Well, well, well looks like this update is rolling in! I wanna thank everyone for being patient with me, b/c I did take a hiatus on this story. I was trying to come up with idea after idea, and it wasn't working out so well. So I apologize! And I apologize if this chapter, is a bit terrible- I tried. But let's get this chapter going.


Arizona. Three days later.

"Naruto! What?! What are you doing?!" Kyuubi exclaimed, as he raced down the staircase after his younger brother. Earlier that day, the young blonde was discharged from the hospital once his medical treatment was complete, since they kept him under suicide watch for a few days. Naruto didn't know what had come over him; what drove him to want to end his life all of a sudden. Then the epiphany came.


It was that bastard's fault that he lost his sanity, and resorted to such drastic measures to end the horror known as his life. He was a 20-year-old alcoholic, working at a pizza place, while he still found himself deeply in love with a guy he hasn't seen in 3 fucking years- and he probably won't see that Teme ever again! His life was falling apart, and this was the straw that broke the camels back. "Naruto, please! Naruto-" Kyuubi grabbed his brother by the wrist, and spun him around abruptly. The blonde glared at him, while Kyuubi shot him a glare back. "-Are you serious about this? Grandad sent you to America to live with me! Not- Not for you to move in with weirdo over there!" Kyuubi's eyes darted towards Sai, who narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Kyuubi, I can't stay here with you, if all you're gonna do is sabotage my fucking life!-"

"-Sabotage?! Naruto what-" the blonde yanked his arm away and frowned at his brother. This was the one person, he'd thought would never hurt him- guess he was wrong.

"Midnight, told me about you two sexting." Emerald eyes widened at that. The red-head averted his gaze, and continued to let his younger brother rant. Sexting with Naruto's little friend was just for fun- it was never to be taken seriously at all. But obviously, Naruto's interest in the stranger was more than he'd thought. "Kyuubi, I trusted you-"

"I'm sorry. It's just I...I was only trying to help you, Naruto, I'm sorry-"

"-That's the exact same thing you said when our parents died!" Naruto bit out, earning a gasp from Sai. "You're always sorry! And I'm tired of your bullshit!" Kyuubi clenched his fists in outrage, and Naruto knew his brother could easily beat him to a pulp, but that didn't stop him. "You've been using that same excuse to justify your actions, and if it wasn't for you, I'd still have my mom and da-" Kyuubi's right fist connected with the left side of his brother's face, sending the 20-year-old stumbling backwards against the wall. Surprisingly enough, he didn't fall down the stairs. Sai ran to the staircase, grabbing a firm hold onto the blonde, who shoved him away nonchalantly. "You're too damn selfish to see that everything isn't about you, Kyuubi! I have a life myself! And I'll be damned, if I let you ruin it again!-"

"-Fuck you, Naruto!" Kyuubi yelled, throwing a left hook, which Sai managed to block with his left forearm. Kyuubi was seeing red, and so was Naruto. "You little bastard, I did the best I could to help you out! Grandad thought it'd be best for us to bond, and overcome what happened in the past!-"

"-I actually let the past go! I lied to myself, and began to actually love you like a brother should, but know I see why I've hated you all those years ago! Because of your selfish ways, I was an orphan! And alone with my grandfather!-"

"-Don't you dare blame their deaths on me!" Kyuubi swung away, this time punching Sai right in the nose. The raven gasped out in shock, as blood rushed from his nostrils. Sai stumbled back, before tumbling down the stairs. Emerald eyes narrowed dangerously, and Naruto braced himself for the next attack. Kyuubi lunged forward, slamming his brother against the wall- but not before Naruto gave him a painful right hook to the face. A bruise had began to form, and the grip around Naruto's throat made him gasp for breath.

"Kyuu, stop! You're gonna kill him!"

"Shut up, Sai!" Naruto gritted his teeth, digging his nails into Kyuubi's hands to loosing his hold. "I never did anything to hurt you! Everything I've done since mom and dad died was to benefit you! When I came here, I got my education! I got a great job! I stopped drinking, partying, and doing drugs to help you! Because, I knew grandad was going to send you here to be with me!-"


"-If you've stopped being so fucking clueless, you'd know Jiraiya sent you away because, he's dying!" Azure eyes widened. "He has brain cancer, and it were times when he'd call me and tell me about your life- how it was spiraling out of control, thanks to that good for nothing Uchiha!" Kyuubi loosened his grip from around Naruto's neck, watching the boy refuse to fight him. Naruto simply listened. "Naruto, I already knew what happened in Konoha- Gramps told me-"

"-Then why the hell have you been so desperate to know?!" Sai inquired unnecessarily. "Especially, when I told you!-"

"-You told him about Konoha, Sai?" Naruto inquired in astonish. His eyes dashing between both males. The blonde covered his face in shame, feeling his brother pull him into a lovely embrace.

"I was more outraged that you didn't have the courage to tell me yourself. But also because, Jiraiya never told me about the money situation or you making the deal with Itachi, since he probably didn't know about that part. He only told me about you and Sasuke's little fight, and after all the chances I gave you, you still refused to tell me a truth that I already knew. And your friend over there..." Kyuu jerked his head towards Sai, and frowned. "...He can't hold water to save his life. It's sad that you can't talk to me. That's what pissed me off the most, Naru. I'm you're older brother, and I've always been here for you. Yes, you caused some trouble in Konoha, but gramps was going to send you away eventually- you just sped up the process. Jiraiya was going to wait until you at least graduated high school first."

Naruto's eyes wavered upon hearing this. So this entire time, he could've stayed in Konoha, and kept in touch will all his friends? Would things have been different between him and Sasuke, if he hadn't freaked out that day to retaliate against that, Uchiha? Breaking free from Kyuubi's hold, Naruto gripped the hem of his orange sweatsuit, his eyes heavy as he thought. He descended the rest of the stairs, before grabbing his suitcase off the carpeted floor. Kyuu called from his baby brother, but Naruto continued to walk. He was done with Kyuu. Completely and utterly done.




Kyuubi lolled back into his recliner. Back hunched over, and shoulders squared. His eyes were red, and dazed but he didn't care. The all too familiar stench of weed engulfed his body whole, before his eyes slowly adjusted to the blunt resting limply between his index and middle fingers. His umpteenth glass of vodka (he stopped counting after the 10th one), sat on the glass table in front of him, but he simply took a long dragged out swig of the drug. Kyuubi was falling apart- so he took to his old habits to make his life better again. The red-head sat isolated in the living room, with all the lights turned down to the dimmest level they could go, as he continued to drink and smoke his problems away. Loosing his brother to that weirdo was never the intention at all! Smoking the drug once more, Kyuu slid deeper into the chair as he thought back to the day when, he first messaged Midnight_Seduction.

The redhead stalked down the main corridor of his office job, at Uchiha corp. Letting his fiery red hair sway back and forth as he walked. Everyone's eyes rested on him while he continued towards his CEO's office. After being paged to meet him for a private conference, the redhead knew that he was going to get fired- although he hadn't don't anything to get fired for. Reaching the door, he knocked twice, before the man told him to come in. Opening the door, emerald eyes gawked at his old friend. "Itachi?!" The raven smirked, beckoning him in at which Kyuubi did as told. The door closed, as Kyuu found his seat across from Itachi. "What- What are you doing here, in Arizona?!"

"This is one of my companies, Kyuu. I decided to fly here, after finding out you worked for me so we could talk-"


"-Naruto and Sasuke." The redhead sat stiffly in his seat, but his eyes held nothing but complete interest in the raven. "Lately- well more like since Naruto left 3 years ago, Sasuke has been upset and refusing to move on in life. He's making our company headquarters in Konoha slowly fail, because he's still stuck in the past. And I need you, to find out if your brother is talking to anyone else. Keep him single as long as you can, and when I feel the time is right..." He smiled, which startled the latter. "...I'll send Sasuke over here to Arizona, so they can rekindle what they lost. Can you do this for me?" Kyuubi shook his head. Although he didn't like the idea of having that jerk back in his brother's life- it was quite evident that Naruto was still madly in love with him after all these years. And Kyuubi didn't wanna mess that up for him.

"Yeah, I'll do it."

"Good. Go home, find anything that might have something to do with Naruto trying to find love in someone else, and sabotage it! Do whatever you got to do, to keep him single." The redhead nodded, before walking out of the office.




Kyuubi walked into his home from a days work. His emerald eyes analyzing his surroundings, while he tossed his satchel into a nearby chair. Kicking his shoes off at the doorway, before stalking up the stairs toward Naruto's room. "Naruto?...Little bro, you here?" He inquired with a concerned undertone, pushing the door open once he reached the top of the stairs. He searched around the room for his brother, until those glistening emerald eyes fell upon the abandoned laptop. He immediately rushed over to its aid, and opened the computer, smirking at the newly divulged information.

So Naru-Kun has a little chat buddy...Let me check this guy out.

He typed on the computer, with a devious smirk on his face.

SexyLove: Lmao! Your so funny. Are you a guy or girl?

Kyuubi looked around the account some more until he realized his mistake. Naruto sent out invitations for male brunettes. He face palmed himself, and frantically hit the keys again.

SexyLove: Damn I'm stupid. Your a guy, because he sent you an invitation...Kami why?!

Midnight_Seduction: He?...Kami? You speak Japanese?

SexyLove: Oh, I mean Me!...yeah!...Use to live there...

Kyuubi sighed. He didn't want his cover to be blown. It was quite amusing that he could toy with Naruto's little friend. It gave him an exceeding rush of entertainment.

Midnight_Seduction: Are you a blonde by any chance?

Kyuubi laughed at that. So their relationship isn't that deep.

SexyLove: No, I'm a red-head.

Midnight_Seduction: Oh...That's nice to know.

SexyLove: What's wrong with blondes? You don't like them.

Midnight_Seduction: It's not that, I just had a bad encounter with one before that's all.

SexyLove: What happened?

Kyuubi became intrigued with the man...the mysterious raven. What happened between him and a blonde that caused him to be so eerie around them. Suddenly a buzz went off to alert him that he received a message.

Midnight_Seduction: I don't want to talk about it.

Kyuubi rolled his eyes at the message, pulling out his phone when the electronic device began to vibrate against his butt cheek. "Hello?"

"Hey Kyuubi, it's Naruto...Could you come get me from work, please?" Kyuubi glanced at the digital clock on Naruto's nightstand, before averting his attention back to the conversation with his brother.

"But I thought your shift ended at 6. It's only 3 in the afternoon-"

"-Please Kyuubi...I...I just wanna come home." The red-head sighed in sympathy.

"Okay, I'm on my way." He hung up the phone and typed in a message to the raven.

SexyLove: Okay. Hey, I gotta go. Lets talk another time.

SexyLove has left the chatroom.

He logged out so Naruto wouldn't know he was meddling in his personal life. Placing the laptop back in the exact position he found it in.

What Naruto doesn't know won't hurt him...Right?

And to this day, the entire time, Kyuu wanted what was best for his brother- and Sasuke was obviously the only one that could bring back his happiness. Although, he didn't like the idea of allowing the bastard to come back into Naruto's life, and possibly hurt him all over again- Itachi did have a point. Sasuke was moping around all day long, while Naruto did the same. After 3 years, they still couldn't stop loving one another, and that would've made Kyuubi a terrible brother to hold them away. "Fuck! Stupid Uchiha!" He cursed out loud, throwing his glass of liquor against the wall to watch it shatter. Sulking in the recliner, he took another drag of his blunt, continuing to let his mind roam through the memories that cost him to loose yet another family member of the two that he had left.

Kyuubi laid on his bed, watching a rerun of Spongebob Squarepants, when his phone abruptly began to ring. He looked down at the caller ID, immediately recognizing the number.

It was Itachi calling.

Rolling his shimmering emerald eyes, Kyuu answered the phone. "What do you want now?"

"Now, that's not really a nice way to great your boss, and former best friend, now is it?" Kyuubi rolled his eyes once again, as he practically heard the smirk on Itachi's devious face. "Let Sasuke come and stay at your place so they can get over this moping state. It's quite annoying, to see my little brother so down. Which is highly ironic, coming from me-"

"-Are you stupid?! I will not let him do anything of the sort!"

"Do this for Naruto! Let Sasuke stay with the both of you."

"Leave Naruto out of this!" Kyuubi shot up from his bed, and clenched the cellphone in his grasp. "Listen here! Naruto, will have nothing to do with that jackass! So stop calling my house Itachi, before I have you arrested for harassment!" The raven chuckled.

"Harassment? Kyuu, I haven't begun to harass you yet." He retorted. "We made an agreement to bring those two back together- don't bail out on my now!" The red-head slightly winced at that, falling backwards on his bed before he sat upright once more. "We have a deal!

"Sasuke, is not welcomed here."

"But he needs a place to stay, when I send him to Arizona to see Naruto! And the closer he is to him, the quicker they can fix whatever they have for one another-"

"I don't give a damn if he needs a place to stay over here. You have money, buy him a fucking hotel!"

"This is how you treat me, now? Hn, should've known you Uzumaki's are all the same."

"What do you mean?!" Kyuubi inquired in shock. That guy knew nothing about his family- or maybe he did.

"I'm your best friend!- Well, at least I use to be-"

"-Itachi that's the past."

"Just let him stay with you, until this all blows over! Think of this, as payment for your grandfather's bills that he owes to my father." Kyuubi knew that that had been a lie. Knowing Itachi, he'd already paid for those medical bills, after Naruto slept with Sasuke all those years ago.

"I don't want your lowlife brother in my home, not after what he did to Naruto." Kyuu answered back solemnly. Sudden his bedroom door was kicked open, revealing an enraged Naruto. "Naruto?!" He jumped from being startled, dropping the phone upon the floor. His emerald eyes wide in fear, at the sight of his younger brother's cerulean eyes beading into him. "What...what are you doing home?-"

"-I should be asking you that question? What are you doing?-"

"-Ummm...You know just talking with friends about our night out-"

"-Don't fucking play with me, Kyuu." The blonde growled dangerously. "Why are you talking to Itachi? And how do you know about what happened in Konoha?!" Naruto clenched his jaw tightly, flaring his nose as Kyuubi narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Somethings you don't need to know or understand, Otouto." The blonde felt his angry visage submerge slightly behind a visage of shock. Since the 3 years, Naruto has been living here, not once had his elder brother spoke to him or used words in their native language. Kyuubi rose from his bed, his lean body shown perfectly in vibrant sunlight, which maneuvered their way through his slightly closed blinds. Stalking towards Naruto, the redhead glared at him, jostling pass the blonde who whipped around and grasped his wrist firmly.

"What the hell is going on?!" Kyuubi refused to acknowledge his brother, as the blonde panted desperately for breath. "Why is Itachi calling here?! What does this have to do with Sasuke?!-"

"-Like I said!.." Kyuubi whipped around, snatching his arm away from his brother. "...There are some things you don't need to know!-"

"-Like what?! We're brothers Kyuubi! You should be able to tell me anything!" Kyuubi's eyes widened as those words attacked his eardrums. Kyuubi scoffed at that, before turning his back towards Naruto.

"Hm, I thought the same thing when you first arrived here. You couldn't tell me about Konoha, so why must I spill my guts about Itachi and I?" Kyuubi jammed his hands into each pocket. Sporting navy blue skinny jeans, white and blue Adidas, and an azure tank-top; the sexy redhead commenced in descending the stairs. "...Obviously, we're not brothers then."




Now sitting alone in his home, made him realize that that was the breaking point of their brotherly bond. So many things had broken them apart, and they always managed to come back together. However, Kyuubi felt that this was the finally straw for them. But there was only one person he knew that could fix this mess and make it right. So he called him.

"Hello?" That devious voice erupted from the phone, making the redhead more enraged with himself.

"Hey, Itachi...You still up on that offer to sent Sasuke to Arizona?" Kyuubi rolled his eyes, since he could practically hear that stupid smirk on Itachi's face.

"Ah, so you finally decided to come to your senses. What happened? Naruto knock it into you, or is the vodka and weed making you do this?" Kyuubi's eyes widened incredulously.

"How-How did-"

"-We were best friends for 17 years. I think, I know you well enough. And to answer your other question, I do still think it's best for my little brother to go see the love of his life, and realize that I will do anything to see him happy-"

"-Tsk. All you've ever done was make everyone's life miserable-"

"-On the contrary, Kyuu. I actually love my baby brother, and I've always loved you as well." Kyuubi frowned. "Yes, yes I know- go ahead and lie about yourself being straight, it just makes it more amusing to chase you." There was a long awkward silence after that. "I'll have Sasuke on the next flight to Arizona, first thing in the morning."


"Take care of my little brother, Kyuu." Kyuubi sucked his teeth in exasperation, and hung up the phone.

At Sai's Home.

Naruto laid sprawled across Sai's King sized bed, while the raven haired man watched over him intently. The blonde's orange suitcase laid awkwardly against the white wall of Sai's bedroom. His hands subconsciously caressing Naruto's hair and/or scalp. Legs crossed Indian style, Sai moved closer to the sleeping blonde. Noticing how he'd occasionally tense up, with each stroke to his hair. Never in a million years, would Sai have thought that Naruto would leave the comfort of Kyuu's home and move in with him. Everything happened so fast, and he wanted to believe that this was for the better, but he couldn't. He'd finally gotten what he wanted, but had it been done the right way? "Sa...Sai?" Naruto called out in a groggy voice, while rolling over onto his backside to look at the other. Sai gave a half hearted smile, which Naruto surprisingly returned.

"Yeah, Naru."

"I...I wanna thank you for taking me in." Sai laced his fingers through Naruto's short hair, and sighed.

"Anything for you, Naru." Naruto smiled slightly, propping his body up on one elbow, while he snaked his other arm around the raven's neck. Pulling him forward until his soft pink lips ghosted over Sai's. The raven could feel Naruto's warm breath attacking his face, and he knew that kissing the blonde would be selfish of him. Naruto was currently depressed, and he needed to respect that, but a huge part of him wanted to be selfish. Because for three whole years, he'd been waiting for a chance to make the blonde his, and here he was laying in his bed brushing his lips against him. "Nar-"

"-Don't worry..." Naruto looked up into onyx eyes, while pursing his lips. "...There's no strings attached to this."

"No strings?" Naruto shook his head, allowing the raven's hands to roam his body as they kissed. Tongue swirled into his mouth, as the other sucked in the blonde's bottom lip. They kissed slowly, and passionately until they both became comfortable with the other's pace. Evolving the once innocent kiss into a more animalistic one. Sai fell back on the bed, when Naruto pushed him backwards. Straddling the raven, before attacking his lips in another fierce kiss. The raven's hands grabbed the blonde's zipper, and yanked it down, pulling away from the blonde to ask if this was something that he wanted. Naruto didn't deny him, and that's all he needed for consent. The last thing Naruto remembered from that day, before his mind went completely blank; was Sai sliding into him.


At the Uchiha's Manor.

Sasuke laid dumbfounded on the bed. His hands folded behind him upon the queen sized mattress. He'd been laying like this for the past 5 hours, since he got the message from SexyLove saying: that the guy his video chatted with wasn't really him. It was as if Karma wasn't done punishing him for making Naruto suffer all those years ago. "Fuck my life."

"Now why would you say that, little brother?" Itachi teased, while leaning against the doorframe. "You're giving up too soon-"

"-Giving up on finding love after 3 years, is too soon!?" Sasuke exclaimed. "Itachi, I don't need you patronizing me right now! I'm going through too much in my life for you to make it worse!" Itachi snorted. "Just let me give up-"

"-Then what kind of brother would I be, if I did that?" Sasuke frowned. "Plus, I just got off the phone with an old friend-"

"-And?! If you're trying to hook me up with your friend, forget about it-"

"-Oh no. He's off limits. I'm sending you to Arizona first thing in the morning, to go stay with him for some months until, I can fix the mistakes you made in the company."

"What?! Why would you send me to a stranger's home?! Mother won't stand for this!-"

"-Oh but she did. She agreed it'd be for your own good, since this guy is not only a former friend..." Itachi turned to make his leave. "...He's also the older brother of your precious, Uzumaki." Sasuke's eyes widened.

"Na...Naruto?!" Itachi nodded stiffly.

"Now what kinda of brother would, I be if I let you give up on love?" Sasuke could feel his heart pounding against his chest! This couldn't really be possible! Itachi, had found the one person in his life that he'd fell truly in love with? If Itachi was playing some sick joke on him, he'd never forgive him; but Sasuke chose to believe that Itachi wouldn't be that cruel to him.

After 3 whole years, he was finally going to reunite with his Dobe.