I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW I should be working on Lost Justice, but I've hit a MAJOR writer's block, and so I was browsing deviantART to find some inspiration, and I saw an animation that I judt HAD to write a fic for, and I whipped this little guy up! If anybody would like to see the animation, let me know in the comments!

Disclaimer: I never have, and never will own Young Justice, or this song. I wish I could, but I won't.

Kaldur was swimming in the Mt. Justice pool one morning, as was his daily routine. The radio was on, which was quite unusual, but he didn't mind.

As he was going around on his last lap, (the hundredth one,) he heard a song that caught his attention. It was odd, but also strangely addictive and pleasant.

As the song progressed on, Kaldur became attracted more and more to the fascinating tune. He had not heard a song like this before, but he felt a desire for more.

After drying off and putting on civvies, he made sure no one was in the mountain before speaking to the computer. "Computer, search 'Cyborg's Theme Song', and play." Kaldur bobbed his head to the music lightly before whipping out a pair of sunglasses and he started singing along, but adding his own name.

"When there's trouble, you know what to do...

"Call Aqualad!

"He can shoot a rocket from his shoe...

"'Cause he's Aqualad!

"Dada do da, something like that!

"Na na na na, big fluffy cat..."

He started dancing, and in his moment of un-Kaldur-ly-ness, he didn't hear the Zeta-Beams activate and read out the designations. "Recognized: Robin-B-Zero-One, Kid Flash-B-Zero-Three, Artemis-B-Zero-Seven."

The three heroes were chatting and Wally was eating a chocolate bar as they walked into the cave, but that was silenced as they saw their usually stoic, calm leader doing a crazy dace and singing a very…odd song.

Robin wasted no time in pulling out his Bat-upgraded-iPhone and hitting the record button. Artemis could only blink and Wally's jaw dropped mid-chew, allowing some chocolate to escape his mouth. Robin cackled behind his hand. This was gonna be VIRAL on youtube!

So...Tell me what you think, and questions are always welcome! Don't forget to take the poll on my profile!

Laterz~ randomkitty101