The Wedding (Epilogue)

"Peter, PLEASEEEEEEEEE." Peter groaned as Wendy danced around in her bright blue dress. "You need to wear a suit to!"

"I'm fine in my own cloths, thank you very much." Peter began to wonder just what it was like to be a boyfriend in the human world. If this was it, he hated it. He would much rather prefer Never land's version, where he got to surprise her by taking her to a new place every day, teaching her the magic of the land. Going as her date to her father's wedding wasn't his favourite thing to do. In fact, he would rather kill the pirate than this. But he wasn't going to tell Wendy that.

It had been almost 6 years since they had made the deal for Wendy to stay at never land for half her life, and in the real world for the other half. Now Wendy was 20 years old, and Peter was 21. In never land they had managed to find another group of lost boys, but thanks to some work of Wendy Never land was no longer the feared place it had been before. Now no one was hunted or forced to kill. The boys enjoyed their time there, and with Peter's permission were even allowed to move from world to world. It had bugged Peter at first but he got over it. It made it easier for him to go on adventures. Of course taking away the immortality had been an effort. He thought he was going to go insane after he started getting taller for the first time in years. But in the end he got over it, and now everyone grew and aged just like they would before. Lucky for him and Wendy the aging didn't start from how old they actually were but how old their bodies were. Wendy managed to enjoy her time in Never land, and loved her time there as equally as she did in The Enchanted forest.

Back in the enchanted forest everything had also taken another turn for the better. Of course there had been a few enemies and close calls on the way. They still weren't done with all of them. Hook had finally worked his way into Emma's heart and after a long time, (too long in Peter's opinion) had proposed. Now after who knows how long the two of them were finally on their wedding day. Wendy was one of the bridesmaids, with her brother Henry as the groomsmen. Along with them there was Ruby, Belle, Rumplestislkin and Jefferson. (Somehow he and Hook had become the best of friends. Maybe it was their thief like nature or their similar daughter problems. No one really knew) they would have had Charming and Snow to, but they said the parents shouldn't be the bridesmaid and groomsmen. Peter had been given an invitation, to his surprise, but had not been trusted with anything other than showing up with Wendy in one piece. And not killing anyone.

Wendy pouted, but it was almost impossible for her to look angry in that baby blue dress with a large flower belt and her hair done up like an angel. All the dirt had been washed away in one night, and now she looked just like any other grown woman. Even though Peter didn't want to admit it, she was beautiful.

"Please, pretty please! You will look great!" even though she still acted like a child.

"Wendy-bird, I don't care if wearing one of those suits would make me the most powerful wizard anyone in every world has ever seen, I wouldn't wear one of those monkey-suits to the day I die!" Peter ignored the indignant huff that came from a butler walking past in the banquet hall. "Besides, we are at the banquet already. What am I supposed to do?"

"Oh we both know you can get a tux and be back in five seconds Peter!" He didn't comment. "Do be reasonable, It's my father's wedding. Can't you at least try to dress for the occasion? It's tradition!" Peter shook his head.

"Not to the day I die, like I said," he would have continued if the door hadn't opened to allow in two more guests.

"Hey sis, Peter. What are you guys doing?" Henry walked over with his younger stepbrother Roland in tow. The younger boy seemed just as uncomfortable with the idea of a suit as he was, itching at his tie and pulling at the cuffs constantly. Henry on the other hand was fine with the suit, wearing it as if it was a second skin. "You look great Wendy."

"Thanks Henry, you to. And Roland, you look so handsome," Wendy said trying to encourage him to not tear the suit apart to no avail. The younger boy just glared up at her with a look that said, don't patronize me. His pout was both annoying and absolutely adorable. Henry looked to Wendy for help and she tried to continue. "Really, you look great! The most handsome boy I've ever seen!"

"HEY!" Peter grunted, offended at the idea. Wendy ignored him angering him even more. He almost missed the days when she feared him. Than he could make her do anything he wanted. He sighed at the memory. Under his breath he mumbled, "I would look better if I wore one of those suits." Wendy raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh really? Do you want to test that theory?" Peter grunted and turned away. Like the child he was he refused to admit he cared if it was true or not. Henry, who was used to his behaviour by now, went back to trying to convince Roland to keep the suit on before his mother came.

"Roland, it looks awesome. You look just like a prince!" he perked up a bit at that so Henry tried even harder. "Not just that, you look like a knight! A warrior who has just come from battle!"

Roland's normal bright smile appeared on his face. "Really? Like my papa on his wedding?" No one was sure if he meant his wedding with Marian years ago or his new mother Regina, but they all nodded anyway. Except for Peter.

"No, your dad's suit was brown when he married Marian. And then had a tie when he married Regina." Roland frowned and glanced down at his bowtie while Henry and Wendy both stared at Peter. "What? I get bored sometimes. Weddings have good food." The two of them just looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Is the food going to be really good?" Roland asked, pulling himself up into his chair next to his step…step sister? Roland had given up on trying to label his new family. There was just too many of them. Peter nodded with the first genuine grin he had shown that whole evening.

"Oh yeah. Wedding food is awesome. Just wait for the cake." Roland grinned up at him and leaned back, trying to mimic his position. Over the years Roland had come to admire the lost boy leader. He wasn't particularly evil anymore, so his father had no problem with him hanging out with him. It did worry the rest of them though when Peter sometimes considered bringing him to never land for a visit. Peter said it was the best way he would ever start to be accepted by her very large family, but she always said no.

Of course Peter was still a monster. He was selfish, deceitful, and just a nasty person. But the difference was, he had started to chance. Wendy, apparently had become a good influence on him. He didn't kill people any more. He stopped ruining people's lives for the fun of it. Now Wendy seemed to find more healthy ways to pass his time, like going to a new world to explore, or solving the mystery of who stole the giants gold, or find the lost flute in a new world. Peter really liked that one. He always one in the end. But because of his newfound goodness, the rest of Story Brooke slowly began to accept him as well. Henry and Roland accepted him first, both of them still being kids and Henry remembering only the good times, Roland not having any previous memories of him. Next was Robin Hood, Belle and Snow. Robin never knew him and was happy with him helping take care of his son. Belle and Snow both believed in giving people second chances. Eventually, Charming, Emma and even Hook decided to give him a chance. Hook had been a monster himself, and knew what it was like to try crawl out of the darkness. Emma just followed Hook's lead, and Charmin followed hers. The only people who were yet to forgive him where Regina and Rumpelstiltskin. It took a lot for the two of them to forgive anyone, and Peter had threatened the lives of both their sons, Neal and Henry. But he didn't worry too much for it. They didn't bother him if he didn't bother them.

"What is your dad doing for the mother son dance," Peter whispered to Wendy. "He doesn't have a mom anymore. Not sure if he ever did." Wendy glared and hit him on the shoulder while he laughed.

"Peter pan, don't be rude! I say, sometimes I think that you never change." Everyone at the table knew the answer to that one. He never did. "But I'm not sure. Emma is dancing with her father, and I think she is even dancing with Henry. That could count as the father mother dance I guess."

"But Henry's not the groom. If he was, that would be disturbing. Like the tenth world I told you about." He shivered at the thought. The last time he had seen that happen was when he went to this one world who also enjoyed eating human flesh for desert. Wendy shivered, remembering when Peter had told her that story.

"Oh please do not bring up such memories. They are just so disturbing." Peter chuckled as Wendy continued to complain. Even after all the years she had been away, she still had never lost her strong British accent. It was adorable, but he would never tell her that. It would make her get a big head.

"And now," the announcer, Sydney began. Regina had hunted him down and trapped him in her mirror once again just for this occasion. His voice was full of cheer, but he didn't look so happy. "For the father daughter dance. Would everyone please take their seats as the two of them walk to the centre of the dance floor." all her siblings, and Peter, looked at each other confused.

"I thought mom already danced with grandpa," Henry said, now used to referring to them as that. Roland just looked around confused, while Wendy shrugged and Peter shook his head. But Emma wasn't the one to walk up to the dance floor. Instead, Hook stood up from his table, gave Emma a quick kiss on the cheek, and then headed down to the centre of the room.

Then he headed over to Wendy. As he got closer Wendy realized what was going on and could barely contain her excitement. "Me," she squealed happily, making the people around her laugh. Hook chuckled as he reached out his hand to her.

"I don't have a mother anymore lass. Someone needs to dance with me." Wendy squealed again, taking Hooks hand and practically dragging him back to the dance floor. The two of them reached the middle of the room and Sydney started the music. As soon as it started playing, Wendy recognized the song.

"Oh, oh, this is the song that we used to play! Remember that night that we had a party on the ship?" Hook laughed and nodded. Wendy, at the memory, took Hooks hands and began to dance just like they used to. 'Isn't this just so much fun caption?' Hook remembered her saying before. And the two of them danced their own jolly little jig. They didn't care that it wasn't fancy enough for the setting that they were in. they didn't care that the royals had absolutely no clue what they were doing. It was their dance. And it made them happy.

As they danced, Hook recalled that time long ago when he thought he had lost her forever. He thought of all the things that he had thought of in that moment. How he had pulled her out of the water. When she loved to learn to fight or tell stories. All of the good times that they had. Except this time, it was different. They were safe. He didn't fear for her life anymore, he knew she was going to be alright. Wendy was happy, he was happy, even peter was happy.

The two of them weren't the same people. He wasn't the angry pirate hungry for revenge. She wasn't the scared little girl who had been held prisoner in a never ending world. Everything had changed. It felt like the blink of an eye, but it had. The evidence was there. They weren't worthless, lost people anymore. Now they realized they never had been.

They were so much more. They had hope, they had a home, and they had goals and dreams that for the first time they had a chance at reaching. Hook was married to Emma and lived in a castle working with kings and queens. Wendy was with Peter, traveling worlds and seeing sights she had only dreamed of before. The pirate and his daughter were safe and happy. And they always would be.

As Hook thought this, Wendy giggled. Hook looked down at her to see the smile on her face. She looked just like she did years ago, just like a child with pure joy. For the first time, he wondered if his smile matched her own. And he smiled.

And the pirate danced with his daughter. And they all lived happily ever after.

The end. (For real this time) yay! Everyone's happy! The endings a little cheesy, but I thought it fit the 'once upon a time' theme. Thank you all so much for all of your encouraging reviews and for continuing to read. I hope you enjoyed Wendy's Pirate Father.