As the fire burned the mansion away, a blond boy missing an eye stood in the entrance hall. The smoke burned in his only eye. The memory of the beautiful young girl's blessing was still fresh in his mind. Not only did he bless her, but she gave him her blessing as well…
"Aya…" a tear fell down his bloodied cheek while the old house burned around him. In the distance, he could see the sun rising over the hill. His Aya stood at the top, watching the building that she grew up in burn to ashes. "How cruel," he muttered to himself. "Tease me with the most beautiful thing I've ever seen just before I die. She will be lost to me forever now."
The flames danced around him, burning his pale skin black. He cringed as the sun rose higher, illuminating the burning building. As soon as the light of the sun hit him, he expected to die. Instead, he felt its warmth, and the fire around him became painful. All the experiments around him collapsed: dead.
So why didn't he die?
Aya slowly turned away from the house, and suddenly, Dio realised why was alive.
Aya's blessing had brought him back to life.
He ran out of the house, the flames reaching out to grab him, trying to drag him back. When he made it to the top of the house, he bolted for the top of the hill. "AYA!"
A/N: Hey, so this is like the shortest fanfic I've ever written. BUT THESE GUYS ARE ONE OF MY FAVOURITE OTPs OK LOVE YA BYE.