, he could not believe.

"What are you talking about Kidd?"

"In all seriousness Kenway, I know what you did. The man you killed and wearin' 'is clothes, I know them clothes. They belong to a secret group of people, a group- of assassins."

"Assassins?" Edward interjected.

"Aye. Assassins, and them assassins would 'ave you dead if they knew what you 'ave been doin' wearin' their cloth, mixin' up with the wrong people. Them Templars are far worse though, you best be wary of them."


"Aye! Yes Edward! That crowd you ran with and ended up prisoner to. Them are Templars. The assassins and templars 'ave long been enemies of each other. One wants man kind to live their life as it should be, and the other seeks in the name of 'justice' to rule man and dictate their lives. They be the Templars that lack faith in humanity." Kidd haulted to eye Edward for a moment. "And yer given them reason to with yer thoughtless actions."

"Hah, Is this a joke or fairytale? I knew you are a child, but have you been drinkin' too much sea water?" Edward chuckled walking a figure eight in the sand "Is that it? A bunch of secret men? You wake me from my sleep, force me to sober up by threatening my life, make me want to kill you, bring up my wife, then question about my future, just because of Assassins and Templars? Haaaa you really are a loony one mate. I killed a so-called 'Assassin' and took on the 'Templars'. I do not feel threatened by either of these 'secret groups' They can try to harm me, but I will have the best of them. "

"Would ya quit bein' cocky an' use some common sense? This isn't a game man. You are in a real lot of trouble an' at the rate yer goin' I don't know how long ya will last! Ya need some order in yer life! Ya already lost somethin' precious to ya because you couldn't get yer head out of yer ass, you want to lose more?"

"You're walking yourself into Davey Jones, Kidd. Keep this up, and you are the one that should be taking some heed."

"Is that so?" Kidd challenged getting down to face Edward. "Then-" Kidd hushed himself remaining still.

"So much for that big talk you had goi-" Edward failed to complete his sentence, slammed against the rocks, he was pinned down by Kidd on top of him. "Get off of me Kidd!" he yelled gripping Kidd, but silenced by Kidd's hand slapping his mouth shut.

"Shut up you idiot, we were followed."


"Look!" Kidd lifted himself up just enough for Edward to glance up and see a suspicious fellow sneaking around following their tracks in the sand. The ratty looking man carried a gun in hand, eyes wide open on high alert. As if he heard the two pirates whispering, he aimed his gun in their direction and fired a shot.

"Shit!" Kidd yelled throwing his full weight on Edward to push him down so they both would be safe.

"Kidd get the hell off of me! I'm gonna do him in!" Edward growled shoving the young man from him and quickly reaching for his pistol, or what would have been where his pistols were if he did not leave them back at the tavern on his bed table. No guns, so then Edward decided on swords twisting his body, none there either. Bewildered, Edward turned to Kidd and yelled pointing at him "You made me leave my guns!"

"Fer cryin' out loud Kenway! This is no time t'be arguin' unless you wanna die now, I suggest ya get yer ass movin so we can flee to safety!"

"I know yer hidin' ou' there! Eithe' c'mout or I'll drag yer dead bodies out from behind those rocks" said the ratty man inching his way closer firing round after round in their direction till he ran out.

Silence came, Kidd rose accepting the chance grabbing Edward and darted from behind the rocks running to the trunks of a few low palm trees. "Ya can keep up can't ya Kenway?" Kidd asked almost reaching the top of palm but lost his footing and slipped off the tree falling into the bushes down below.

"Kidd!" Edward yelled, too late to grasp the young man's hand. Panicking, Edward searched around him to possibly use something to help his friend while the ratty man closed in on one of his victims. Pointing his gun and pulling the trigger on Kidd, the pistol clicked signaling no more rounds causing Kidd to laugh and mock the man.

"Too bad ya prematurely shot. I bet all the women love you"

"Shut up!" He said drawing a knife with much force to plunge into Kidd causing blood to pool all around him, except, it was not Kidd's own blood that stained him, but the blood of the ratty man. Edward, using the pair of hidden blades he accepted from the Templars earlier, were now buried deep within the man's lungs saving his dear friend from death.

"Are you alright Kidd?" Edward hurriedly tossed the man aside so that he may be next to his friend assisting him.

"Kenway, I owe ya one. Much thanks." Kidd said breathlessly and stood up with the aid of his friend's support but winced slightly at the pain of having a sprained wrist. "I imagine steerin' a ship will be much harder now." Kidd laughed. He then stopped and looked at Edward. "What you just did there—really I thank you, but it further proves ya 'ave a lot of potential an' I want ya t' join me on my next voyage. I 'ave somethin' I want to show ya."

"I think I have had enough adventures with you for now." Edward sighed wiping his hands.

"I say ya owe me" Kidd returned showing his wrist

"I don't think so. I just saved you, so I owe you nothin'"

"But we would have not been in that situation if you were a good boy"

"You are incredible. I saved you, then you blame this all on me and now you want me doin more favors?"

Kidd kept silent, only looking at Edward raising an eyebrow daring him to continue knowing he would get no where.

"Fine. Where are we going?"

"Tulum" He said in satisfaction "we sail to Tulum in the morning"

"You are going to make me go mad."

"Ya 'ave no idea mate! An' I told ya I get my way. It be much easier if ya just agree right away." Kidd said as he skipped away back towards to Tavern.

Finding some humor in the words exchanged, Edward smiled a bit shakin his head. What a wild night he had been involved in and how lucky he is and Kidd is for living another day. Kidd- Edward pondered a bit. Kidd definitely felt light on top of him. Edward has had the weight of men on him before, but those were during fighs or other bouts. Kidd on the other hand... he felt- delicate? And soft? Now that he recalls when he screamed for the younger man to get off of him and he gripped on to the man, he did not have a hard feel to him, in fact he felt soft? Can the words "delicate" and "soft" be used on James Kidd? Feeling he has had enough, Edward was ready to head back too, when he noticed something awfully familiar on the man he killed. He kneeled down next to the man and brushed some dirt off of the man's hand revealing a familiar image that he had seen somewhere before. The familiarity bothered him a bit, and a wave of concern hit him. Unexpectedly, the dead man in his last breath grabbed Edwards's arm and laughed reciting "Yer time will come blaggard" causing Edward to impale the man once more to silence him.

Standing in confusion, Edward waddled to the tavern quickly strapping his pistols back on and sheathing his swords out of fear there would be more to fight. Looking at a full bottle nursed by some random sailor, he yanked the bottle out of his hand and gulped down the spirits to forget that night. He needed an escape from reality. Edward was forced awake by the tavern wench when morning came, humming as she cleaned the mess left by the men laid around.

"Good to see you are alive...?"


"Ah. Edward. I'm Anne Bonny, but you can call me Anne."

"Don' waste yer time wit 'im Anne, Kenway 'as a reputation fer respectin' marriage." Echoed a familiar voice.

"You're married?"

"Aye, 'e is. So don't get yer hopes up."

Frustrated, Edward groaned getting up ready to start yet another argument with Kidd ready to lecture him about people's personal business, how he shouldn't go and announce it to every living thing that nears him, but remained silent when he saw not just Kidd but Thatch with him.

"Just helpin' the kid with some things since he said he tripped and sprained his wrist. When did you get so clumsy boy?" Thatch questioned like a concerned father.

" Wasn't payin' attention I suppose." Kidd winked over to Edward.

"And ye wanna start sailin' today?"

"Aye, but I will not be alone. Kenway said 'e'd accompany me this trip."

"I knew you had a soft spot for Kidd, but didn't know you'd want to go with a whole voyage accompanying 'im" Thatched chuckled.

Edward rolled his eyes and stood up from his table stretching looking around him feeling a bit of paranoia. "Can't hardly wait. By the way, where's Benjamin?"

"He said he be off to discuss some personal matters with a few of his friends. He'll be back. Well you and Kidd best be off. I don't think ye better be long since his wrist is bad. Oh and Edward, you better keep an eye on him, poor lad can hardly do much, aye?"

"Aye..." Edward sighed leaving the tavern to speak with his Quartermaster.

Finding Ade was not hard for him at all. Sure there were plenty of other dark-skinned men on the island, but none of them rivaled Ade in height and muscular physique. He truly was a great man on his own determination. As soon as he found Ade, Edward went to work informing him of his duties while on absence and further providing his entire trust into the man. Ade smiled knowing he had a place he belonged to as a free and welcomed man. Nodding once, Ade agreed to their transaction and bid his captain safe passage. Acting in haste, Ade stopped Edward before he could completely disappear from his sight and asked him of his destination for when the men should ask or in hopes, he bring back a small souvenir.

"Tulum. Kidd and I will sail to Tulum." and waved his friend farewell.

Thank you very much for reading. It has been an exceptionally LONG TIME since I have written anything.

I sincerely hope you, the reader, had thoroughly enjoyed it.

I welcome comments and reviews of all sorts, so please feel free to let me know what you think.

Much love.