A continued request.
This is part 15, hope you enjoy it.

Outside was very sunny, and this is the kind of weather that Harlow Thomas enjoyed. She kept her hand in Roman's, not thinking about leaving him. It stopped feeling weird, but she couldn't help but scan the area every now and then. No doubt, Roman would beg her to stop doing it. But it would prove difficult in Harlow's mind, so she decided to just leave the issue. "Now that I am part of your group, what do I have to do?" Harlow asked.

"You carry on as you did, as a great champion." Roman answered. He smiled, no one had ever asked him about what to do when it comes to being in a group. "The difference this time would be that you have us supporting you, which isn't a bad thing." He added.

Thinking about it, the female never suggested that it was bad having people in her corner. She stopped, which made the male stop as well. "No, but I just worry about how people would react when they see that you are helping me out." Harlow confessed. Knitting her eyebrows together, she breathed in. "It will probably make me feel like an incompetent champion, which I don't want to be." She explained.

Roman was confused, his spare hand touched her face gently. "You are a great champion, I know that you can do well." Roman assured her. He had been watching the matches that she had fought, and he couldn't picture her being bad. "We will not get involved, because I know that you are capable of standing up for yourself." He reasoned.

Relaxing her facial features, the champion gently hid her lower lip. "If you insist." Harlow stated. Realising his touch on her face, she held his wrist. "But you do understand why I think that, right?" She checked.

"Because it happens each time, when stables cheat to win." Roman answered. He knew that, he understood her reasoning behind that. "I promise you Harlow, The Shield win fair and square each time." He vowed.

Harlow was relieved, he did understand her. "Good, at least we are on the same page." Harlow commented. She planted a quick kiss to his cheek, and then got ahead of the Samoan.

Roman Reigns caught up to her, taking her hand carefully. "Be in our corner, and then we can show you that the team are capable of defeating others." Roman invited.

The female wrestler smiled, she didn't have to go out and see it for herself. "Only if you want me to be there with you guys, I don't want to ruin your style." Harlow replied. She giggled, feeling at ease once again. "I'll get involved if someone tried to interfere, Roman." She warned him.

Shrugging his shoulders, Roman didn't have any problems. "Seems fair, I trust you to be good in our corner." Roman responded. He playfully poked her nose, listening to Harlow giggle again. This was what he wanted to see, Harlow Thomas being more open and trusting around him. So far, the walls were breaking again. "Harlow, this is what I love about you." He added.

"This is simply because I trust you now, so I will be more relaxed around you." Harlow explained. Playfully, she poked his cheek and then pulled his arm back as her arms decided to go around his body. "I don't think there will be any more surprises from me, unless I am opened up a bit more." She pointed out.

Roman was already surprised, he never expected her to be this way. "What can I say?" Roman wondered. He wasn't sure what the next step was for him, but it had to be good. "I don't really know what to say or do right now, this is different." He confessed.

Laying a finger on his lips, Harlow Thomas had a smile on her lips. "Just go with it, Roman. It will come to you." Harlow advised. Before Roman could open his mouth to get a word in, the champion went one step further and pulled the Samoan in. She kissed his lips, feeling his hands touching her waist.

Roman had never experience Harlow do this, so he took her advice and went with the flow. He kept her body close, forgetting that they were in public. This kiss was many things, he kept it up with her. Words couldn't describe how he was feeling right now, he thought that he succeeded in breaking her walls completely. For now, that remained a mystery. Pulling his lips back, the male considered her eyes and sensed that there was no regret. "And that was one thing I didn't think would happen right then." Roman commented.

Harlow laughed, touching Roman's chest. "It was going to happen anyway." Harlow insisted. She breathed out calmly, feeling better than before. "Let's keep moving, we have much to do today." She said.

Lifting his eyebrow up, the Samoan let the female lead the way to somewhere different. The kiss remained in his head, feeling like he finally achieved something. Smiling at what happened, he knew what was next. But it was all about time, as this was only the beginning. "Harlow, are you thinking of going further or not?" Roman queried.

"Not yet, I need more time." Harlow answered. Although it was a start, Harlow now felt like she made the right choice in letting Roman in. But not completely in yet, because there was still stuff he didn't know about her. "I hope that's OK, because I'm in no hurry." She prayed.

"I won't argue with that." Roman vowed. So far, so good. He still had a while to go, but he was even more determined to get her open further. Tonight, they would be in the same ring. Roman pictured how it would go, and it seemed to be positive. Would it go that way? The Samoan was hoping so, because it would be easier.

The champion kept a hold of Roman's hand, keeping him in tow. Thinking to herself, she did wonder if it was time that Roman knew the truth about her. Then again, was it worth hiding? It was a tough decision to make, and it seemed more appropriate to give this more time. Agreeing that she would wait longer, the wrestler knew where to go this time. "Let's look at the arena, and see where we will be." Harlow suggested.

"Sounds great." Roman responded. He followed her still, enjoying the moment. It was innocent right now, but eventually it will stop being innocent. The male thought about the future, which is what he did when he felt like it. Roman saw Harlow there, more open and laughing. He thought about the length of time it would take to get there, but he didn't mind waiting patiently.

Part 16 will be due soon:)
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